Rapsoda - Promesas y opiniones - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rapsoda - Promesas y opiniones

Promesas y opiniones
Promises and opinions
Quiero dedicar este tema a todas las personas que prometen en vano,
I want to dedicate this song to all the people who promise in vain,
A esos listillos que opinan y creen llevar siempre la razón,
To those smarties who give opinions and believe they are always right,
Y a todos los que a pesar de todo les creen.
And to all those who believe them even so.
Va por ustedes. Gracias por inspirarme fieras
This is for you. Thanks for inspiring me, you wild beasts
Yo prometo decirte la verdad, no mas trolas,
I promise to tell you the truth, no more shit,
Ya nadie cree de mi na de na,
Nobody believes anything I say anymore,
Prometo nunca más poner los cuernos,
I promise never to cheat again,
Delinquir a llegao a su fin el malandrín ha dejao de serlo,
Delinquency has come to an end, the rogue has stopped being so,
Prometo, tomarme en serio los estudios,
I promise to take my studies seriously,
No copiar en junio y no a faltar a mi curro,
Not to copy in June and not to skip my work,
No drogarme, juro, desintoxicarme,
Not to do drugs, I swear, to detox myself,
No endeudarme, me buscan pa reventarme
Not to get into debt, they are looking for me to blow me up
Prometo, mañana mismo ir al gimnasio
I promise to go to the gym tomorrow
Bajar el barrigón confío en su último epitafio
Lose this belly, I trust in its last epitaph
Despacio, bajar este ritmo loco
Slowly, slow down this crazy rhythm
Usar condón con cada zorrón con el que mojo
Use a condom with every hoe I get wet with
No mas porros, no más alcohol.
No more joints, no more alcohol.
No jugarme el salario al póker con ordenador, no
Not to gamble my salary on poker with a computer, no
No hacer negocios con ningún matón
Not to do business with any thugs
Prometiendo lo que sea pa no acabar como un colador
Promising whatever it takes to avoid ending up like a colander
Palabras son viajeras pillan ticket para el viento
Words are travelers, they get a ticket to the wind
Y donde dije digo, digo diego si no miento,
And where I said I do, I say I don't, if I don't lie,
Te habrán contado el cuento de: "te llamo lo prometo"
They must have told you the story: "I'll call you, I promise"
Típica frase pa quitarte el muerto con respeto.
Typical phrase to get you off the hook with respect.
Promesas son impulsivas como la violencia,
Promises are impulsive like violence,
Mentiras, conllevan cargo de conciencia
Lies carry a burden of conscience
Lo prometido es deuda, intento que lo sea
What is promised is a debt, I try to keep it
Mi palabra si va a misa, pregunta a quien me rodea
My word, if it goes to mass, ask anyone around me
Opino pa que me escuches, esquivo la censura,
I give my opinion for you to listen to me, I avoid censorship,
Según uses la palabra ataca como ayuda
Depending on how you use the word, it attacks as if it helps
Opino por odio, amores, rencores,
I give my opinion out of hatred, love, and resentment,
Somos tan subjetivos como amigos o predicadores.
We are as subjective as friends or preachers.
Opinas peor de alguien si no está delante,
You give your opinion worse of someone if they are not there,
Si aparece ante ti, se traerá a tu yo farsante,
If he appears before you, he will bring out your false self,
Prejuicios, hacen desplantes y vacíos,
Prejudices cause snubs and emptiness,
Poca personalidad y la crueldad están unidos
Little personality and cruelty are united
No me fío, del típico listillo boca plato,
I don't trust the typical smart-arse who talks a lot,
Siempre tiene razón y en la cara un puñetazo.
He is always right and has a punch in the face.
Las modas, provocan gustos y opiniones
Fashions cause tastes and opinions
Pa estar al día copias, tendencias son imposiciones.
To be up-to-date you copy, trends are impositions.
La opinión es como una tienda de ropa,
Opinion is like a clothing store,
Va a la moda que toca, se encuentra hasta en la sopa
It goes with the trend, it's even in the soup
Si un trepa opina a mentira huele su boca
If a climber gives his opinion, his mouth smells of lies
Como el yonky de coca solo piensa en su roca.
Like a cokehead he only thinks about his rock.
Opinas, "minifaldas de cuello vuelto"
You say, "mini skirts with turtlenecks"
Y hermana está muy cuca, con un burka va que chuta.
And your sister looks very nice in a burqa.
Miro con lupa, y tu verdad primero.
I look closely, you and your truth first.
En mi opinión opiniones se sustentan sobre un agujero.
In my opinion, opinions are based on a hole.
Declaras a tu novia amor eterno,
You declare eternal love to your girlfriend,
Y es cierto... que le quieres poner los cuernos
And it is true... that you want to cuckold her
Según quien opine damos x bueno su crédito,
Depending on who gives his opinion, we give his credit as good
Es un defecto que tenemos ya congénito
It is a defect that we have already congenital
Ya no me fio de lo que cuentan
I don't trust what they say anymore
Las mentiras se camuflan en promesas
Lies are camouflaged in promises
Yo no confío en ti tu opinas mierda
I don't trust you, you give your opinion crap
La decepción a no fiar enseña
Disappointment teaches not to trust

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