Redstar Radi - Mawtini - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Redstar Radi - Mawtini

موطني اللّي ضرّني علاش باش تسألني
My homeland, that hurt me, why you ask me?
تحت رحمة المفاسد راضي مخلّيني
Under the mercy of corruption, it left me content.
عشت فيه المنسي بالمحنة زاد علّني
I lived in it forgotten, hardship increased my burden.
موطني اللّي خلقت فيه هو بيدو اللّي قتلني
My homeland, where I was born, is the one that killed me.
موطني موطن الاجراح اللّي صعبت تتلمّ
My homeland, homeland of wounds, that are hard to heal.
موطني اللّي تموت فيه من غير ما يسيل الدمّ
My homeland, where you die without shedding blood.
موطن الهمّ كيفاش تحبّ فيه تحترم
Homeland of misery, how do you love and respect it?
موطن الظلم في الأحكام خبرو الوحيد اللّي سرّني
Homeland of injustice in judgments, it is the only secret that made me happy.
موطني اللّي جرّني نخرج ع القانون
My homeland, that dragged me out of the law.
وقت اللّي تبرّى منّي قعدت بالفقر فيه مكنون
When it disowned me, I remained in poverty, concealed.
طال ظلم السجون كان والدين يزورون
The injustice of the prisons lasted long, only parents visit.
برشة تهلويس ضنون شكون زعمة تفكّرني
Many hallucinations and suspicions, who would even remember me?
موطن لي غدرني على قد ما فيه صفّيت النيّة
The homeland that betrayed me, as much as I purified my intention in it.
موطن لي حقرني من سياسيه من بوليسيّة
The homeland that humiliated me, from political to police.
هات مسنوت في يديّا قهر سلب حرّية
It put handcuffs on me, a hero, robbing my freedom.
من أيّام نلبس طبليّة في تراكن حاصرني
From the days we wore the uniform, to the accumulations that besieged me.
تراه زيد ذكّرني اش ريت فيه من فايدة
It reminds me more, what good did I see in it?
كان اللّي عندو محسود الاغلبيّة زايدة
Whoever had something was envied, the majority excessive.
غير السترة موش رايدة خبزة صعيبة كايدة
Only the cover is not wanted, bread is difficult, livelihood is hard.
من فاضل المايدة خيري عليه هو حارمني
From the leftovers of the table, its goodness deprived me.
منّو ناكرني حسبوني عليه متبرّي منّي
He who denied me, they considered me disowned by him.
يأس ماجاورني موش من توّ من صغر سنّي
Despair did not leave me, not from now, but from my young age.
كبرت مكابرني هاززني الكره و ما كرهتوش
I grew up defying it, carrying hatred, but I didn't hate it.
صدّرت عليه في الكرتوش اليوم تعافى و نافرني
I shot at it with a gun, today it recovered and disobeyed me.
وطن قاهرني خاطر سامرني قلّيل
A homeland that defeated me, because it treated me a little.
حبس متمبرني تحت الضروس ذليل
Prison did not break me, humiliated under the millstones.
فلس حقرة تهنتيل هربة غصرة تحليل
Broke, humiliation, pampering, escape, squeeze, analysis.
كي حبّ يلقالي البديل هزّ شنابر زوّرني
When it wanted to find a replacement, it lifted chains and forged me.
بحورة مهجّرني رماني حيّ للحيتان
It exiled me to the sea, threw me alive to the whales.
بعثني و حذّرني زاد شرّ عليّا جيران
It sent me and warned me, neighbors increased the harm against me.
مكتّب عليّا سيران في باريس في الطليان
It wrote against me in Paris, in Italy.
غير مرغوب كانسان خوذوه ما يلزمني
Unwanted as a human, take him, I don't need him.
مــوطــنــي مــوطــنــي
Mــy hــomeland, Mــy hــomeland
الشباب لن يكل همه أن يستقـل أو يبيـد أو يبيـد
The youth will not tire, his concern is to be independent or to die or to die.
نستقي من الـردى ولن نكون للعــدى كالعـبـيـد كالعـبـيـد
