Real Phantom feat. Rd Maravilla, Mr. Saik, Comando Tiburón, Tarik & Mach & Daddy - Capitana de la Disco (Remix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Real Phantom feat. Rd Maravilla, Mr. Saik, Comando Tiburón, Tarik & Mach & Daddy - Capitana de la Disco (Remix)

Capitana de la Disco (Remix)
Captain of the Disco (Remix)
Tu buay le ta' orando a san andres
Your boyfriend is praying to Saint Andrew
Pa' que no te encuentres con tu ex
So he won't run into your ex
Pero aqui yo voy otra vez
But here I go again
Tu buay me llamo
Your boyfriend called me
Ese man tiene cojones
That man has balls
Dile que se amarre bien esos pantalones
Tell him to tie his pants up tight
Si ya tu me dijistes que el... no me llega ni a los talones
You already told me he... doesn't even reach my heels
Porque el no te deja
Why doesn't he leave you
Si el sabe que tu lo kemas
If he knows you're burning him
Si el es masoquista
If he's a masochist
Entonces no me cuentes sus problemas
Then don't tell me his problems
Yo soy el cabreo de tu pollo
I'm your chicken's anger
Soy el trauma de tu man
I'm your man's trauma
Porque cuando yo aparesco
Because when I appear
Se le cae to el plan(walla)
His whole plan falls apart (walla)
Yo soy el cabreo de tu pollo
I'm your chicken's anger
Soy el trauma de tu man
I'm your man's trauma
Porque cuando yo aparesco
Because when I appear
Se le cae to el plan
His whole plan falls apart
My girly
My girly
No es que me burle de tu man
It's not that I'm making fun of your man
Pero yo soy el causante de que salga mal el plan
But I'm the reason his plan goes wrong
Dile que tu eres brazileña
Tell him you're Brazilian
Pero yo a ti te goleo como un aleman
But I score on you like a German
En tu propia casa hago fiesta
I party at your own house
Te hago 7 goles y despues tomo una siesta
I score 7 goals on you and then take a nap
El llamandote siempre se molesta
He always gets upset when he calls you
Porque tu escuchas pero nunca contestas (ahh)
Because you listen but never answer (ahh)
Yo soy el cabreo de tu pollo
I'm your chicken's anger
El trauma de tu man
Your man's trauma
Cuando aparece el Phamthon
When the Phantom appears
Se le cae to el plan
His whole plan falls apart
Soy el cabreo de tu pollo
I'm your chicken's anger
Soy el trauma de tu man
I'm your man's trauma
Porque cuando yo aparesco
Because when I appear
Se le cae to el plan
His whole plan falls apart
Si se cabrea eso a mi no me interesa
If he gets mad, I don't care
Cuando tu me llamas el siempre se estresa
When you call me, he always gets stressed
Te gusta como lo hacemos en la mesa (y aunque tes con el tu no me sacas de tu cabeza)
You like how we do it on the table (and even though you're with him, you can't get me out of your head)
Las cartitas de amor
The love letters
Que el encontro
That he found
Dile que son mias
Tell him they're mine
Que ya todo acabo
That it's all over
Que su numero jugo
That his number played
Que su tren ya paso
That his train has already left
Aue te enamorastes y tu pollo aora soy yo
Because you fell in love and now I'm your chicken
Tranquilo soy yo
Relax, it's me
No es un fantasma
It's not a ghost
No se me ajite
Don't get agitated
Cuidao que le da asma
Careful, you might get asthma
Cojela cool
Take it cool
Cojela chilling
Take it chilling
Cojela nice
Take it nice
Solo tu tas pero tambien rantan de buays(see me)
You're the only one but there are also plenty of other girls (see me)
Yo soy el cabreo de tu pollo
I'm your chicken's anger
Soy el trauma de tu man
I'm your man's trauma
Porque cuando aparece robi
Because when Robi appears
Se le cae to el plan
His whole plan falls apart
Yo soy el cabreo de tu pollo
I'm your chicken's anger
Soy el trauma de tu man
I'm your man's trauma
De tantos nombres en el mundo
Of all the names in the world
El odia el mio que es ivan(awa)!! ey man yo que tu cambio el plan
He hates mine, which is Ivan (awa)!! Hey man, I would change the plan
Obligala a que suba foto contigo al instagram
Make her upload a photo with you to Instagram
Puro beso, puro abrazo y no te noto
Pure kisses, pure hugs, and I don't notice you
Ella le sigue dando like a mi foto
She keeps liking my photo
Las llamadas se la mide
She measures her calls
Los chats se lo mide
She measures her chats
Y le esconde la pastilla paque aora no se cuide
And she hides the pill so she doesn't take care of herself now
Porque tu quieres soplala
Because you want to blow her
Con todo y la barriga voa segui dandole bala
Even with a belly, I'll keep giving her bullets
Tu pollo ta frustrao
Your chicken is frustrated
Tengo a tu pollo cabreao
I have your chicken pissed off
Mientras yo te tengo aqui en mi casa en pollo asao
While I have you here in my house as roasted chicken
Ta pasao
You're overcooked
Dique me tiene to amenasao
He says he has me all threatened
Si supiera que por mi esque tu regla no a bajao (walla)
If he only knew that it's because of me that your period hasn't come down (walla)
Que no se enoje conmigo
Don't be mad at me
Por lo que tengo contigo
For what I have with you
Y si se hace el liso
And if he acts slick
Va pal piso(walla)
He's going to the floor (walla)
Ya de hay vienen puros saludo y se acaba-.-
From there, it's just greetings and it's over-.-

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