Rapsusklei Feat. Karty er Nene feat. Rapsusklei & Karty er Nene - Player Hater - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Rapsusklei Feat. Karty er Nene feat. Rapsusklei & Karty er Nene - Player Hater

Player Hater
Player Hater
Cuido los rumores, se lo que el niño cuenta
I take care of the rumours, I know what the kid tells
Hablan mierda, nuestro culo en venta
They talk shit, our ass for sale
¿Dónde estaba él cuando empezé en los noventa?
Where was he when I started in the nineties?
En la tripa de su maami, rodeado de placenta
In his mommy's belly, surrounded by placenta
Yo no flojeo, mi nivel aumenta
I don't flex, my level increases
Todo lo que hago 100×100 me representa
Everything I do represents me 100×100
Pero lo que hace el tonto es que me rebienta
But what the fool does is that it pisses me off
Porque la mitad de lo que cuenta se lo inventa
Because half of what he says, he makes up
Como no sabe hacer nada bién que se dedica a destruir
Since he doesn't know how to do anything well, he dedicates himself to destroying
Y cuando fuimos a por él solo supo huir
And when we went for him, he only knew how to run away
Ya ves tu, que valiente, boquita de fusil
There you see, how brave, rifle mouth
No se porque me doy más si lo tenia que induir.
I don't know why I give myself more if I had to induce it.
Mide por cada talento, más de cien envidias
Measure for each talent, more than a hundred envies
Y si estas arriba aun es más facil que te pillen tirria
And if you're on top it's even easier to get caught in anger
Pero lo nuestro es escultura y lo que hacen ellos una birria
But ours is sculpture and what they do is a mess
Por eso chilla, chilla, chilla pero mi nombre no mancilla.
That's why scream, scream, scream but my name doesn't stain.
Y cuando vengais por mi zona, ya veremos
And when you come to my area, we'll see
Si esque teneis huevos o seguis siendo unos memos
If you have balls or you're still some memos
Hablan por la espalda y se ocultan bajo falda
They talk behind my back and hide under my skirt
Para ellos guardo balas, balas, y larga espada.
For them I keep bullets, bullets, and long sword.
No se porque hablan tanta mierda de mi
I don't know why they talk so much shit about me
Quizas mis fallos les hagan feliz
Maybe my mistakes make them happy
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz
You have to tear the problem out from the root
Porque mi musica abre la cicatriz
Because my music opens the scar
No se porque hablan tanta mierda de mi
I don't know why they talk so much shit about me
Quizás es que a ellos les haga feliz
Maybe it makes them happy
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz
You have to tear the problem out from the root
Porque mi musica abre la cicatriz
Because my music opens the scar
Muchos que hablan envidia celosamente
Many who speak envy jealously
Critican sin saber de la vida de cualquier ente
They criticize without knowing the life of any being
Es tan evidente e irreal que ya me canso
It is so evident and unreal that I am tired
Mirate a ti pa saber a quien coño le llamas falso
Look at yourself to know who the hell you call fake
Tanto pussy, creen tener ussy
So much pussy, think they have ussy
Musica no es fussy
Music is not fussy
Pa fusilar, tu si
To shoot, you do
Mi piel es jacuzzi
My skin is jacuzzi
Mas tu estas sin hacer aun como el sushi
But you are still doing nothing like sushi
Tu estilo es cursi, sucio excuse
Your style is cheesy, dirty excuse
Odiadores saben a que me refiero
Haters know what I mean
Si apenas nacistes y pavos ya ponian mi rap
If you were just born and turkeys were already putting my rap
Ya no creo en.los que me dicen te quiero
I no longer believe in those who tell me I love you
Y dejaran de escucharme seguro si me corto el pelo
And they will surely stop listening to me if I cut my hair
Yo rapeo y mi rapeo es verdadero
I rap and my rap is real
Con gorra plana, gorra doblada o con un sombrero
With a flat cap, a folded cap or a hat
En realidad lo que les duele es el ego
Actually what hurts them is the ego
Para ti soy Rapsus, para mi un don nadie apodado Don Diego
For you I am Rapsus, for me a nobody nicknamed Don Diego
Llego y pliego al falso, al manso, al ganso
I arrive and fold to the false, to the meek, to the goose
Al niño que hoy ande descalzo
To the child who walks barefoot today
Entre cristales y fuegos al rojo vivo
Between crystals and red-hot fires
Solo escribo lo que siento y siento mas de lo que escribo
I only write what I feel and feel more than I write
No se porque hablan tanta mierda de mi
I don't know why they talk so much shit about me
Quizás es que a ellos les haga feliz
Maybe it makes them happy
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz
You have to tear the problem out from the root
Porque mi musica abre la cicatriz
Because my music opens the scar
No se porque hablan tanta mierda de mi
I don't know why they talk so much shit about me
Quizás es que a ellos les haga feliz
Maybe it makes them happy
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz
You have to tear the problem out from the root
Porque mi musica abre la cicatriz
Because my music opens the scar
Son una panda de mantas
They are a bunch of blankets
Les gusta el canta, canta
They like the sing, sing
Tanta poca masa quereis que parece una planta
So little mass you want that it looks like a plant
Si es verdad, yo ya e visto a ese cobarde
If it's true, I've already seen that coward
Que critica entre la gente y venderia hasta su madre
Who criticizes among people and would sell even his mother
De todas formas, si esto te parece tan facil
Anyway, if this seems so easy to you
Puedes cojer micro, papel y lapiz
You can take mic, paper and pencil
Cada vez que lo pienso critica el que menos atencion merece
Every time I think about it, the one who deserves the least attention criticizes
Parece que el pobre carece de algo y lo paga con alguien ajeno y con eso se crece
It seems that the poor guy lacks something and pays for it with someone else's and grows with that
Con buyas rotos, largas caras, mala baba,
With broken buyas, long faces, bad baba,
Cancion dedicada, una firma tachada
Dedicated song, a crossed out signature
La punta de mi aba se hincha y estalla
The tip of my aba swells and bursts
Pasate de la raya, eso no es tener agayas
Get over it, that's not having charms
Mejor coges tus medallas, tus lacayas y te callas
You better take your medals, your lackeys and shut up
Seguramente diran que he cambiado
They will surely say that I have changed
Y criticaran porque no hago lo mismo que hace diez años
And they will criticize because I don't do the same thing I did ten years ago
Me cago en su puta madre quieren que no evolucionen
I shit on their fucking mother they want me not to evolve
Que escriba mi vida en el muro de las lamentaciones
To write my life on the wailing wall
Es mi tiempo, mi esfuerzo, se bien como me siento
It's my time, my effort, I know how I feel
Y al que no me quiera que se crea todos sus cuentos
And whoever doesn't love me let them believe all their stories
Se de donde vengo y a hacia donde me dirigo
I know where I come from and where I'm going
Tu puedes odiarme ahora, yo te enseñé que era el hiphop
You can hate me now, I taught you what hiphop was
No se porque hablan tanta mierda de mi
I don't know why they talk so much shit about me
Quizás es que a ellos les haga feliz
Maybe it makes them happy
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz
You have to tear the problem out from the root
Porque mi musica abre la cicatriz
Because my music opens the scar
No se porque hablan tanta mierda de mi
I don't know why they talk so much shit about me
Quizás es que a ellos les haga feliz
Maybe it makes them happy
Hay que arrancar el problema de raiz
You have to tear the problem out from the root
Porque mi musica abre la cicatriz
Because my music opens the scar

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