Raphael - Pastores Venid - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Raphael - Pastores Venid

Pastores Venid
Pastores Venid
Emprendieron su viaje
The Virgin and Saint Joseph set out on their journey
La Virgen y San José
As was their custom they went to Вethlehem
Según costumbre tenían
To register themselves
De empadronarse en Вelén
In keeping with the census
La Virgen va encinta, larga es la jornada
It's a long journey and the Virgin is with child
Vamos a ayudarla, vamos a ayudarla
Let's help her, let's help her
Que ya irá cansada
She must be very tired
Entraron en la ciudad
They entered the city
Y fue para desconsuelo
But to their dismay
Porque no encuentran posada
They couldn't find any lodging
Estos pobres forasteros
These poor strangers
Pastores venid, pastores llegad
Come shepherds come, come shepherds come
Y adorar al niño, adorar al niño
And worship the child, worship the child
Que va a nacer ya
Who is about to be born
San José pide le admitan
Saint Joseph begged for them to be admitted
Aunque sea en un pajar
Even if it was just in a barn
Por estar la noche fría
Because the night was cold
Y no poder caminar
And they couldn't walk any further
Pastores venid, pastores llegad
Come shepherds come, come shepherds come
Y adorar al niño, adorar al niño
And worship the child, worship the child
Que va a nacer ya
Who is about to be born
Salieron de la ciudad
They left the city
Los campos a recorrer
And wandered the countryside
Porque un posadero infame
Because a wicked innkeeper
No los quiere recoger
Refused to take them in
Hallaron refugio María y José
Mary and Joseph found shelter
En un pobre establo, en un pobre establo
In a humble stable, in a humble stable
Portal de Belén
The manger of Bethlehem
A las doce menos cuarto
At a quarter to twelve
San José fue a buscar leña
Saint Joseph went to gather firewood
Para abrigar a la Virgen
To warm the Virgin
Porque de frío se hiela
Because she was freezing cold
Cuando San José encendió la luz
When Saint Joseph lit the fire
Se encontró nacido, se encontró nacido
He found that the child Jesus had been born
Al niño Jesús
The child Jesus
San José llora de gozo
Saint Joseph wept with joy
Y de esta suerte decía:
And spoke thus:
'¿Cuándo he merecido yo
'When did I deserve
Ser esposo de María?'
To be the husband of Mary?'
Pastores venid, pastores llegad
Come shepherds come, come shepherds come
Y adorar al niño, adorar al niño
And worship the child, worship the child
Que ha nacido ya
Who has now been born
A tu bendita Madre Victoria
To your blessed Mother Victoria
¡Gloria al recién nacido, gloria!
Glory to the newborn child, glory!
A tu bendita Madre Victoria
To your blessed Mother Victoria
¡Gloria al recién nacido, gloria!
Glory to the newborn child, glory!

Writer(s): Dp, Daniel Serrano Jimenez, Francisco Salazar Jimenez

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