Redimi2 feat. Marcos Brunet - Gracias - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Redimi2 feat. Marcos Brunet - Gracias

Thank You
Turururu turururu
Turururu turururu
I found
El tesoro escondido
The hidden treasure
I discovered
El secreto muy guardado
The well-kept secret
I understood
El misterio revelado
The mystery revealed
Fuimos reconciliados por siempre
We were reconciled forever
Y tu amor es mas fuerte que la muerte
And Your love is stronger than death
Y canto gracias, nadie me amo tanto asi
And I sing thank you, nobody loves me so much
Diste tu vida por mi
You gave Your life for me
Gracias, me hiciste volver al jardín
Thank you, You made me come back to the garden
Hoy mi corazón late por ti
Today my heart beats for You
Muchos aún no comprenden
Many still don't understand
La gracias con la que nos perdonaste
The grace with which You forgave us
Increible como puede ser posible
Incredible how can it be possible
Que con tu misericordia nos alcanzaste
That with your mercy You reached us
Que de tu reino fuimos desterrados a causa de la maldad de nuestro pecados
That we were banished from Your kingdom because of the wickedness of our sins
Mas por tu sangre pura y sin mancha
But by Your pure and spotless blood
Con el cielo fuimos reconciliados
We were reconciled with heaven
Esto para el mundo no tiene logica
This makes no sense to the world
Se llama fe y para la fe no existe retorica
It's called faith and for faith there is no rhetoric
Si te proclamamos sabes porque lo hacemos y no es por vista que te conocemos
If we proclaim You, You know why we do it and it's not by sight that we know You
Cordero y leon nuestro líder fidedigno
Lamb and lion our faithful leader
Eres precioso y santo eres digno
You are precious and holy, You are worthy
Tu no eres un camino eres el camino eres el faro que guia nuestro destino
You are not a way, You are the way, You are the beacon that guides our destiny
Gracias, nadie me amo tanto asi
Thank you, nobody loves me so much
Diste tu vida por mi
You gave Your life for me
Gracias, me hiciste volver al jardín
Thank you, You made me come back to the garden
Hoy mi corazón late por ti
Today my heart beats for You
Lo escuche llamando a mi puerta
I heard Him knocking at my door
Dije si a la voz de tu llamado
I said yes to the voice of Your call
Te deje entrar y cenaste conmigo
I let You in and You dined with me
Y alli recibi el regalo mas preciado
And there I received the most precious gift
Regalo que a la humanidad aun quieres ofrecer
A gift that You still want to offer to humanity
Muchos le llaman locura mas para mi es poder
Many call it madness, but for me it is power
En ti decidí creer y para seguir creyendo no te necesito ver
I decided to believe in You, and to continue believing I don't need to see You
Jesús es mas que teoria mas que religion o filosofía tomo nuestro lugar en la cruz del calvario el es Señor y rey extraordinario delante si y despues de nuestra historia camino verdad y esperanza de gloria gracias por amarnos y perdonarnos y para siempre reconciliarnos
Jesus is more than theory, more than religion or philosophy; He took our place on the cross at Calvary, He is Lord and extraordinary King, before and after our history, way, truth and hope of glory, thank you for loving us and forgiving us and reconciling us forever
Siempre voy amarte, ha servirte, ha seguir aunque la vida no me alcanza para retribuirte siempre dire lo mismo de ti porque este es el asunto
I will always love you, serve you, follow you, even though my life is not enough to repay you; I will always say the same thing about you, because this is the matter
Tu eres la verdad y la verdad no cambia y punto
You are the truth, and the truth doesn't change, period.
No seguimos a hombres que se hicieron dioses, seguimos al Dios que se hizo hombre
We don't follow men who became gods, we follow the God who became man
Jesús unico mediador entre Dios y los hombres
Jesus the only mediator between God and men
Nombre sobre todo nombre y a ti cantamos
Name above all names and we sing to You
Gracias, nadie me amo tanto asi
Thank you, nobody loves me so much
Diste tu vida por mi
You gave Your life for me
Gracias, me hiciste volver al jardín
Thank you, You made me come back to the garden
Hoy mi corazón late por ti
Today my heart beats for You

Writer(s): Marcos Brunet, Willy Gonzales Cruz

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