Rapper school - Eso No Cuentas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rapper school - Eso No Cuentas

Eso No Cuentas
That Doesn't Count
Rapper School en la casa Ajam, Lima, Perú yeah, eso no cuentas
Rapper School in La Casa Ajam, Lima, Peru yeah, that doesn't count
Eso no cuentas (la promoción lunática)
That doesn't count (the lunatic promotion)
Soy como una moto por la
I'm like a motorcycle by the
Carretera escapando de una balacera
Road running away from a shooting
El pez por donde la pecera estuve
The fish where the fish tank was
Cruzando fronteras enteras por si recién enteras
Crossing entire borders just in case you just
De rimas siempre está en forma Rapper Eschool es el que te informa
Of rhymes is always in shape Rapper Eschool is the one who informs you
"¿Rajín?" en las tornas Warrior y Norick en
"Rakhine?"at the tables Warrior and Norick in
La plataforma rompiendo la horma y las normas
The platform breaking the last and the rules
Es inevitable que no mires y que no
It is inevitable that you will not look and
Transpires que tu manager como aniquila vaya dire
You sweat that your manager as annihilates is going to dire
Pídele al réferi que tu tiempo expire que si no
Ask the referee for your time to expire otherwise
Vas a parar será mejor que te retires
You're gonna stop you'd better back off
Es N-O-R-I-C-K con el Depory Wua si no sabes quién, averigua
It's N-O-R-I-C-K with the Depory Wua if you don't know who, find out
Todo lo que digo, mi experiencia amortigua
Everything I say, my experience dampens
Somos el futuro, no la nueva ni la antigua
We are the future, not the new or the old
La manía de vivir de la música sin saber qué me deparaba
The mania of living from music without knowing what was in store for me
Hip-Hop me iba entrenando, con una rama me preparaba
Hip-hop I was training, with a branch I was preparing
Todo lo que tiene que ver en mi vida tiene que ver con una movida
Everything that has to do with my life has to do with a move
Déjenme les enseño una salida
Let me show you a way out
Estuve perdido en las amanecidas, fueron muchos viajes de ida
I was lost in the dawns, it was many one-way trips
Entreno y mantengo mi ranking como un king
I train and maintain my ranking like a king
Haciéndolos aserrín en la tabla estoy click
Making them sawdust on the board I'm click
Para ti estoy harto como "yoa mic"
For you I'm fed up as "yoa mic"
Pienso en tu fin mientras prendo green
I think about your end while I turn on green
Tengo todo lo que yo no imaginé a veces la que llevo la giré
I have everything that I didn't imagine sometimes the one I'm wearing I turned
Tengo mi decisión originé
I have my decision originated
Como suponen yo no siempre gané y en mi talento nunca perdí la fe
As you suppose I didn't always win and in my talent I never lost faith
La humildad nunca se pregona se pone en práctica
Humility is never proclaimed, it is put into practice
En gente cagona se van a la lona, les cayó la pelona
In shitty people they go to the canvas, their hair fell off
Bórrate que se coman sus bromas
Don't let them eat your jokes.
Métrica técnica, química, práctica
Technical metric, chemistry, practical
Júntalo todo es promoción lunática
Put it all together is lunatic promotion
Poderío psíquico, nada que ver con rapeos típicos
Psychic power, nothing to do with typical rapping
No choques con esta escuela, ′tá garantizado que bien duro te duela
Don't clash with this school, 'it's guaranteed to hurt really hard
Esta promoción para darle candela
This promotion to give you candela
Si tienes armadura entonces póntela
If you have armor then put it on
Mientras yo tranquilo bien high
While I calm down high...
Full legalize, quizás estrenando un Apdayc
Full legalize, perhaps by launching an Apdayc
Visitando Europa hablando con "curai"
Visiting Europe talking to "curai"
Porque llevaron a los peruanos que tienen style
Because they took the Peruvians who have style...
Unos le dicen doble tempo, yo le digo acelerar el talento
Some people call him double tempo, I tell him to accelerate the talent
Cuando lo haces pa' usarlo como lo hace Gian Carlos
When you do it to use it like Gian Carlos does
Algunos lo hacen por fama y otros difaman
Some do it for fame and others defame
Yo con pana me como mi cana si chocan
Me with corduroy I eat my gray hair if they collide
Con mama, mi hermana y mi sangre que emana
With mom, my sister and my blood that emanates
Mucho cuidado que tu lengua pises, mejor cálcula qué es lo que
Be very careful that you step on your tongue, better calculate what
dices que tu vida perderás pa′ viejo no llegarás debido a que
You say your life will be lost pa' old you won't make it because
Hablaste de mi familia y lo pagarás
You talked about my family and you will pay for it
Si quieres "éntrenle" al ritmo y suena como
If you want to "get in" to the beat and it sounds like
Sueno diferente no quiere decir que sea tan bueno
I sound different doesn't mean I'm that good
Somos los monstruos que escupen veneno a
We are the monsters that spit poison at
Rapers de relleno que utilizan flow ajeno
Filler rappers who use alien flow
Hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching
Hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching
Hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching
Hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching
Hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching
Hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching, hip-hop scratching

Writer(s): Braulio Gamarra Guevara, Giancarlo Quiroz Gonzales, Jean Paul Hernando Mendoza, Miguel Angel Calle Cornejo

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