We will resist death and we will not be for the enemies like slaves like slaves.
موطن كي بايع شكون بخلاف بليس شاريك
Homeland, who sold you except the devil who bought you?
راميك في الشوارع للبرد و للجوع مخلّيك
He threw you in the streets to the cold and hunger, leaving you.
فانية نزيد بارك فلس تدور في حواليك
Fani, I add, bless the penny that revolves around you.
مهموم حزين متلايع نيك روحك ما تشاورني
Sad, worried, playful, screw yourself, don't consult me.
موطن الفجايج اللّي منجّيك رضاء والديك
The homeland of calamities, what saves you is the satisfaction of your parents.
عقارب تتسارع و الوقت مقطع مال ياذيك
The hands of the clock are accelerating, and time is cutting off your harm.
انتي اللّي زارع و الغير حصد رزق البيليك
You are the one who sowed, and others harvested the livelihood of the white.
موطن لي فيه نتفارع نيك أمّو ما يمثّلني
Homeland, where we are proud, screw his mother, it doesn't represent me.
ذراعي يوكّلني و الفكّ منّو حلال فيه
My arm feeds me, and separation from it is lawful.
نساني في صغير عادي كي كبرت أني نخلّيه
It forgot me when I was young, it's normal that when I grew up I would leave it.
موطن لي الحلم فيه غصب لزّوني نراتيه
Homeland, where the dream in it is by force, they made me inherit it.
هزّان جيبان و تتويه تي ما خسرتو شخسرني
Shaking pockets and getting lost, you didn't lose me what makes me lose.
ربّي و سارتني يحلّ باب كي يسكّرو 100
My Lord, and my luck, opens a door when 100 are closed.
هانو تذكّرني ما تبكي علّيا تقول مشى
Here, remember me, don't cry for me, say he's gone.
بلادي ما حبّتني هنا يلاّ السلامة
My country didn't love me, here's goodbye.
زايدة الملامة ع الغربة ربّي مقدّرني
Excessive blame, for the room, my Lord destined me.
لا ما تبدّلني غير الكلام و الكبدة مشومة
No, it didn't change me, only the words and the cursed liver.
تقد بلادي بلاد أولدي سو نيك أمّهم هوما
My country, the country of my children, so screw their mother, they are the ones.
بالوزرة بالحكومة سيستام المنظومة
With the ministry, with the government, the system of the system.
بمجلس نوابّها الفلّومة السارق اللّي قدمني
With its corrupt council of representatives, the thief who introduced me.
باللّي ساومني نسكّر فمّي نعيش كلب
With the one who bargained with me, I shut my mouth, I live like a dog.
باللّي قاومني بعثلي شكاية شتم ثلب
With the one who resisted me, he sent me a complaint, insult, slander.
بالبوليسيّة اللّي تحلّف ايداعو بالجلب
With the police who swear to deposit him with the dog.
قلبي على بلادي ما تقلّب غير الحلّ هازمني
My heart is on my country, it doesn't change, only the solution defeated me.
تريخ ذاكرني مع الرجال موش الطحانة
History reminds me with men, not the mill.
شعبي الهاممني و نيك ام اللّي جعنا ما رانا
My people are my concern, and screw the mother of the one who made us hungry and we didn't eat.
موطن دوّني مع المنسين في نفس الخانة
Homeland, put me with the forgotten in the same category.
حد ما فيه تمزّى عطانا و في الغلط عاذرني
To the extent that it was torn, it gave us, and forgave me for the mistake.
حزن مقدّرني و اللّي كتبتو فيه محبّة
Sadness destined me, and what I wrote in it is love.
بلادي ما تعرّني قد ما ذقت فيه فدّة
My country did not expose me, as much as I tasted redemption in it.
مسيرو الوقت يتعدّى شعنّا ما نديرو
Its manager, time passes, what are we going to do about our hair?
موطن ما عندي غيرو حتّى كان كارهني
Homeland, I have no other, even if it hates me.

Writer(s): Redstar Radi

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