replica - Svi Smo Pozvani - traduction des paroles en anglais

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Svi Smo Pozvani
We Are All Called
Vidio sam nepravdu i vidio sam siromaštvo.
I have seen injustice and I have seen poverty.
Vidio sam glad i strah i jos uvijek mi nije jasno kako možeš samo gledati, ne pružit ruku i ne pomoći.
I have seen hunger and fear and it is still not clear to me how you can just watch, not lend a hand and not help.
Lako je bit sebičan, nikad neznaš kad će tebi trebati.
It is easy to be selfish, you never know when you will need something.
Ne želim bit patetičan, al pomalo sam skeptičan.
I do not want to be pathetic, but I am a bit skeptical.
Ovako nemože još dugo, moramo smislit nešto drugo.
This cannot continue for much longer, we have to think of something else.
Sistem je dvoličan, nekom koma, nekom odličan, ali čovjek običan tu je od početka otpisan.
The system is hypocritical, for some it is a coma, for others it is excellent, but an ordinary man is written off from the beginning.
Shvatio sam već odavno da je sve namješteno i lažno, a za javnost uvijek idu priče iz šupljeg u prazno.
I realized long ago that everything is rigged and false, and for the public there are always stories from the hollow to the empty.
Nikad nije prekasno podić glavu, počet ponovo, porušit zidove koji dijele nas na slojeve.
It is never too late to raise your head, start again, break down the walls that divide us into layers.
Slušaj što govore, magle nam obzore, peru nam mozgove i ruše nam sve čvrste mostove.
Listen to what they say, our horizons are hazy, they brainwash us and destroy all our strong bridges.
Daleko od istine, muljaže nezamislive.
Far from the truth, unimaginable deceptions.
Peru me vizije naše svete misije.
Visions of our holy mission haunt me.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Ponekad je dovoljna i samo jedna riječ.
Sometimes even a single word is enough.
Svi smo pozvani.
We are all called.
U paklu svi rade samo za sebe.
In hell, everyone works only for themselves.
Možeš birat il kradeš ili najebeš, a možeš čak izabrati tko će te pljačkati.
You can choose whether to steal or to cheat, or you can even choose who will rob you.
To je demokracija, lijepa naša Hrvatska.
This is democracy, our beautiful Croatia.
Odustani od sebe i budi robot.
Give up on yourself and be a robot.
Nitko neće te dirat ni imat posla s tobom sve dok uredno plačaš što se pred tebe stavi.
No one will touch you or bother you as long as you pay regularly what is put before you.
Bolje po džepu, nego po glavi.
Better for the pocket than for the head.
Jer ovdje nema mjesta za toliko mudraca, svaki dan je neki drugi najveća faca, predvodnik poretka, govno od čovjeka, iza toplog osmijeha jebe nas sve od reda.
Because there is no place here for so many wise men, every day someone else is the greatest face, the leader of order, a piece of shit, behind a warm smile he fucks us all up.
Ko da nam več nije svega preko glave, još nas svi odozgo budalama prave.
As if we had not had enough of everything, we are still being made fools of by everyone from above.
Al vrijeme je za kontru, vrijeme je za pokret.
But it is time for opposition, time for action.
Uspjeli smo jednom.
We succeeded once.
Zašto ne bi opet?
Why not again?
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Samo kada čujemo i jednu dobru riječ.
Only when we hear even one good word.
Svi smo pozvani.
We are all called.
Da mijenjamo svijet.
To change the world.
Svi smo pozvani.
We are all called.
Da mijenjamo svijet.
To change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Svi smo pozvani.
We are all called.
Da mijenjamo svijet.
To change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Ponekad je dovoljna i samo jedna rijec.
Sometimes even a single word is enough.
Svi smo pozvani.
We are all called.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.
Svi smo pozvani da mijenjamo svijet.
We are all called to change the world.

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Domagoj Cifrek, Branimir IvanäŒan, Ivan å ibenik, Majkl Jaguniä†

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