Replik - Daymares - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Replik - Daymares

Manucho conflicto
Manucho conflicto
Uh, uh, just try it up, ay, Dios
Uh, uh, just try it up, ay, Dios
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making...
Making, making, making...
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making
Making, making, making
Entre neblinas lugubres como Piotr Jablonsky
Among gloomy mists like Pyotr Jablonsky
Me levanto, me ducho escucho Roc Marciano Don Shit
I get up, I take a shower I listen to... Marciano Don Shit
Un frotis en mi glotis y
A smear on my glottis and
Estudia mi voz kid
Study my voice kid
Mis cuerdas vocales espirales de neon
My neon spiral vocal cords
Mis hommies saben Smoking chronic suave
My hommies know Smoking chronic soft
Rocking Tommy sale
Rocking Tommy sale
Hijo del rigor primero y luego del rigor mortis
Son of rigor first and then rigor mortis
Cae Cuando los zombis se contraen
Falls when the zombies contract
Los tragos finales de una vida en soledades graves
The final drinks of a life in serious loneliness
En vez de preocuparse por su rating
Instead of worrying about your rating
Preocúpense por su writing
Worry about your writing...
Do the right thing
Do the right thing
Vos sentite cual king
You feel like a king
Yo me siento cual Luther
I feel like Luther
Futuro martir
Future martyr
Los más ricos son los que más veces comen gratis
The richest people are the ones who eat for free the most times
Sonando ninety
Playing ninety
Como la comunidad del guisante
Like the pea community
Estado mental, Victor Franklin
State of Mind, Victor Franklin
Desenchufarme de ese infierno semiconstante
Unplug me from that semi-constant hell
Ah, poseso resonante
Ah, possessed resonant
Tu vida no me interesa contame lo que soñaste
Your life doesn't interest me tell me what you dreamed
Puede ser que guardes
It may be that you keep
Vivencias que traumen
Experiences that bring
La fuerza en el aire
The force in the air
Please Enjoy the silence
Please Enjoy the silence
El infierno en mis auris
The hell in my auris
Heavy Trelli trelli
Heavy Trelli trelli
Me dijeron ven y les dije too many pelis
They told me come and I told them too many movies
Frenen, quiero que mi hijo rapee
Slow down, I want my son to rap
Y me sample, los milagros suceden, ya
Y me sample, los milagros suceden, ya
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making...
Making, making, making...
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making
Making, making, making
I'm making gold bars
I'm making gold bars
Yo no tengo nightmares tengo Daymares
I don't have nightmares I have Daymares
Porque en la noche Manucho no duerme
Because at night Manucho doesn't sleep
Invento music o la escucho
I invent music or I listen to it
Depende, de si la culebra interna muerde
It depends, if the inner snake bites
Y me solicite que suelte lo que albergue en el pecho guacho
And ask me to release what I have in my chest guacho
Reparto lujos gratis, Ronaldinho Gaucho
I give out free luxuries, Ronaldinho Gaucho
Borracho entre muchachos
Drunk among boys
En las manos callos de tanto crayon
On the hands calluses from so much crayon
Escribo y tacho mamarrachos
I write and I write
Rayo el folio en los rituales mortuorios de mis ranchos
Lightning the folio in the mortuary rituals of my ranches
En la sala sonaba Gata Cattana y escribía poemas de Ramayama
Cattana Cat sounded in the room and wrote Ramayama poems
Entre asanas y pranayamas, mi prana en llamas
Between asanas and pranayamas, my prana on fire
I was in Manhattan
I was in Manhattan
Y me hablo el espíritu de Wallace
And he spoke to me the spirit of Wallace
En un Dunkin Donuts
In a Dunkin Donuts
Sálvame la vida sin que te lo pida
Save my life without me asking
Confía en tu energía y en lo que percibas
Trust your energy and what you perceive
Me divierto cuando mi vida peligra
I have fun when my life is in danger
Abortar la misión era cumplirla
To abort the mission was to fulfill it
Me intimida la ternura
I am intimidated by tenderness
Hay una sola nube en el cielo y me tapa la luna
There is a single cloud in the sky and the moon covers me
Imagino utopías viviendo mis distopías
I imagine utopias living my dystopias
La peor tortura
The worst torture
Y las tempestades madrugan
And the storms get up early
Soy Un soldado abatido en el suelo del campo
I am a soldier moping on the field floor
Esperando algún milagro en este presente agrio
Hoping for some miracle in this sour present
To los días con la sensación de haber roto algo
To the days with the feeling of having broken something
Extraño lo que extravío
I miss what I lose
Manucho Conflicto, uh, Frany
A Lot Of Conflict, uh, Frany
Ay, Dios, que cansador hermano
Oh, God, what a tiring brother
Making, making, making, gold bars
Making, making, making, gold bars

Writer(s): Manuel Vainstein

Replik - Daymares
date de sortie

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