Reket - Super Ei - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Reket - Super Ei

Super Ei
Great No
Ma ei raiska enam mitte ühtki sõna, super ei
I will not waste any more words, great no
Sest et ma ei soovi, mitte et mul poleks neid
Because I don't want to, not because I don't have them
Kiirelt tõuseb keskmine kinnisest rusikast
A fist quickly rises from the closed space
Kui teha tahad intervjuu, ta ei räägi muusikast
If you want to do an interview, he won't talk about music
Ei tea, kas jalge all mul oleks Pärsia vaip
I don't know if I would have a Persian carpet under my feet
Justkui kardaks võõraste sõnu, mitte sõprade vaikust
As if he was afraid of strangers' words, not friends' silence
Nende sõnadega teen sul vahel aia! mina
With these words I sometimes fence you! I do
Sest see sama siga aia vahel oled sina
Because you are the same pig between the fences
Kui su pöial minu nime kohta nalja kerib
When you pull your thumb on my name
Mõtlen ikka kuidas sinu palatisse wifi levib
I keep wondering how wifi spreads throughout your ward
Sest sa imed nagu lestad ja su kapoti pealt ei sula lumi
Because you are sucking like a leech and the snow won't melt from your hood
Aga noh, sa pole Tesla
But hey, you're no Tesla
Ma olen ülikerge märklaud, ma tunnistan
I'm an incredibly easy target, I admit
Mida teinud olen rahu jaoks, millest unistan
What I did for peace, what I dream of
Vähe, kuid tean, et tagada karavani liikumist
Little, but I know, to ensure the movement of the caravan
Et koerad panema pean magama
I have to put the dogs to sleep
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
(Ma räägin siis kui räägin, minu süda tuksub)
(I speak when I speak, my heart beats)
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ma ei raiska enam mitte ühtki sekundit, super ei
I will not waste any more seconds, great no
Taeva tähel aega vähe oleks nagu ukse leid
The star in the sky would have little time like a door
Millest sisse piiluda anonüümne hääl käskis
From which an anonymous voice ordered me to peek
Nägin seal eestlastele meeldib tappa neid, kel läheb hästi
I saw there that Estonians like to kill those who are doing well
Kuid maailm panigi tähele, ei eksi ma
But the world did pay attention, I'm not wrong
Sest talve ajal töötavad mõned hääled tekina
Because in winter some voices work as a blanket
Soojendan su elu kuni inspireerid mind
I will warm your life until you inspire me
A ma pean ütlema, et su inspo hakkab vaikselt lõppema
But I have to say, your inspiration is slowly running out
Tead mis pigem tekitagu meelepaha see
You know what, may this cause you some grief
Et ainus millele ma tegelt pretendeerin on see raha
That the only thing I really aspire to is money
Mis ei tee küll õnnelikuks nagu ütles üks tuttav
Which doesn't make me happy, like an acquaintance said
Aga mersus on oluliselt mugavam nutta
But it's much more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes
Mul meri põlvini, a ühel hetkel tuleb mõõn
The sea is up to my knees, but at one point the tide will come in
Mee sisse uppuva mesilase viimne sõõm
The last sip of a drowning bee in honey
Ole lihtsalt rõõmus, et su elus hoida lasin
Just be glad I let you keep your life
Pane stepslisse ajamasin ja tõmba na...
Put a stamp in the time machine and pull...
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no
Ei, ei, ei, ei, ei
No, no, no, no, no

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