Retap - Stereo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Stereo - Retaptraduction en anglais

Zdravim všechny z vás
Greetings to all of you
Vítej na naší show
Welcome to our show
Tenhle beat je freeze cold
This beat is freeze cold
Fucking ready to go
Fucking ready to go
Černý hoodies, černý shoes
Black hoodies, black shoes
Černo v klubu a glasses
Black in the club and glasses
Bary jsou insane, čubka na to shot si
Bars are insane, girl takes a shot
A my nechcem dry flow
And we don't want a dry flow
Nechcem dope, my jsme dope yeah
We don't want dope, we are dope yeah
Chceme být slyšet
We want to be heard
In the motherfucking stereo
In the motherfucking stereo
se třesou stěny
Let the walls shake
se s náma houpaj kola
Let the wheels rock with us
RETAP Gang bitch
RETAP Gang bitch
celej klub volá
Let the whole club shout
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
My chceme bejt slyšet in the motherfucking stereo
We want to be heard in the motherfucking stereo
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
Nezvedám si ego i'm just letting everybody know
Not boosting my ego, I'm just letting everybody know
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
My chcem bejt slyšet in the motherfucking stereo
We want to be heard in the motherfucking stereo
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
Nezvedám si ego, i'm just letting everybody know
Not boosting my ego, I'm just letting everybody know
Tracky neznaj pauz
Tracks don't know pauses
I tak čekám na aplauz
Still waiting for applause
Hned jak naběhnem na stage tak čekej holokaust
As soon as we hit the stage, expect a holocaust
Nejsem jako Faust
I'm not like Faust
Nečekám na cizí pomoc
I don't wait for outside help
Dostanem se sami! How? Jsme sick jako nemoc
We'll get there ourselves! How? We're sick like a disease
Živej přenos
Live broadcast
Další demo
Another demo
Nejsme ztracený jak Nemo
We're not lost like Nemo
V klubu šero
Darkness in the club
V držce Velo
Velo in my face
Je to jak by kurva mělo
It's just how it fucking should be
Další track a další dělo
Another track and another banger
Na stagi jak v novým těle
On stage like in a new body
A mezitím v backu
And meanwhile in the back
Nechceš vědět co se děje yeah
You don't want to know what's happening yeah
Nechceš vědět co se děje
You don't want to know what's happening
Nechceš vidět jak se smějem
You don't want to see us laughing
Nechceš vidět úspěch, a náš úsměv
You don't want to see success, and our smile
Nesneseš jak shoty lejem
You can't stand how we pour shots
se třesou stěny
Let the walls shake
se s náma houpaj kola
Let the wheels rock with us
RETAP Gang bitch
RETAP Gang bitch
celej klub volá
Let the whole club shout
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
My chcem bejt slyšet in the motherfucking stereo
We want to be heard in the motherfucking stereo
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
Nezvedám si ego, just letting everybody know
Not boosting my ego, just letting everybody know
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
My chcem bejt slyšet in the motherfucking stereo
We want to be heard in the motherfucking stereo
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
Nezvedám si ego, i'm just letting everybody know
Not boosting my ego, I'm just letting everybody know
Když si pro přijdou
When they come for me
Tak nebudu tady
I won't be here anymore
si budu dávat chill
I'll be chilling
A vyseru se na svý vady
And shit on my flaws
Budu jenom střílet bars
I'll just be shooting bars
A pak půjdu si pro top
And then I'll go for the top
Hitnu strop, hitnu strop
Hit the ceiling, hit the ceiling
Nikdy si neřeknu stop
I'll never say stop
Nonstop charging drive
Nonstop charging drive
Píčo mrdám život life
Bitch, I'm fucking life
Jak by Adam řekl
As Adam would say
Vlastně všechno je alright
Actually, everything is alright
Jsem muž kvalit
I'm a man of quality
Celou night
All night
Je to right
It's right
Je to fight
It's a fight
Je to jako život yeah je to jako life
It's like life yeah it's like life
Dalo by se říct
You could say
Že jde vlastně o hovno
It's actually about shit
A když jde o něco víc
And when it's about something more
Se nepleť do toho
Don't get involved
se třesou stěny
Let the walls shake
se s náma houpaj kola
Let the wheels rock with us
RETAP Gang bitch
RETAP Gang bitch
celej klub volá
Let the whole club shout
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
My chcem bejt slyšet in the motherfucking stereo
We want to be heard in the motherfucking stereo
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
Nezvedám si ego, just letting everybody know
Not boosting my ego, just letting everybody know
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
My chcem bejt slyšet in the motherfucking stereo
We want to be heard in the motherfucking stereo
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Jsme ready na show, here we go
We're ready for the show, here we go
Nezvedám si ego, i'm just letting everybody know
Not boosting my ego, I'm just letting everybody know

Writer(s): Filip Kolman

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