Rapper school - Tanganazo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rapper school - Tanganazo

Yo que te carcome el cuerpo
I know it eats away at your soul,
Al verme respirar correr por párrafos
Seeing me breathe, run through paragraphs,
Oír mi voz si voy veloz en el rimar
Hearing my voice as I speed through rhymes,
Inventas el no que,
You invent who knows what,
Mi rap es yo solo se,
My rap is just me, you see,
La envidia la defequé,
I defecated envy,
Con la fe yo la solté,
With faith I let it go,
Tu orgullo es el capullo del murmullo
Your pride is the cocoon of murmur,
Que se sale cuando
That comes out when,
Pide vida en vida
It asks for life in life,
Que es aplauda lo que vale
That what's worthy is applauded,
Dale que mi gente siente cuando el diablo tienta
Come on, my people feel it when the devil tempts,
Desde el nueve nueve apesta, envidia lo que inventan
Since ninety-nine it stinks, envy what they invent,
Morirán de envidia
They'll die of envy,
Mientras mi familia va crecer
While my family will grow,
Yo canto para el público
I sing for the public,
Es el único que va escoger
They're the only ones who will choose,
Ya va nacer
It's about to be born,
Quiere correr
It wants to run,
Rapero del momento ser
Be the rapper of the moment,
Escribe lo que vive
Write what it lives,
Pero si lo que quisiera ser
But if it's what it would like to be,
Critican lo que canto
They criticize what I sing,
Cuando al público levanto
When I lift the public,
Y si es que mueven la cabeza
And if they move their heads,
Me critican porque tanto
They criticize me for so much,
Critican lo que escribo
They criticize what I write,
Lo que digo lo que siento
What I say, what I feel,
Pero ve la diferencia
But see the difference,
Que mi ciencia no te miento
That my science doesn't lie to you,
Y escoba!!!
And broom!!!
Pa' la que no innova por la letra boba
For the one who doesn't innovate, for the silly lyrics,
Somos lo que pegan
We are what sticks,
Y el culito también soban
And they also rub their asses,
Referencia rap peruano
Peruvian rap reference,
Dando clásico a básicos, trifásicos
Giving classics to basics, three-phase,
De verbo elástico convierte en plásticos
From elastic verb it converts to plastics,
Si chocas!!!
If you crash!!!
me das la mano
You shake my hand,
Y primo mueres por la boca
And cousin, you die by the mouth,
Soy tu nuevo tema
I'm your new topic,
Y tu esperanza se sofoca
And your hope suffocates,
Mucho bla bla bla que tu rapeas
A lot of blah blah blah that you rap,
No se niega
It's not denied,
Pero la escuela rapera te enseña cómo se llega
But the rapper school teaches you how to get there,
Yo no creo que tengan nada que hacer
I don't think they have anything to do,
Y por eso se dediquen hablar mal
And that's why they dedicate themselves to talking bad,
No me sacaran de quicio
They won't get me out of my mind,
Porque a base de mi sacrificio
Because based on my sacrifice,
Yo he conseguido lo que tengo actualmente
I have achieved what I currently have,
Por eso digo
So I say,
Yo no te debo nada así que normal
I don't owe you anything, so it's normal,
no me vistes
You didn't dress me,
Ni tampoco me alimentas
Nor did you feed me,
Así que mejor cierra el pico
So you better shut your beak,
Y no hagas que te reviente el hocico
And don't make me bust your snout,
Que yo estoy aquí porque quiere la gente
I'm here because people want me to,
Así que ya sabes.
So you know.
De cuando acá yo soy tu batería
Since when am I your battery,
Si tu vienes con tu patería
If you come with your drum kit,
Después que hablas porquería hipocresía
After you talk crap, hypocrisy,
Lo que sale de tu hocico
What comes out of your mouth,
Anda ve y acúsame con tu mama como el llorón de Kiko
Go and accuse me with your mom like Kiko's crybaby,
Tu coba no va
Your flattery doesn't go,
La barro con mi escoba casanova
I sweep it with my casanova broom,
Te robas un rabo por una loba
You steal a tail for a she-wolf,
Del sarro entre tu sonrisa me estresa
The tartar between your smile stresses me,
Media vuelta
About face,
Por donde viniste regresa
Go back where you came from,
Sos puñalero ponzoñero carroñero
You're a backstabber, poisoner, scavenger,
Aquí no finjas que eres compañero
Don't pretend you're a companion here,
que te mueres de celos
I know you're dying of jealousy,
Que te jalas pelos
That you pull your hair out,
Para que me llegue la hora del duelo
So that the hour of my duel will come,
Pero mi límite es el cielo
But my limit is the sky,
Y el tuyo el suelo
And yours is the ground,
Llego el halcón a su balcón
The hawk arrived at its balcony,
Pajaritos cojan vuelo
Little birds take flight,
De tontos no tenemos ni un pelo
We don't have a single hair of fools,
Y si por nosotros fuera te haríamos la ley de hielo
And if it were up to us, we'd make you the ice law,
Vaya más pa' allá
Go further over there,
Que por aquí tu no encajas
Because you don't fit in here,
La batería es Iakache
The battery is Iakache,
Y tu paras en pajas
And you stop at straws,
No me achicopalo
I don't shrink,
Cuando ponen care' malo
When they put on a bad face,
Porque saben lo que viene
Because they know what's coming,
Cada vez que yo me instalo
Every time I settle in,
Díselo a fulano y a mengano
Tell so-and-so,
Que por aquí te fumamos
That around here we smoke you,
Y nos desunamos
And we fall apart,
Igual te damos
We still give it to you,
No colaboro
I don't collaborate,
Con los que hablan como loro por un foro
With those who talk like parrots in a forum,
Y buscan un tesoro de oro por el inodoro.
