Retap - Let's Go Down - traduction des paroles en anglais

Let's Go Down - Retaptraduction en anglais

Let's Go Down
Let's Go Down
Let's go down
Let's go down
A pak ze dna zase nahoru
And then from the bottom back up
Let's go down
Let's go down
Dokud nedosáhnem vrcholu
Until we reach the top
Let's go down
Let's go down
A pak ze dna zase nahoru
And then from the bottom back up
Let's go down
Let's go down
Dokud nedosáhnem vrcholu
Until we reach the top
Dita? Check
Dita? Check
Bogner? Check
Bogner? Check
Můj fit? Check
My fit? Check
Made in czech
Made in Czech
Píšu šek
Writing a check
Jak jsem řek
Like I said
Tolik čísel
So many numbers
Že ses lek
That you were shocked
Dita? Check
Dita? Check
Bogner? Check
Bogner? Check
Můj fit? Check
My fit? Check
Made in czech
Made in Czech
Píšu šek
Writing a check
Jak jsem řek
Like I said
Tolik čísel
So many numbers
Že ses lek
That you were shocked
V pokoji a v klidu
In the room and in peace
Nahrával jsem první tracks yeah
I recorded my first tracks yeah
V životě me nenapadlo počítat ty stacks yeah
Never in my life did I think to count those stacks yeah
Přišel i bod zlomu
There also came a breaking point
Kdy jsem zažil první session
When I experienced my first session
Od doby psaní textů je true obssesion
Since then, writing lyrics is my true obsession
Začal jsem to cejtit
I started to feel it
Začal- Začal jsem to feelovat
Started- Started to feel it
Místo drog a místo zbraní budu bary dealovat
Instead of drugs and weapons, I'll be dealing bars
Svoje chyby peelovat
Polishing my mistakes
Cestu hore drillovat
Drilling my way to the top
Svědomí stejně jak bary budu svižně spittovat
My conscience, just like my bars, I'll spit swiftly
Let's go down
Let's go down
A pak ze dna zase nahoru
And then from the bottom back up
Let's go down
Let's go down
Dokud nedosáhnem vrcholu
Until we reach the top
Let's go down
Let's go down
A pak ze dna zase nahoru
And then from the bottom back up
Let's go down
Let's go down
Dokud nedosáhnem vrcholu
Until we reach the top
Dita? Check
Dita? Check
Bogner? Check
Bogner? Check
Můj fit? Check
My fit? Check
Made in czech
Made in Czech
Píšu šek
Writing a check
Jak jsem řek
Like I said
Tolik čísel
So many numbers
Že ses lek
That you were shocked
Dita? Check
Dita? Check
Bogner? Check
Bogner? Check
Můj fit? Check
My fit? Check
Made in czech
Made in Czech
Píšu šek
Writing a check
Jak jsem řek
Like I said
Tolik čísel
So many numbers
Že ses lek
That you were shocked
Album hitlo release
The album hit release
A nasál jsem oheň
And I caught fire
Od doby věděl jsem že na stagi jsem bohem
From then on I knew I was a god on stage
Cody Seven, Matropolis
Cody Seven, Matropolis
Unbeatable records
Unbeatable records
Shoutout těm co drží yeah jdem pro music awards
Shoutout to those who hold on yeah we're going for music awards
Molo 10, Fatal, Distrikt
Pier 10, Fatal, Distrikt
Všechno bude hořet
Everything will burn
Moje flow a tracky budou tvoje tempo držet
My flow and tracks will keep your tempo
Tohle je story -
This is my story -
hard jak rally terén
hard as a rally terrain
Ještě jednou ti to shrnu, takhle zní ten refrén
I'll sum it up for you one more time, this is how the chorus sounds
Let's go down
Let's go down
A pak ze dna zase nahoru
And then from the bottom back up
Let's go down
Let's go down
Dokud nedosáhnem vrcholu
Until we reach the top
Let's go down
Let's go down
A pak ze dna zase nahoru
And then from the bottom back up
Let's go down
Let's go down
Dokud nedosáhnem vrcholu
Until we reach the top
Dita? Check
Dita? Check
Bogner? Check
Bogner? Check
Můj fit? Check
My fit? Check
Made in czech
Made in Czech
Píšu šek
Writing a check
Jak jsem řek
Like I said
Tolik čísel
So many numbers
Že ses lek
That you were shocked
Dita? Check
Dita? Check
Bogner? Check
Bogner? Check
Můj fit? Check
My fit? Check
Made in czech
Made in Czech
Píšu šek
Writing a check
Jak jsem řek
Like I said
Tolik čísel
So many numbers
Že ses lek
That you were shocked

Writer(s): Filip Kolman

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