Rema - Shocked - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rema - Shocked

Turn me up
Turn me up
Jamz, turn me up
Jamz, turn me up
Ella siente la para, lo mueve bacano (uh)
She feels the stop, she moves it bacano (uh)
Viene el camello, le encargué do' gramo' (prr)
The camel is coming, I ordered him to do 'gram' (prr)
Tu coro son chota', se mueven gusano' (prr)
Your chorus are chota', they move worm' (prr)
Mis shooters te tiran si yo alzo la mano (sí, sí)
My shooters throw you if I raise my hand (yeah, yeah)
Yo soy la para (uh), por ustede' doy la cara
I'm the one for (uh), for you ' I give the face
Mi flow 73 no se compara (nah)
My flow 73 doesn't compare (nah)
Portamo' billy, tuvimo' que usarla (prr, fuck)
I'm carrying 'billy, I had to' use it (prr, fuck)
Bitch, cuero
Bitch, leather
Ella siente la para, lo mueve bacano (uh)
She feels the stop, she moves it bacano (uh)
Viene el camello, le encargué do' gramo' (ey)
The camel is coming, I ordered him to do 'gram (ey)
Tu coro son chota', se mueven gusano' (prr)
Your chorus are chota', they move worm' (prr)
Mis shooters te tiran si yo alzo la mano (prr)
My shooters throw you if I raise my hand (prr)
Yo soy la para (uh), por ustede' doy la cara
I'm the one for (uh), for you ' I give the face
Mi flow 73 no se compara (nah)
My flow 73 doesn't compare (nah)
Portamo' billy, tuvimo' que usarla (ey, prr, ey, еy)
Let's go 'billy, I had to' use it (ey, prr, ey, ey)
Tu jeva me dice "Chuck, pеro túmbala como un flaco" (ja, ja, ja)
Your jeva tells me "Chuck, but lay her down like a skinny" (ha ha ha)
A ella le gusta cuando se la saco (uh)
She likes it when I take her out (uh)
Toco tambor y le muevo lo' plato' (ey)
I play a drum and I move the 'plate' (ey)
Si no da dinero no hay trato (krr)
If you don't give money there is no deal (krr)
A todo trapero lo' bajo
To all rag it' low
Yo la pongo a comer de caco (bitch)
I put her to eat poop (bitch)
Lo tengo suave, bonito y barato (bitch)
I got it soft, nice and cheap (bitch)
Lo coge tranquilo, suave se lo cuelga (no, no)
He takes it easy, soft he hangs it up (no, no)
Tengo lo' coso' blanco, lo Griselda
I have the 'I sew' white, the Griselda
Caemo' atrá', luego e' que te pierda' (uh)
We fall 'back', then 'may you lose' (uh)
Free to' los mío' atrá' de la celda
Free to 'los mío' atrá' de la cella
Oh, y en mi caso yo no choteé (no)
Oh, and in my case I didn't crash (no)
Hago pa'l abogado y luego pa'l juez
I become a lawyer and then a judge
Puro con lo' mío', con la 73
Pure with the 'mine', with the 73
Si no ere' ganga, te vamo' a mover
If you're not 'bargain, I'm gonna' move
Prendemo' la G, puré, puré
Let's turn on the G, mash, mash
Si llama' mono' te la va' a bebe'
If he calls 'monkey' he's going to 'baby' you
Mucho me envidian, no por qué (no)
They envy me a lot, I don't know why (no)
Fue que to' mi' grano, que to' lo joseé (ey)
It was that to 'my' grain, that to 'I joseé (ey)
A no me envidie', búsquese uste' (uh)
Don't envy me ', look for yourself' (uh)
Este flow yo lo pegué
This flow I stuck it
El trap estaba muerto, lo levanté (eh)
The trap was dead, I picked it up (eh)
Atentamente, 73 (eh)
Sincerely, 73 (eh)
Ella siente la para, lo mueve bacano
She feels the stop, she moves it bacano
Viene el camello, le encargué do' gramo' (prr)
The camel is coming, I ordered him to do 'gram' (prr)
Tu coro son chota', se mueven gusano' (prr)
Your chorus are chota', they move worm' (prr)
Mis shooters te tiran si yo alzo la mano (sí, sí)
My shooters throw you if I raise my hand (yeah, yeah)
Yo soy la para (Uh), por ustede' doy la cara
I'm the one for (Uh), for you ' I give the face
Mi flow 73 no se compara (nah)
My flow 73 doesn't compare (nah)
Portamo' billy, tuvimo' que usarla (prr, fuck)
I'm carrying 'billy, I had to' use it (prr, fuck)
Bitch, cuero
Bitch, leather
Yo nunca he mata'o
I have never killed
Porque la liga yo la di por muerto
Because the league I left for dead
Mis shooters te tiran sin careta' puesta
My shooters throw you without a mask' on
