Reket - Rotimürk ja Rosé - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Reket - Rotimürk ja Rosé

Rotimürk ja Rosé
Rat Poison and Rosé
Varahommikul metroos seisin, teel koju aega veetsin kõrvaklapid peas nagu tihtipeale ikka reisin
I'm standing in the subway in the early morning, spending time on my way home with headphones on like I usually do while traveling
Musa ma ei kuuland, sest, et ragisevad rongirattad biiti peksid
I'm not listening to music because the rumbling train wheels are beating the beat
Ei tea, kas räppima ma rongis hakkan
I don't know if I'm going to start rapping on the train
Silmad kinni poolenisti monotoonses rütmis paistab see toru olevat täis üpris
Eyes half-closed, the monotonous rhythm makes this pipe seem quite full
Läbi inimmassi paistis tissid pluusis, pepu püksis, Kafkat lugev tütarlaps
Tits in a blouse, ass in pants, Kafka-reading girl through the crowd
Ja mis kõige tähtsam - üksi
And most importantly - alone
Tere üksi, mina ka, kuidas läheb
Hello alone, me too, how are you doing
Mis on su nimetähed, kutsu mind Reesus Kristus
What are your initials, call me Rhesus Christ
Kas sul mees on? Aa see huvitab mind tegelt vähe
Do you have a man? Oh, it doesn't really interest me
Istuks äkki sinna tooli, kus see mees just istus
Let's sit in that chair where the man just sat
Poiss on 210 suurepärases füüsi-vormis vajadusel maadlen karudega Pärnu punatornis
The boy is 210 in great physical shape if necessary I'll wrestle bears in the red tower of Pärnu
Köögi skill on põhjas, teen selliseid noordöövreid
My cooking skills are on the floor, I make such terrible northern lights
Smoolin Gustav Luige liha, fritin seda kohupiimakorvis
I smoke Gustav Luiga meat, fry it in a cottage cheese basket
Otsin naist, kes teab, mis ta tahab
Looking for a woman who knows what she wants
Veits häbi öelda aga, kes teab, kus on raha
A little embarrassing to say, but who knows where the money is
Kes teab, et ainuke koht, kuhu peita relv on neljaviljapuder kui mendid on ukse taga
Who knows that the only place to hide a gun is in four-grain porridge when the cops are at the door
Ütle (ütle)
Say (say)
Sõnu, mida kujutad ette (ette)
Words you can imagine (imagine)
Ette jäänud, fantaseeri mõtteid (mõtteid)
Left behind, fantasize thoughts (thoughts)
Mis tegelikkuses on valed, sest kodus on mul rotimürk aga klubis rosé
Which in reality are wrong, because at home I have rat poison and in the club I have rosé
Jep (jep) sõgerini rätsep, 6 eurot jääb mulle kuu lõpus kätte
Yup (yup) a tailor to the core, I have 6 euros left at the end of the month
Valikud on valed olnud minu elu teel, sest kodus on mul rotimürk aga klubis rosé
The choices have been wrong in my life, because at home I have rat poison and in the club I have rosé
Veel oluliseks peab poiss, seda, mis sa teed nüüd
The boy also considers this important, what you do now
Kafka on okei
Kafka is okay
Palju proosat, mõni etüüd tuleks ikka kasuks
Lots of prose, some etudes would still be useful
Aga kui pilli sa ei mängi, ei taha, et sa tunneks end süüdi,
But if you don't play the instrument, don't want you to feel guilty,
Sest need müüdid, mis sa räpparite kohta oled kuulnud
Because those myths you've heard about rappers
Kustuta kohe oma peast, need on luulud
Erase them from your head right now, they are delusions
Polügaamia matsuulud
Polygamy is a hassle
Naisi vahetame nii, et kodu pole vahepeal tuuldund
We change women so much that the house hasn't been ventilated in the meantime
See kõik on suures pildis pläma, kallis
It's all a big stain, darling
Ma viin me lapsed suvel uisutama jäähalli
I'll take our kids ice skating in the ice rink in the summer
Elektriarve makstud, köögilaual uued vakstud
Electricity bill paid, new wax on the kitchen table
Autod on garaažis ja hobused on tallis
The cars are in the garage and the horses are in the stable
Miks ta maha läks?
Why did she leave?
Kas miski, mis ma ütlesin, teda pahandas?
Did something I said offend her?
Mis nüüd muud, kui saba jalgevahel üürikorterisse ja siis kluppi, olen listis, parem oleks, et saan sisse
What else can I do but put my tail between my legs, go to the rented apartment and then to the club, I'm on the list, it would be better if I could get in
Ütle (ütle)
Say (say)
Sõnu, mida kujutad ette (ette)
Words you can imagine (imagine)
Ette jäänud, fantaseeri mõtteid (mõtteid)
Left behind, fantasize thoughts (thoughts)
Mis tegelikkuses on valed, sest kodus on mul rotimürk aga klubis rosé
Which in reality are wrong, because at home I have rat poison and in the club I have rosé
Jep (jep) sõgerini rätsep, 6 eurot jääb mulle kuu lõpus kätte
Yup (yup) a tailor to the core, I have 6 euros left at the end of the month
Valikud on valed olnud minu elu teel, sest kodus on mul rotimürk, aga klubis rosé
The choices have been wrong in my life, because at home I have rat poison, but in the club I have rosé
Ütle (ütle)
Say (say)
Sõnu, mida kujutad ette (ette)
Words you can imagine (imagine)
Ette jäänud, fantaseeri mõtteid (mõtteid)
Left behind, fantasize thoughts (thoughts)
Mis tegelikkuses on valed, sest kodus on mul rotimürk aga klubis rosé
Which in reality are wrong, because at home I have rat poison and in the club I have rosé
Jep (jep) sõgerini rätsep, 6 eurot jääb mulle kuu lõpus kätte
Yup (yup) a tailor to the core, I have 6 euros left at the end of the month
Valikud on valed olnud minu elu teel, sest kodus on mul rotimürk aga klubis rosé
The choices have been wrong in my life, because at home I have rat poison and in the club I have rosé

Writer(s): bert prikenfeld

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