Renan Samam - Fundo do Mar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Renan Samam - Fundo do Mar

Fundo do Mar
The Bottom of the Sea
No Fundo do Mar
At the Bottom of the Sea
Ó só!
Certo dia aconteceu uma greve no mar
One day there was a strike in the sea
Os seres vivos de resolveram se juntar
The creatures there decided to join together
Chutaram tudo pro alto pra curtir e relaxar
Kicked everything upside down to enjoy and relax
Tiraram o dia de folga pra poder desafogar
They took the day off to be able to vent
Os tubarões bem à vontade
The sharks very comfortably
De óculos escuros bem relax
In sunglasses very relaxed
Pediam uma cerveja pra queimar o estresse
They asked for a beer to burn off stress
Enquanto duas algas disputavam no xadrez
While two algae played chess
O cavalo marinho esperava sua vez
The seahorse waited his turn
As baleias aproveitaram o dia pro descanso
The whales enjoyed the day for rest
As algas saidinhas não saiam do balanço
The algae flirts didn't leave the swing
Os peixes espadas a esgrima praticavam
The swordfish practiced fencing
As conchas se abriram e as pérolas brilhavam
The shells opened and the pearls shone
Dando um toque especial para o espetáculo
Giving a special touch to the spectacle
O polvo fazia cócegas com cada tentáculo
The octopus tickled with each tentacle
Na barriga dos peixes que choravam de ri
In the bellies of the fish that laughed out loud
A felicidade era grande ali
Happiness was great there
E eu olhava
And I just watched
Do submarino amarelo
From the Yellow Submarine
Do submarino amarelo Todo mundo ficava admirado e parava
From the Yellow Submarine Everyone was amazed and stopped
Quando a mais bela do oceano passava
When the most beautiful of the ocean passed by
Era amor à primeira vista logo de cara
It was love at first sight straight away
Sereia com seu canto hipnotizava
Mermaid with her song hypnotized
Era difícil resistir aos seus encantos
It was hard to resist her charms
Sua beleza eu nunca vi igual
I've never seen her beauty before
Cabelos longos, olhos esverdeados
Long hair, green eyes
Desfilava toda sensual
She paraded all sensual
Pelo oceano eu fui me aventurando
I went adventuring through the ocean
Viajando nesses seres que parecem ser de bem
Traveling in these beings that seem to be good
Fui até onde não dava mais
I went as far as I could go
Vendo coisas que deixava eu desse lado muito zen
Seeing things that left me on this side very zen
E eu olhava
And I just watched
Do submarino amarelo
From the Yellow Submarine
Do submarino amarelo Tchuru Tchuru Tchu
From the Yellow Submarine Tchuru Tchuru Tchu
Fundo do mar
The Bottom of the sea
No submarino amarelo
In the Yellow Submarine
Fundo do mar
The Bottom of the sea
Eu fui de submarino amarelo
I went in a Yellow Submarine
No submarino amarelo
In the Yellow Submarine
No fundo do mar, eu fui parar
At the bottom of the sea, I went to stop
O fundo do mar, fui conhecer
The bottom of the sea, I went to meet
Me aventurar, pra e pra
To adventure, here and there
De submarino fui dar um rolê
In a submarine I went for a ride

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