Red Velvet - Parade - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Red Velvet - Parade

머리카락 위로 올려 묶고
Pulling my hair up into a ponytail
Ye-yup, ye-yup, here we go
Ye-yup, ye-yup, here we go
운동화 바짝 당겨 묶고
Tightening the laces on my sneakers
Get up, get up, here we go
Get up, get up, here we go
볼이 빨갛게 그을려도 괜찮아, 괜찮아
It's okay, it's okay even if my cheeks get sunburnt
태양이 가장 높은 바로 순간
Right now, at this moment when the sun is highest
가까운 바닷가가 어디더라
Where is the nearest beach?
파도가 일렁이고 모래가 반짝이는
With waves crashing and sand sparkling
언덕에 올라서도 좋을 거야
Climbing a hill would be nice too
수평선 멀리까지 내려다볼 있는
Where we can see far out to the horizon
지금 내가 마중 갈게
I'll come pick you up now
반갑게 맞아줄게
I'll greet you with joy
다가오는 너를 향해
Towards you as you approach
있는 힘껏 페달을 밟아 ring-ring
I pedal with all my might, ring-ring
소릴 울리며 parade
Ringing the bell, it's a parade
땀방울 날리며 parade
Sweating it out, it's a parade
중심을 잡아 팔을 벌려
Keeping my balance, arms wide open
바람을 맞아 우린 알다시피
Facing the wind, we know as we always do
말려, 말려, 말려
We can't be stopped, can't be stopped, can't be stopped
달려보자 멀리 (oh, oh, o-oh)
Let's run far away (oh, oh, o-oh)
끝이 보일 때까지 (oh, oh, o-oh)
Until the end is in sight (oh, oh, o-oh)
없는 길도 만들 수가 있지
We can even make a path where there is none
준비됐어 어디든
Ready to go anywhere
누가 뭐라 해도 상관없지
It doesn't matter what anyone says
이게 바로 나인
This is who I am
숨이 끝까지 차올라도 괜찮아, 괜찮아
It's okay, it's okay even if I'm out of breath
멀리 초록이 짙어지는 순간
At this moment when the green deepens in the distance
가까운 바닷가가 어디더라
Where is the nearest beach?
파도가 일렁이고 모래가 반짝이는
With waves crashing and sand sparkling
언덕에 올라서도 좋을 거야
Climbing a hill would be nice too
수평선 멀리까지 내려다볼 있는
Where we can see far out to the horizon
지금 내가 마중 갈게
I'll come pick you up now
반갑게 맞아줄게
I'll greet you with joy
다가오는 너를 향해
Towards you as you approach
있는 힘껏 페달을 밟아 ring-ring
I pedal with all my might, ring-ring
소릴 울리며 parade
Ringing the bell, it's a parade
땀방울 날리며 parade
Sweating it out, it's a parade
중심을 잡아 팔을 벌려
Keeping my balance, arms wide open
바람을 맞아 우린 알다시피
Facing the wind, we know as we always do
말려, 말려, 말려
We can't be stopped, can't be stopped, can't be stopped
영원히 눈부실 거야 여름이
This summer will shine forever
Hello, 눈을 시작해, my girls
Hello, open your eyes and start, my girls
지금 내가 마중 갈게
I'll come pick you up now
반갑게 맞아줄게
I'll greet you with joy
지금 내가 마중 갈게
I'll come pick you up now
반갑게 맞아줄게
I'll greet you with joy
소릴 울리며 parade
Ringing the bell, it's a parade
(페달을 밟아 소리를 질러, hey!)
(Pedal hard, shout it out, hey!)
땀방울 날리며 parade
Sweating it out, it's a parade
이토록 가쁜 parade
This breathless parade
(너와 나, 너와 나의)
(You and I, you and I's)
이토록 뜨거운 parade
This hot parade
(여름을 만나)
(Meeting summer)
중심을 잡아 팔을 벌려
Keeping my balance, arms wide open
바람을 맞아 우린 알다시피
Facing the wind, we know as we always do
말려, 말려, 말려
We can't be stopped, can't be stopped, can't be stopped

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