Rapper school - Nunca Fuiste - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rapper school - Nunca Fuiste

Nunca Fuiste
You Never Were
Rapper School está en la casa
Rapper School is in the house
Lima, Perú
Lima, Peru
Es la promoción lunatika niño
It's the lunatika promotion, kid
Es la promoción lunatika niño
It's the lunatika promotion, kid
En esta jungla de la escena Hip Hop ya no hay movida
In this jungle of the Hip Hop scene, there's no movement anymore
Cada quien trazo el camino para ganarse la comida
Everyone paved their own way to earn their food
Algunas perras convenidas que vinieron con caretas
Some convenient bitches who came with masks
Formaron una escena de marionetas
Formed a scene of puppets
Hablando de posiciones pero son suposiciones
Talking about positions but they're assumptions
Sus tarimas son nuestras deposiciones
Their stages are our depositions
Con ese floro barato, los años han pasado y siguen siendo novatos
With that cheap talk, years have passed and they're still rookies
A cada uno los volteo, hablan como si se merecieran un trofeo
I turn each one of them around, they talk like they deserve a trophy
Son como un sampleo feo que se repite
They're like an ugly sample that repeats itself
Y hacen que vomite cada vez que por ahí los veo
And they make me vomit every time I see them around
Ayer los vi nacer y hoy se vienen a crecer
Yesterday I saw them being born and today they come to grow
Ni siquiera pueden a su mujer estremecer
They can't even make their woman shiver
Cada vez que grabo se quedan huevones como el chavo
Every time I record, they're left stunned like Chavo
Saben como las clavo barras van para tu cara de pavo
You know how I nail them, bars go to your turkey face
No hablen más por el peso del orto
Don't talk anymore for the weight of your ass
Que en vez de bendición debieron ser un aborto
Instead of a blessing, you should have been an abortion
Esa pose tuya niño no la soporto
I can't stand that pose of yours, kid
Si fuera el sonidista ese show te lo corto
If I were the soundman, I'd cut that show short
Ni la mitad de trayectoria de lo que por aquí hay
Not even half the trajectory of what's around here
Tus temas son como mi peor freestyle
Your songs are like my worst freestyle
Bajen de las nubes que este avión está que sube
Get down from the clouds, this plane is taking off
Lo que quieras tener hijo de puta ya lo tuve
Whatever you want to have, son of a bitch, I already had it
Ya no quieren ser gangsta ni tampoco rasta
They don't want to be gangsta or rasta anymore
Quieren ser tendencia por ende otro más de la canasta
They want to be trendy, therefore one more from the basket
Si le dijeron basta al ver que no son de la casta de los masta′
If they were told enough when they saw they're not from the caste of the masters'
Constancia y disciplina cual gimnasta
Constancy and discipline like a gymnast
No a que se avasan si no los toman enserio ni en su casa
I don't know what they're getting into if they're not taken seriously even at home
Una ficha que muy fácil se reemplaza
A token that is very easily replaced
Otro que pertenece a la masa que aparenta
Another one that belongs to the mass that pretends
Con la traza con una actitud que no se disfraza
With the trace with an attitude that is not disguised
no eres el mejor, deja ese engaño
You're not the best, stop that deception
Deben sentirse muy extraño tocando una vez al año
It must feel very strange playing once a year
Niños que pretenden subirse al tren, yo no que se creen
Kids who pretend to get on the train, I don't know what they think they are
No aparenten ni mejoran, no aportan no se ensarten
Don't pretend or improve, don't contribute, don't get involved
Deja que tus éxitos hablen por tu persona
Let your successes speak for you
Que a no me impresiona solo a tu gente huevona
I'm not impressed, only your stupid people are
No muerdas la mano que te dio de comer que
Don't bite the hand that fed you because
Que tienes mucho que perder piensa bien tu proceder
You have a lot to lose, think carefully about your actions
Me causa gracia verlos peleando por posición
It makes me laugh to see you fighting for position
No si pena y no se percatan de su condición
I don't know if it's pity and they don't realize their condition
Quieren difusión y no transmiten emoción
They want diffusion and they don't transmit emotion
Nunca tendrán este sonido nítido
They will never have this clear sound
Rapper school si lo transmite, rimas de elite
Rapper school transmits it, elite rhymes
Es la señal que derrite todo satélite
It's the signal that melts every satellite
Que se quiten pues si no saliste de la lata
Let them get out of the way if you didn't get out of the can
Calla que para mi tu pinta fuera de la raya
Shut up because for me your appearance is out of line
No nos interesa si eres vieja o nueva escuela
We don't care if you're old or new school
Te arrancamos la cabeza, disparamos con candela
We'll rip your head off, shoot you with fire
DJP me dice que los mate sin clemencia
DJP tells me to kill them without mercy
Desde el 99 que no existe competencia
Since '99 there has been no competition
Es que me recuerdo que no hay compety
It's just that I remember there's no compety
Estamos en el serengueti
We're in the Serengeti
Pero los cazó y los como con espagueti
But I hunt them down and eat them with spaghetti
Te resulto abominable como el yeti
You're abominable to me like the yeti
Cuando río de ti viendo como presumes tu rap de confeti
When I laugh at you watching you show off your confetti rap
Se les hundió el barco, se les cayó el avión
Their ship sank, their plane crashed
Se les cagaron los planes cuando la promoción
Their plans were screwed when the promotion
Hace su aparición por la puerta grande
Makes its appearance through the big door
Agachen la cabeza pa que los patrones manden
Bow your heads so the bosses can command
Van de maleantes son bastantes típicos arrogantes
They go from thugs, they are quite typical arrogant
Nada de interesantes, se creen importantes
Nothing interesting, they think they're important
Pero tienen que echarse grasa con los elegantes
But they have to grease up with the elegant ones
Que ponen la baya arriba desde "Tiren pa' lante"
Who put the berry up from "Tiren pa' lante"
Estamos en el rap de por vida
We are in rap for life
Estamos en el rap, estamos en el rap de por vida
We are in rap, we are in rap for life
Estamos en el rap de, estamos en el rap de por vida
We are in rap, we are in rap for life
Estamos en el rap, estamos en el rap de por vida
We are in rap, we are in rap for life
No puedes decir que volviste si nunca fuiste
You can't say you came back if you never were
En esta cancha solo juega el que resiste
In this field, only the one who resists plays
Hablas de lo que no viste
You talk about what you didn't see
Crees que se te cree por lo que vistes
You think you're believed for what you wear
Resultas indeseable como un quiste
You're undesirable like a cyst
Sin avisar para que no te alistes te chapamos tercio
Without warning so you don't get ready, we'll catch you off guard
Sin máscaras asaltamos tu comercio
Without masks we assault your business
Pa′ ti una excusa para nosotros es el oficio
For you an excuse, for us it's the trade

Writer(s): Braulio Norick Gamarra, Jose Giancarlo Quiroz

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