Rasta - Prokleti I - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rasta - Prokleti I

Prokleti I
Cursed I
Ovde se puca brate moj cak i kad slave
Here they shoot, my brother, even when celebrating
A gladna usta traze nesto hrane bar da stave
And hungry mouths seek something to eat just to stay alive
I ja sam uspeo da provalim bas sve te glave
And I have managed to break through all those heads
I odma razlikujes jadne i one glavne
And you can immediately tell the poor ones from the important ones
Jer ovde majka zeni svoga sina
Because here a mother marries her son
Al opet ne zna da li sutra moze biti mirna
But she still doesn't know if tomorrow she can be at peace
I ona voli nju i zna da je fina
And she loves her and knows that she is fine
Al zna da odlaze u grad pun heroina
But she knows that they are going to the city full of heroin
Il si narkoman il si medju herojima
Either you are a drug addict or you are among the heroes
Il si startovan, il si medju kerovima
Either you are a junkie or you are among the fools
Sto si zakopcan veruj sve to smeta
That you are buried, believe me, all of that is a nuisance
Njima bolje nek idu dole ode nam dedovina jee
For them it is better to go down there and leave our inheritance to us, yeah
I svaki momak trosen vetrovima u mom
And every boy tossed by the winds in my
Bivsem kraju zavrsi na sklekovima
Former land ended up on the push-ups
Ljudi valjaju gudru I to je cesto klinac
People are rolling drugs, and that is often a kid
Njihovi roditelji pitaju se gde to ima
Their parents wonder where it all comes from
A ja imam Boga, i on ima mene
But I have God, and he has me
Hvala sto mnogo toga video sam na vreme
Thank you for showing me so many things in time
Jer ovde svako zna i ovde svako ume
Because here everyone knows and here everyone can
I svako ima kraj al' neko rano umre
And everyone has an end, but some die early
Ja imam snage i veruj imam volje
I have strength and, believe me, I have will
I volim kad drage ljude vidim da se bore
And I love when I see dear people fighting
Jer ovde nema pravde, al nema ljudi sto kazu
Because here there is no justice, but there are no people who say
Da nema prave i da su sve drolje
That there is no law and that they are all fools
A naucnici odlaze gde je bolje
Scientists are going away where it is better
Jer tamo negde preko imace milione
Because there somewhere across the sea they will have millions
Sta god smo naumili nije moglo gore
Whatever we intended could not have been worse
Ja ne znam gde je pakao, ako nije ovde
I don't know where hell is, if not here


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