Te va a encantar algo que no a pasado ni tampoco lo que nos van hacer quiero que me busquen a los k le a calado y el dia en que me los traiga dejare de jode x2
You'll love something that hasn't happened nor what they're going to do to us I want them to come after me, those who have been pricked and the day I bring them to you, I'll stop fucking around x2
Ponga tu mentalidad atenta
Set your mind straight
Le quitare la prenda y lo hombrecito al que aparenta se con quienes ando y por coraza no constumbre
I'll take away the garment and the little man that he pretends to be I know who I'm dealing with, and I don't make a habit of wearing armor
Brinco por mi tijuas y tambn por los derrumbes
I hop around my Tijuana and also in the rubble
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