Dicen que tu puta chingando e' bien puerca
They say that your fucking bitch and 'well pig
Cuida'o, que lo' feo nos tumban la puerta
Take care, that the ' ugly they knock down the door for us
Muchos' chota', ten cuida'o con quien brega'
Many 'chota', take care 'o with whom I fight'
El punto vende to' como la bodega
The point sells to' as the winery
'Toy conecta'o de San Juan a la' Vega'
'Toy conecta'o from San Juan to the 'Vega'
Yo que a esto' código' no le llega'
I know that this 'code' does not reach you'
Bitch, cuero
Bitch, leather
Hoy día me claro a la mujer que quiero
Today I know the woman I want
La hierba me la trae el mismo cartero
The grass is brought to me by the same postman
Caen preso' y cantan como el gallo de Kellog's
They fall prisoner' and they sing like the rooster of Kellog's
Por disparan hasta los crackero'
They shoot even crackpots for me."
Se mueven gusano', pero si me entero
They move worm', but if I find out
Te van a vaciar un peine entero
They're going to empty an entire comb for you
Ahora estamo' cobrando como pelotero'
Now I'm 'getting paid as a baseball player'
Grande' liga', lo' bolsillo' están gordo' y no bajo libra'
Big 'league', the 'pocket' are fat' and not under pound'
Easy Money, pa' e' un relajo
Easy Money, for 'me and' a relaxing
Nigga, no te pegue' o te prendó la mala vibra
Nigga, don't hit you ' or you got the bad vibe
Yo tengo gente que por da la vida
I have people who give their lives for me
roncando de afuera y yo en Carolina
You snoring from outside and me in Carolina
Saben que estamo' duro' y pa'cá no miran
They know I'm 'hard' and pa'ca they don't look
Yo que esta música no la nominan
I know this music is not nominated
Pero yo me conformo con ponerlo' a mamar con mis rima', ja, ey
But I'm content to put it 'to suck with my rhymes', ha, hey
Ella siente la para, lo mueve bacano (uh, prr)
She feels the stop, she moves it bacano (uh, prr)
Viene el camello, le encargué do' gramo' (prr)
The camel is coming, I ordered him to do 'gram' (prr)
Tu coro son chota', se mueven gusano'
Your chorus are chota', they move worm'
Mis shooters te tiran si yo alzo la mano (sí)
My shooters will shoot you if I raise my hand (yeah)
Yo soy la para (uh), por ustede' doy la cara (prr)
I'm the one for (uh), for you ' I give the face (prr)
Mi flow 73 no se compara (nah)
My flow 73 doesn't compare (nah)
Portamo' billy, tuvimo' que usarla (prr, ey)
Let's go 'billy, I had to' use it (prr, ey)
Bitch, cuero
Bitch, leather
(Ey, 031; uh-uh)
(Hey, 031; uh-uh)
Prefiero perder to' lo que yo joseo (eh)
I'd rather lose to 'what I joseo (eh)
Si tiro los mono', pero no choteo (uh; cuero)
If I throw the overalls', but I don't shoot (uh; leather)
Yo soy de la para, no e' que me la creo (ey)
I'm from the for, not e' that I believe it (ey)
Se te hace difícil entenderme por mi palabreo (eh)
It's hard for you to understand me by my words (eh)
Lo mueve bacano y se lo taladreo
He moves it bacano and I drill him
Y si tiene novio, lo baleo (oh)
And if she has a boyfriend, I shoot him (oh)
Si no con dinero o mueve' los feo'
If not with money or move 'the ugly ones'
No creo en amigo o en pana', soy ateo (bam, bah)
I don't believe in friend or corduroy', I'm an atheist (bam, bah)
No me detengo
I don't stop
En la cara 'e tu shorty me vengo
In the face 'e your shorty I come
Mi flow e' caro, parece que vendo
My flow e' expensive, it seems that I sell
(Los shooters con el pull de Ñengo
(The shooters with the pull of Ñengo
Y yo endemonia'o como Kendo)
And I endemonia'o as Kendo)
Mi sueño lo estoy cumpliendo (ey)
I'm fulfilling my dream (hey)
Viendo mis hija' y mi cuenta de banco creciendo (okey)
Watching my daughters' and my bank account growing (okay)
Como puré me estoy moviendo (blanco)
Like mash I'm moving (white)
Y le doy la' gracia' al que desde arriba me 'tá viendo (oh)
And I give the 'grace' to the one who from above is watching me (oh)
Ey, 73
Hey, 73
Bitch, cuero
Bitch, cuero

Writer(s): Swagy

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