And look for a gold treasure in the toilet.
Yo no creo que tengan nada que hacer
I don't think they have anything to do,
Y por eso se dediquen hablar mal
And that's why they dedicate themselves to talking bad,
No me sacaran de quicio
They won't get me out of my mind,
Porque a base de mi sacrificio
Because based on my sacrifice,
Yo he conseguido lo que tengo actualmente
I have achieved what I currently have,
Por eso digo
So I say,
Yo no te debo nada así que normal
I don't owe you anything, so it's normal,
no me vistes
You didn't dress me,
Ni tampoco me alimentas
Nor did you feed me,
Así que mejor cierra el pico
So you better shut your beak,
Y no hagas que te reviente el hocico
And don't make me bust your snout,
Que yo estoy aquí porque quiere la gente
I'm here because people want me to,
Así que ya sabes
So you know.
Se nota que tienen envidia
You can tell they're envious,
Desde que yo empecé
Ever since I started,
Si en menos tiempo de lo que llevan
If in less time than they have,
Ya los sobrepase
I already surpassed them,
Por eso van con esa cara hipócrita
That's why they go with that hypocritical face,
Regalándome saludos
Giving me greetings,
Cuando nunca me diste la mano
When you never gave me your hand,
Yo no sé!!!
I don't know!!!
Que te molesta
What bothers you,
Cuando te enteras de mi progreso
When you hear about my progress,
Vienes con envidia
You come with envy,
Hazte más pa' allá con eso
Get over there with that,
Que por esta zona eso no corre
That doesn't work around here,
O vas hacer que por completo de la movida te borre
Or you're gonna make me erase you completely from the move,
Tu veneno de tarántula
Your tarantula venom,
Guárdatela y repártela por allá con tu gentita de farándula
Keep it and share it over there with your showbiz people,
Tomate una foto para la caratula del disco
Take a picture for the album cover,
Y regálala entre todos los payasos de tu circo
And give it to all the clowns in your circus,
no representa nada
You don't represent anything,
Yo si represento
I do represent,
Y eso te calienta por eso encontrarme mie siempre inventas
And that heats you up, that's why you always invent to find me,
Intenta guardar apariencias
Try to keep up appearances,
Siempre se te escapa
It always gets away from you,
Demasiada envidia no te permite ser más solapa
Too much envy doesn't let you be more undercover,
Sonríes al frente mío
You smile in front of me,
Y me clavas cuchillos por la espalda
And you stab me in the back,
Como si no supiera que es lo que hacen
As if I didn't know what they do,
Dicen que son mis amigos
They say they're my friends,
Y vienen con comentarios falsos
And they come with false comments,
Pero yo bien que es lo que pretenden
But I know well what they intend,
Deben tener una razón
They must have a reason,
O es que no entiendo bien
Or I don't understand well,
Si sabemos lo que comentan
If we know what they're saying,
Y vienen de quien
And who they're coming from,
No soy culpable de tu fracaso
I'm not to blame for your failure,
Pero lo que me desees
But what you wish for me,
Que se te duplique por si acaso
May it be doubled just in case,
No te me juntes
Don't hang around me,
Que no se te va pegar mi magia
My magic won't rub off on you,
Pero tu cochinada
But your filth,
que se contagia
It is contagious,
Anda más pa' allá con tu sonrisa hipócrita
Go further over there with your hypocritical smile,
Que la mie que tienes por aquí no se necesita
Because the fear you have around here is not needed,
Basura de cepita
Brush trash,
Yo bien quien eres
I know who you are,
Y por eso me atrevo a decir que no avanza el Perú
And that's why I dare to say that Peru doesn't advance,
Confórmate con tu límite
Settle for your limit,
Que es el suelo
Which is the ground,
Mientras yo con mi promoción
While I with my promotion,
Vamos agarrando vuelo!!!.
We're taking flight!!!.
Morirás de envidia
You'll die of envy,
Vaya más pa' allá
Go further over there,
No soy culpable de tu fracaso
I'm not to blame for your failure,
Con los pies en la tierra
With feet on the ground,
Missile Sound
Missile Sound,
Aja! Aja!
Aha! Aha!
Y con la fe
And with faith,
Mas naa
Nothing more,
La promoción lunatika
The lunatic promotion,

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