Rapsusklei - Hip Hop Kresía - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Rapsusklei - Hip Hop Kresía

Hip Hop Kresía
Hip Hop Kresía
Pilla mis frases y compáralas...
Catch my phrases and compare them...
Con trapalas atrápalas chapa la tapa, la boca,
With traps, catch them, shut the lid, your mouth,
Loca por sus cábalas, lava las, sabanas,
Crazy for her rituals, washes the sheets,
Da pa mas, alabas a las mas Satanás.
Gives more, praises the most, Satan.
Cavas la fosa de tus recamaras... oouuu!!!
You dig the grave of your bedrooms... oouuu!!!
Tus camaradas, amarradas van con fabulas anudas,
Your comrades, tied up, go with knotted fables,
Ayudas tu con tus párvulas aduladoras,
You help with your flattering little girls,
Horas de fama y...
Hours of fame and...
Crápulas draculas,se tiran al cuello como tarántulas.
Scoundrels, Draculas, they throw themselves at the neck like tarantulas.
Yo... No soy afín al rollo pimp, bling bling para mi...
I... I'm not related to the pimp roll, bling bling for me...
Ese fin no es camino a seguir, hay mucho tontín,
That end is not the way to go, there are many fools,
Mucho vanidero en el ring y cuando suenan las campanas
Many show-offs in the ring and when the bells ring
No aparece tu team, jodido pin pin
Your team doesn't show up, damn pin pin
Fin del fin de los restos has de ensayar
End of the end of the remains you have to rehearse
Mas tus gestos un día de estos se.
But your gestures one of these days will...
De tu texto, tan frágil como la fama
From your text, as fragile as fame
Mi estilo no es porcelana,
My style is not porcelain,
Es una barra de acero en tu cara cabron.
It's a steel bar in your face, asshole.
Para todo aquel que acapara,
For everyone who hoards,
Depara al tiempo una tara por cada maldad que alava al azar
Time holds a defect for every evil that praises chance
A pesar que ya deje tus rimas viudas
Although I already leave your rhymes widowed
Rebusco en la lencería de las almas desnudas,
I search the lingerie of naked souls,
¿Aun dudas? Asmas, almas fantasmas plasmas,
Do you still doubt? Asthmas, ghost souls, plasmas,
Plagios, vuélvete a Mad Max mas al rap,
Plagiarism, go back to Mad Max but to rap,
Menos disputa yo no pillo el micro
Less dispute, I don't catch the mic
Pillo el macro hijos de puta
I catch the macro, sons of bitches
Magnas, almas fantasmas plasmas
Magnas, ghost souls, plasmas
Plagios vuélvete a Mad Max plastas
Plagiarism, go back to Mad Max, bores
Los he visto yo en todo el atlas...
I've seen them all over the atlas...
Y es que tu empiezas y ya game over os va a doler,
And you start and it's game over, it's gonna hurt,
Mi poder no es un vocoder,
My power is not a vocoder,
Te juro que no es por joder, yo...
I swear it's not to fuck around, I...
Soy un doberman, vuelvo como el boomerang corre como Foreman,
I'm a Doberman, I come back like a boomerang, run like Foreman,
No verán... de cólera se moverán comerán...
They won't see... they will move with anger, they will eat...
Y removerán lo verán pronto se joderán
And they will stir it up, they will see, they will soon fuck up
Tanto que dolerán operan, olerán,
So much that they will hurt, operate, smell,
Toleran su soberanía, soleran hablar
They tolerate their sovereignty, they used to talk
Luego que no lloverán. Se os...
Then that they won't rain. You...
Ve llegar, venerar, querer al federar, generar
See them coming, venerating, wanting to federate, generate
Jerga, denegar, renegar,
Jargon, deny, renege,
No ve regar Senegal su tierra ve negar,
He doesn't see Senegal watering its land, he sees denying,
Encenegar por nuestro enfermar...
To become blind because of our illness...
Se os a olvidao ya,
You have already forgotten,
De donde viene el mar
Where the sea comes from
De tanto querer libertad, se quieren elevar.
From so much wanting freedom, they want to rise.
Olvidar raices, felices con sus prácticas,
Forget roots, happy with their practices,
Mientras los niños fabrican las ropas
While the children make the clothes
En Southafrica China, Taiwán, Magreb o Vietnam
In South Africa, China, Taiwan, Maghreb or Vietnam
Todos somos presos materiales de esta mierda.
We are all material prisoners of this shit.
Encima queremos vivir tranquilos,
On top of that we want to live in peace,
Con kilos y kilos de odio
With kilos and kilos of hate
Decidme quien mueve los hilos...
Tell me who pulls the strings...
You!!! You!!! Diles, a todos esos pibes
You!!! You!!! Tell them, all those kids
Que mis vaciles fáciles,
That my easy jokes,
Son sus perfiles son mis proyectiles,
Are their profiles, they are my projectiles,
Son su record guiness co, no te empecines,
They are your Guinness record co, don't be stubborn,
Te flipes, te lo alucines.
Flip out, freak out.
Antes de que empieces a hablar,
Before you start talking,
Incluso opines, debes de ponerte las botas,
Even give your opinion, you must put on your boots,
Los calcetines, has de saber mi Zaragoza
The socks, you have to know my Zaragoza
No hace fitness muchos buscan beef,
He doesn't do fitness, many look for beef,
Y van de pimp y son pimpines.
And they go pimp and they are pimps.
Ja ja, hazhe, rapsus hace...
Ha ha, do it, rapsus does...
Desde que ha sido pequeño
Since he was little
Lo que le complace a mi no me para tu mierda,
What pleases me, your shit doesn't stop me,
Soy un salvaje no puedo callarme la boca,
I'm a savage, I can't shut my mouth,
Me da coraje. Mientras todos van de macas, siempre.
It makes me angry. While everyone goes from brands, always.
Hablan mierda dicen ser valiente hip hop kresia, you!!!
They talk shit, they say they are brave, hip hop kresia, you!!!
Tenlo presente hay mucho rapero co,
Keep it in mind, there are many rappers co,
Sin dos dedos de frente.
Without two fingers of forehead.

Writer(s): Cunningham Sarabia Eric Rafael, Gil Fernandez Diego

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