Rasta - Mama - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Rasta - Mama

A on je bio mlad, ona malo mlađa
A He was young, she was a little younger
Pobegli od kuće, bilo im je dosta svađa
They ran away from home, they had had enough of quarrels
Hteli svoj svet, da dele baš sve
They wanted their world, to share everything with each other
Na njihovu su ljubav gledali svi kao greh
Everybody saw their love as a sin
Njeni rekli su joj: "Idi, ne mora ni da se vraćaš"
Her family told her: "Go away, and don't even think of coming back"
Brzo su je zaboravila čak i braća
Even her siblings quickly forgot her
Tako hodali su danima kroz grad
So they walked through the city for days
Morali su sami da pronađu stan
They had to find an apartment for themselves
Para nikad dosta, radio je dva posla
Money was always scarce, he had two jobs
Plati stan i hranu, danas sve to puno košta
To pay the rent and the food, nowadays everything costs a lot
Druga godina je prošla, jedva su se snašli
The second year passed, they barely managed to get by
Mogli su da idu preko ali tamo nisu naši
They could have gone abroad, but there we are not at home
Došao je dan, saznali su da je trudna
The day came, they learned she was pregnant
Njima je to san, znači baš prava ljubav
To them it was a dream, meaning true love
Obećo je da će biti tu uvek da ih čuva
He promised her he would always be there to protect them
Ona je zaplakala kad je prvi put svog sina čula
She started to cry when she heard her son for the first time
Tad je rek'o: "Mama, mama, mama"
Then he said: "Mama, mama, mama"
Tad je rek'o: "Mama, mama, mama"
Then he said: "Mama, mama, mama"
Tad je rek'o: "Mama, mama, mama"
Then he said: "Mama, mama, mama"
Na, na, naj, na, na, na
Na, na, naj, na, na, na
Mama, mama, mama
Mama, mama, mama
A mali nije mali, sad je već peti razred
But the little one isn't little anymore, now he is in fifth grade
Treba mu za školu, spremi lovu ništa nije džabe
He needs stuff for school, get money, nothing is free
Mnogo toga fali, dosta ne možeš da nađeš
A lot of things are missing, you can't find a lot of things
U zemlji kriminala često nestabilno stanje
In a criminal country, often an unstable situation
On je hteo puno love i da tol'ko toga ima
He wanted a lot of money and to have so many things
Da tol'ko toga ima znači mnogo kokaina
To have so many things meant a lot of cocaine
A mnogo kokaina znači to da nisi miran
And a lot of cocaine means you are not peaceful
Tek je sedmi razred, a već misli nije klinac
He was only in the seventh grade, but he already thought he was not a kid
Tako jedne noći je izbegao metak (bam-bam)
That one night he dodged a bullet (bam-bam)
Al' je znao da će doći tu po njega interventna
But he knew that the intervention would come for him
Čekao ih satima, razmišljao o svemu
He waited for them for hours, thinking about everything
Sve vreme u glavi on tad imao je kevu
All the time he had coke in his head
I mislio je može preći iznad zakona
And he thought he could go beyond the law
I posle deset dana on se javio iz zatvora
And after ten days he called from prison
Zvao je na kuću, podigla je, nije ček'o
He called home, she picked up, he didn't wait
Čuje kevu kako plače kada joj je rek'o
She hears him crying when he tells her
Halo mama, mama, mama
Hello, mama, mama, mama
I halo mama, mama, mama
And hello, mama, mama, mama
I halo mama, mama, mama
And hello, mama, mama, mama
Na, na, naj, na, na, na
Na, na, naj, na, na, na
Mama, mama, mama
Mama, mama, mama

Writer(s): Vernon Burch

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