Renne Dang feat. Momo - Smích a pláč - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Renne Dang feat. Momo - Smích a pláč

Smích a pláč
Laughter and Tears
Možno aj zisťuješ aké je to cítiť sa sám
Perhaps you are already discovering what it feels like to be alone
Smiech strieda pláč, keď v ústach zas máš zbraň
Laughter alternates with tears, when you have a weapon in your mouth again
Slova nie iba slova, to by bola moc náhoda
Words are not just words, that would be too much of a coincidence
Je to na nás, jeden toho vela a druhý toho málo
It's up to us, one has a lot and the other has little
Vidim obličeje lidí, co by za trochu náhody dali všechno
I see the faces of people who would give everything for a little chance
Vidim lidi, kterým osud rozdal trochu jiný karty
I see people to whom fate has dealt slightly different cards
Sleduju ty životy, který pohltilo město
I watch those lives that the city has swallowed
Pokřivený osobnosti, aby zapadly do party
Twisted personalities to fit in with the party
Já, slyším jenom smích a pláč
I, I only hear laughter and crying
Není, kdo by nabízel v době, ve který chceme
There is no one to offer in the time we want
Jenom každej každýmu brát
Just everyone take from everyone
Hm . počkej, zlato, podej mi snář
Hm . wait, honey, give me the dream book
Zdá se mi totiž, že přes ty peníze a rivalitu
It seems to me that through that money and rivalry
Zapomněl jsem mít rád
I forgot to love
Zapomínám sledovat ten čas
I forget to watch the time
Život plyne moc rychle na to mít ten klid
Life goes by too fast to have that peace
Jiným směrem putuje postupně každej z nás
Each of us gradually travels in a different direction
Někdo žije svoje sny a někdo špatnej vtip
Someone lives their dreams and someone lives a bad joke
Říká se, že není to hrozný tak, jak se zdá
They say it's not as bad as it seems
Ale řekni to i těm, co se chtěj mít líp
But tell that to those who want to have a better life
Řekni, proč nevidím lidi víc se smát
Tell me, why don't I see people smiling more
A z těch oken slyším jenom pláč a křik
And from those windows I only hear crying and screaming
Možno aj zisťuješ aké je to cítit sa sám
Perhaps you are already discovering what it feels like to be alone
Smiech strieda pláč, keď v ústach zas máš zbraň
Laughter alternates with tears, when you have a weapon in your mouth again
Slova nie iba slova, to by bola moc náhoda
Words are not just words, that would be too much of a coincidence
Je to na nás, jeden toho vela a druhý toho málo
It's up to us, one has a lot and the other has little
Možno aj zisťuješ aké je to cítiť sa sám
Perhaps you are already discovering what it feels like to be alone
Smiech strieda pláč, keď v ústach zas máš zbraň
Laughter alternates with tears, when you have a weapon in your mouth again
Slova nie iba slova, to by bola moc náhoda
Words are not just words, that would be too much of a coincidence
Je to na nás, jeden toho vela a druhý toho málo
It's up to us, one has a lot and the other has little
Mluvim za lidi, co věděj, jaký je to čekat na výplatu,
I speak for people who know what it's like to wait for a paycheck,
Čekat celej život na štěstí
Wait a lifetime for happiness
Za ty, co oknama z paneláku sledovali nebe
For those who watched the sky through the windows of the panel house
A doufali, že nebudou jako ostatní
And they hoped they wouldn't be like the others
Jsem hlas ulic a sídlišť a dětí,
I am the voice of the streets and housing estates and children,
Co se jim fotr jednoho dne domů prostě nevrátil
Whose father just didn't come home one day
Mluvim za ty, co museli tvrdě makat, aby něco měli
I speak for those who had to work hard to have something
A za všechny, který znají bezpráví
And for everyone who knows injustice
Slova za ty lidi, který musej točit drogy,
Words for those people who have to turn drugs,
Aby měli potom love na to žít ten sen
To then have love to live that dream
Znám, ale i lidi, který musej točit love,
I know, but also people who have to turn love,
Aby měli na ty drogy - takhle žít nechceš
To have those drugs - you don't want to live like this
Za ty, který snili o tom mít ty hračky,
For those who dreamed of having those toys,
Na který běželi reklamy ráno o víkendech
For which commercials ran on weekend mornings
Za ty, který doteď znají smích a pláč,
For those who still know laughter and tears,
Za ty který nesou v sobě furt ten vztek
For those who still carry that anger within them
Já, já, ... slyším jenom smích a pláč
I, I, ... I only hear laughter and crying
Příběhy matek, co makaj aby jejich děti mohly
Stories of mothers who work so their children can
Aspoň jednou jít na pláž
Go to the beach at least once
Řekni mi vše, nejen vy mě, ale i já, poslouchám vás
Tell me everything, not just you me, but I too, I listen to you
Poslouchám život a přestávám věřit,
I listen to life and stop believing,
Že vrací se všechno, co do toho dáš
That everything you put into it comes back
Možno aj zisťuješ aké je to cítiť sa sám
Perhaps you are already discovering what it feels like to be alone
Smiech strieda pláč, keď v ústach zas máš zbraň
Laughter alternates with tears, when you have a weapon in your mouth again
Slova nie iba slova, to by bola moc náhoda
Words are not just words, that would be too much of a coincidence
Je to na nás, jeden toho vela a druhý toho málo
It's up to us, one has a lot and the other has little
Možno aj zisťuješ aké je to cítit sa sám
Perhaps you are already discovering what it feels like to be alone
Smiech strieda pláč, keď v ústach zas máš zbraň
Laughter alternates with tears, when you have a weapon in your mouth again
Slova nie iba slova, to by bola moc náhoda
Words are not just words, that would be too much of a coincidence
Je to na nás, jeden toho veľa a druhý toho málo
It's up to us, one has a lot and the other has little

Writer(s): Dj Wich, Renne Dang, Roman Grigely

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