Reket - Oru Hotell - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Reket - Oru Hotell

Oru Hotell
A Hotel
Ärkasin keset ööd ma topeltvoodis kuhu kahekesi tulime
I woke up in the middle of the night in a double bed we came to together
Kõik ta asjad olid alles, kaasa võtnud ta vaid mullivee
All her things were still there, she only took the bubble bath
Kardinate vahelt näha oli Lasnamäele suunduvate masinate tuled
Through the curtains I could see the lights of cars heading to Lasnamägi
Saun oli tuline
The sauna was hot
Välisukse kaardid mõlemad seal kuhu nad jätsin
Both cards for the outside door were there where I left them
Tuppa tellitud toitu poldud puudutatud
The food that was ordered for the room hadn't been touched
Avasin akna et hingata
I opened the window to breathe
Sest tuppa merevaatega ta ei kavatsenud enam naaseda
Because she didn't plan to return to the room with a sea view anymore
Ma ei teadnud enam mida peaksin tundma
I didn't know what to feel anymore
Kas tähendas see lõppu äkki nägin vaid und ma
Did this mean the end, or am I just dreaming
Jääb loota ainult, et kedagi keda plaanisin ma kosida
I can only hope that someone I planned to propose to
Enne lahkumist mu kõrvu sosistas
Whispered in my ear before she left
Maga lapsuke maga
Sleep, my baby, sleep
Padjal hoia enda pea
Hold your head on the pillow
Loodan et näed unenägusi head
I hope you have good dreams
Mind meenutama jäägu need read
Let these lines remind you of me
Maga lapsuke aga
Sleep, my baby, sleep
Ühte sa teadma pead
You should know one thing
Armastasin lõpuni sind et sa teaks
I loved you to the end, so you know
Kuid lõpus lahkuma pean
But in the end I have to leave
Heidsin ruttu riided selga
I quickly threw on my clothes
Saapapaelad lahtised
My shoelaces were untied
Kuna lahkumisest möödas ilmselt vähe kas ta tahtis, et
Because it was probably not long after she left that
Järgneksin ja kui siis kuhu
I followed her and if so, then where
Süda valutab, tuul puhub
My heart aches, the wind blows
Kuid ei puhu ära meie lapse valu
But it doesn't blow away our child's pain
Enam ta, kuidas saan ma endaga nii edasi elada
Her anymore, how can I go on living with myself like this
Käitunud elu jooksul olen nagu loom
I've been acting like an animal my whole life
Elajas kes pani ennast ise lukutaha elama
A creature who locked himself away in life
Kui lõppeks see öö siis vannun, et ei enam ma
If this night would end, I swear I will no longer
Proovi olla keegi teine, ausõna ma
Try to be someone else, honestly I
Hoiaksin sind nagu suhkrusaia, on see võimalik
I would cherish you like a sugar cube, is that possible
Vastuse ma tuulelt sain
I got the answer from the wind
Maga lapsuke maga
Sleep, my baby, sleep
Padjal hoia enda pea
Hold your head on the pillow
Loodan et näed unenägusi head
I hope you have good dreams
Mind meenutama jäägu need read
Let these lines remind you of me
Maga lapsuke aga
Sleep, my baby, sleep
Ühte sa teadma pead
You should know one thing
Armastasin lõpuni sind et sa teaks
I loved you to the end, so you know
Kuid lõpus lahkuma pean
But in the end I have to leave
Jäljed viisid randa, olid rasked nagu oleks ta lasknud ennast kanda
The footprints led to the beach, they were heavy as if she had let herself be carried
Kassida läbi Kadrioru
A stopover in Kadriorg
Külm tõmmanud läbi lihast ja luudest
The cold was creeping through my flesh and bones
Kaotasin ta jäljed alleel Russalka juures
I lost her trail on Russalka Alley
Koerana tundsin ta lõhna eritumas puudest
As a dog, I could sense her scent coming from the trees
Üle autotee komistasin karjudes ta nime enda huultelt
I stumbled across the road, screaming her name from my lips
Nägin siluetti Tallinna lahel
I saw a silhouette on Tallinn Bay
Naissaare ja Katariina kai vahel
Between Naissaar and the Catherine Pier
Ära mine kaugemale, oled juba põlvini vees
Don't go any further, you're already knee-deep in the water
Sa külmetad, jääd haigeks, tule ma teen sulle teed
You're cold, you'll get sick, come here, I'll make you tea
Teen kõik mis tegematta jäi
I'll do everything that I didn't do
Ja kõik liigne mis tehtud olen saanud vastu päid, juba piisavalt
And all the excesses that I've done, I've had enough
Pole olnud sinuga kunagi niisama
I've never been just with you
Vaid ikka lõpuni lõpuni
But only to the end, to the end
Kuidas ma muidu õpingi, kui mitte läbi vigade
How else can I learn if not through mistakes
Nagu iga mees, olen olnud hoos
Like every man, I have been on a roll
Praegugi kisub sinu järel tundmatusse
Even now I'm drawn to the unknown after you
Tühjusesse tõmbab teadmine, et täna ongi öö
The emptiness pulls with the knowledge that tonight's the night
Mil saame olla, lõpuni lõpuni koos
When we can be together, to the end, to the end
Lõpuni lõpuni koos
To the end, to the end together

Writer(s): Tom Olaf Urb

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