Renne Dang feat. Strapo & Majself - Chápeš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Renne Dang feat. Strapo & Majself - Chápeš

Do You Get It?
DJ Wich
DJ Wich
Con Lai
Con Lai
Já, já,
Yeah, yeah,
Dělám věci jenom na který mám,
I only do things I have the capacity for,
Nehraju si na něco co nejsem (nejsem).
I don't pretend to be something I'm not (not).
Žiju život po tom co se stmívá
I live life after dark
To o čem ty sníváš to je pro běžné (hey).
What you dream of is ordinary for me (hey).
Ze sídliště do klubů měst,
From the projects to the city clubs,
Z nuly na sto (co?), jen za pár let.
From zero to a hundred (what?), in just a few years.
Mladý zmrdi, vole patří nám svět.
Young motherfuckers, the world belongs to us.
Nedělám love love dělají mě!
I don't make the love, love makes me!
slibuju, že nikdy nezapomenu na dobu, kdy se jenom všichni smáli.
I promise I will never forget the time when everyone just laughed.
Slibuju že budu dělat všechno pro to aby litovali -
I promise I'll do everything to make them regret it -
Ten smích jim vrátím.
I'll give them back that laugh.
Dělám jen to proč jsem se narodil,
I only do what I was born to do,
Z chudoby na blahobyt,
From poverty to prosperity,
žiju život dokola (co?).
I live life to the fullest (what?).
Dělám to co musím abych uživil,
I do what I have to to make a living,
Zmije chtěj potopit z jedniček hned na kila (hey).
Snakes want to sink me from ones straight to kilos (hey).
Z minuty je hodina, love třeba počítat, z matiky jsem propadal
A minute becomes an hour, love needs to be counted, I failed math
Tvoje holka se mi fotila, chtěla by mi zavolat,
Your girl took pictures with me, she wants to call me,
Coury ale odmítám (bye).
Groupies but I refuse (bye).
Po mým boku jenom jediná,
By my side only one,
Chápe to co znamenám,
She understands what I mean,
Moje děti vychová.
She will raise my children.
Sorry ty to nebudeš, nevlezu ti do klína a nevezmu do kina (bye).
Sorry it won't be you, I won't crawl into your lap and take you to the movies (bye).
nikdy nechci zpět dolů,
I never want to go back down,
Nikdy nechci to znova.
I never want that again.
Všechno co dělám,
Everything I do,
Dělám to pro vás a nejlíp jak můžu to dělat.
I do it for you and the best I can.
nechci zpět dolů,
I don't want to go back down,
čekat přijde ten čas,
wait for the time to come,
čekat přijde ta pozornost a lidi budou chtít slyšet můj hlas
wait for the attention to come and people will want to hear my voice
Chápeš! z ulice rovnou na pódium.
Do you get it! from the street straight to the stage.
Chápeš! Dávám tomu maximum.
Do you get it! I give it my all.
Chápeš! Dělám to co oni ne a proto za zádama staví se mi vlastní impérium.
Do you get it! I do what they don't and that's why I'm building my own empire behind their backs.
Chápeš, to je tvrdá práce.
Do you get it, this is hard work.
Chápeš, to je málo spánku.
Do you get it, this is little sleep.
Žádnej cash od otce, žádnej z uplakánků.
No cash from my father, none from crying.
Chápeš! z ulice rovnou na pódium.
Do you get it! from the street straight to the stage.
Chápeš! Dávám tomu maximum.
Do you get it! I give it my all.
Chápeš! Dělám to co oni ne a proto za zádama staví se mi vlastní impérium.
Do you get it! I do what they don't and that's why I'm building my own empire behind their backs.
Chápeš, to je tvrdá práce.
Do you get it, this is hard work.
Chápeš, to je málo spánku.
Do you get it, this is little sleep.
Žádnej cash od otce, žádnej z uplakánků.
No cash from my father, none from crying.
Najprv sa mi prijebaní smiali,
First they laughed at me,
Asi nejsu dostatečne dobrý pre nich aby cenili.
I guess I'm not good enough for them to appreciate.
To dneska vidia fucker hore v dáli.
Today they see the fucker up in the distance.
Analyzujem tie schémy, ťahy, ako Mesežnikov.
I analyze the schemes, the moves, like Mesezhnikov.
Neustále zbrojím, slova pálím (ratatata)
I'm constantly arming, firing words (ratatata)
Každá vec, čo spravím je ak tvrdá rána pre kritikov,
Every thing I do is like a hard blow to the critics,
Nečekám, či mi to niekdo schválí.
I'm not waiting for someone to approve it.
Posielam im hovno, čo si vyberám jak emotikon,
I send them shit, which I choose like an emoticon,
Get it!
Je to tvrda drina zachovať si vlastnú tvár a nebyť fakt len kar.
It's hard work to keep your own face and not be just a card.
Hovori chápeš?
He says get it?
Tu moju povahu pokladám na oltár,
I put my nature on the altar,
Neni som Travolta,
I'm not Travolta,
Pýtam sa chápeš?
I'm asking, do you get it?
Môj image není gelovy, nulovy,
My image is not gel, zero,
Bez základu, zasypaný fejkom,
Without foundation, covered with fake,
Plan B...,
Plan B...,
Nikdy som ho nemal,
I never had it,
Dal som do toho do piče všetko,
I put everything into it,
Dneska sa to vracia späť.
Today it comes back.
Sedem rokov, z ulice na stage (yo),
Seven years, from the street to the stage (yo),
Dnes davy kričia moje meno.
Today crowds shout my name.
Dole nikdy nevrátim sa naspäť,
I'll never go back down,
Zvyknutý na tie rany na temeno.
Used to the blows to the head.
Študoval som rap a každý aspekt (boy),
I studied rap and every aspect (boy),
Preto dnes znieme dospelo.
That's why we sound mature today.
Nepustím nikoho do sveta, ktorý som budoval,
I won't let anyone into the world I built,
Dúfam že to chápeš.
I hope you get it.
Chápeš! z ulice rovnou na pódium.
Do you get it! from the street straight to the stage.
Chápeš! Dávám tomu maximum.
Do you get it! I give it my all.
Chápeš! Dělám to co oni ne a proto za zádama staví se mi vlastní impérium.
Do you get it! I do what they don't and that's why I'm building my own empire behind their backs.
Chápeš, to je tvrdá práce.
Do you get it, this is hard work.
Chápeš, to je málo spánku.
Do you get it, this is little sleep.
Žádnej cash od otce, žádnej z uplakánků.
No cash from my father, none from crying.
Chápeš! z ulice rovnou na pódium.
Do you get it! from the street straight to the stage.
Chápeš! Dávám tomu maximum.
Do you get it! I give it my all.
Chápeš! Dělám to co oni ne a proto za zádama staví se mi vlastní impérium.
Do you get it! I do what they don't and that's why I'm building my own empire behind their backs.
Chápeš, to je tvrdá práce.
Do you get it, this is hard work.
Chápeš, to je málo spánku.
Do you get it, this is little sleep.
Žádnej cash od otce, žádnej z uplakánků.
No cash from my father, none from crying.
You don't get it,
Si inde ak Budapešť,
You're somewhere else like Budapest,
Nestačí mať fakt len chuť a cash,
It's not enough to just have the desire and the cash,
Nič, len mať výdrž ak Duracel.
Nothing but to have the stamina of Duracell.
Šoubiznys shit tu kabel,
Showbiz shit has its cable here,
Tu kabel, tu kabel, tu kabel,
Here cable, here cable, here cable,
No zostávam šampión,
But I remain the champion,
Nechápeš, nedám cash, no tu máš hell,
You don't get it, I won't give you cash, but here's hell,
Striktný piss shot do kukadel.
Strict piss shot in the eye.
Nejdem dole, ani keby že mi na tie moje choré nohy budete chcieť uväzovať kotvu, (já)
I'm not going down, even if you want to tie an anchor to my sick legs, (me)
Nešlapal som na tu horu,
I didn't climb this mountain,
Aby som sa potom zase jebal dolu,
To then fuck myself down again,
Sedím, robím fotku (kdo?).
I'm sitting, taking a picture (who?).
Povedal, že to čo robím neni dosť,
He said what I do is not enough,
Asi trochu moc preceňuješ svoju močku.
You're overestimating your pussy a little too much.
Sú, áno taký sú,
There are, yes there are,
áno oni sú, viem,
yes they are, I know,
No oni špekulanti sú,
Well they are speculators,
Ale vonku
But outside
Ne, v mojom dome není miesto pre háveď
No, there is no room for vermin in my house
Ne, ani keď je drzá, ani keď mi päť,
No, not even when it's bold, not even when it gives me five,
Ne, nenapíšem ťa na svoj novy zaver,
No, I won't write you down on my new verse,
Ne, evidentne ma nechápeš.
No, you obviously don't get me.
Volajú, hneď tam som,
They're calling, I'm right there,
Keď je to pre chlapcov,
When it's for the boys,
Pre takých hneď tam som,
For such I'm right there,
Nemôžem prestať s tou ulicou prekrásnou,
I can't stop with that beautiful street,
Na chvíľku zaspal som,
I fell asleep for a while,
A dneska zas tam som,
And today I'm there again,
Zas robím s Vietnamcom.
I'm doing business with the Vietnamese again.
Chápeš! z ulice rovnou na pódium.
Do you get it! from the street straight to the stage.
Chápeš! Dávám tomu maximum.
Do you get it! I give it my all.
Chápeš! Dělám to co oni ne a proto za zádama staví se mi vlastní impérium.
Do you get it! I do what they don't and that's why I'm building my own empire behind their backs.
Chápeš, to je tvrdá práce.
Do you get it, this is hard work.
Chápeš, to je málo spánku.
Do you get it, this is little sleep.
Žádnej cash od otce, žádnej z uplakánků.
No cash from my father, none from crying.
Chápeš! z ulice rovnou na pódium.
Do you get it! from the street straight to the stage.
Chápeš! Dávám tomu maximum.
Do you get it! I give it my all.
Chápeš! Dělám to co oni ne a proto za zádama staví se mi vlastní impérium.
Do you get it! I do what they don't and that's why I'm building my own empire behind their backs.
Chápeš, to je tvrdá práce.
Do you get it, this is hard work.
Chápeš, to je málo spánku.
Do you get it, this is little sleep.
Žádnej cash od otce, žádnej z uplakánků.
No cash from my father, none from crying.

Writer(s): Dj Wich, Renne Dang

Renne Dang feat. Strapo & Majself - CON LAI
date de sortie

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