Rex.D - Disappointment - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rex.D - Disappointment

2012쯤인가 회사와 계약
After signing with my former company around 2012,
들뜬 마음으로 마음껏
I was excited and let loose.
씨발 이게 꿈이냐 너도 좋아했잖아
Damn, is this a dream? You liked it too,
J'kyun형과 팀이다 임마
and now I'm in a team with J'Kyun hyung.
꿈을 이룬것만 같지 너도 어줍잖은
I feel like I've achieved my dream, and you're not half bad either.
회사 때려치고 빨리 rap
Drop your company and start rapping quickly.
한심한 새끼 술이나 따러
You pitiful jerk, just go pour yourself a drink.
너같은 새끼랑 타령하고 싶지않아
I don't want to talk about dreams with someone like you.
집안 타령하네 또이새끼가 어?
You're just whining about your family, what's wrong with you?
엄마한테 당장 1, 20 주는게 대수냐 어?
Is it really that great to give your mom 1, 20 won right away?
4년전 내꿈은 저런모냥새로
Exactly 4 years ago, my dream grew like that.
자라 왔지 지금의 내가있기까지
It's grown until it became the me I am now.
대단한거 아님 인정.
It's not a big deal, I admit.
이제서야 자식 한테
Now, I'm barely buying that kid
겨우 한잔 사면서 저말 주워 담지
a drink and getting him to talk.
발전이란 단어속 찿아봐 숨어있어
Take a good look at the word progress, it's hidden there.
두손에 쥐어질 두꺼운 빗자루 쓰레받기
The thick broom and dustpan that you'll hold in your hands
인생이 원래 지나온 자리 닦기면
If life is originally the place I've walked past cleaning up poop,
그건 너무 슬프니까 그냥 후회 없이 살기로
that's too sad, so I'll just live without regrets.
작년 쇼미 탈락후 헌혈증 쥐고
After getting eliminated from Show Me last year, I tightly held onto my blood donation card.
무균실에서 내가본건 씨발 통편집
All I saw in the sterile room was damn editing.
Yeah 더는없지 더는없어 이제 내게 노력과
Yeah, there's nothing more, there's nothing more for me now. Effort and
열심힐 바란다면 엿줄게.
hard work, if you expect that from me, I'll give you shit.
20대 후반 이제곧 서른 넘어가는
In my late 20s, I'm almost 30.
내게 아직도 용돈 쥐어주는 우리엄마의
Our mom, who still gives me pocket money,
걱정은 vision보다 아프지않길 바라면서
I hope her worries will hurt less than my vision, and
아프게 나아 미안하다고 더필요한건 없냐하셔
I'm sorry if I hurt you more, is there anything else you need?
야이씨 이건 아니지 니가봐도 아니지?
Wow, this isn't right, you can see that too, right?
근데 혈액암에 보험 들자던 엄마말에
But my mom wanted to get me insurance for leukemia.
씨발 내가아픈데도 돈이 중요하냐고
Damn, I'm the one who's sick, does money matter?
병원에서 깽판쳐 가드 손에 끌려나온 난데
I caused a scene in the hospital and got dragged out by the guards,
그때 울면서 달랜 엄마의 찢어지는
at that time, my mom's heart was breaking as she tried to calm me down.
그보다도 살고싶어 아무나 원망했던 나에겐
Rather than that, I wanted to live. I resented everyone, even you,
오래전부터 원망한 아빠도 있었네 겸상도 오래됬지
and my father, who I had resented for a long time, was there too. It's been a while.
좋았던 기억도 언제 였냐는듯 잊었지
I've forgotten all the good memories like when they were.
아마 아빠의 집과 차는
Maybe my father's first house and his first car
엄마의 20대 땀묻은 결과물
were the results of my mom's sweat in her 20s.
그게 아빠의 욕심에 무너진걸 곡에
That my father's greed destroyed them, I'm exposing that
까발리는건 아들아닌 남자로 첫내미는
in this song, not as a son but as a man giving his first blow.
또날 나았던 아빠의 나이와
Also, I'm getting closer to my father's age.
가까워진 아들로써 시작할 첫내미는
My first blow as a son who's become more filial is devotion.
이제 비롯한 아빠도
Now, my father and I
무거운 짐을 내려야지 평생 가져가도
need to let go of this heavy burden. We've carried it our whole lives.
이제 진짜 볼수없을때
Now, when we really can't see each other,
슬플께 뻔하잖아
it's obvious that it'll be even sadder.
채점 받는삶을 욕하는
Cursing a life that's being graded,
내가 이래도 되겠어
I can be like this.
모범이 되는 삶이 감옥 같던건
A life that's a model, like a prison. You were confident you wouldn't become like your dad, right?
아빠처럼 안될 자신있냐고 했던
Starting with my friend's words, everyone,
친구의 말부터, 나부터
passed the buck to me.
모두에게 두부를 건네고
I should just hand everyone tofu
걸어 나와야지 날위해 열심히던 내회사도
and walk out. My company, which worked hard for me.
그저감사한 맘으로 품에안고
I just hold it in my arms with a grateful heart.
그다음은 내게 기댈거는 모든이들에게 잘있어
Next, I'm going to lean on everyone. Goodbye to all of you.
이제부터 열심히 하지말고 즐겨
Don't work hard from now on, enjoy yourself.
You've done well.
알어 너참많이 노력했던것
I know you've worked really hard.
You've done well.
내가 뭘하던 실망 말고 즐겨
Enjoy yourself no matter what I do, just don't disappoint me,
You've done well.
나역시너에게 어떤 바램도 없어
I don't have any wishes for you either.
You've done well.
숨만쉬며 살고싶지않아
I don't want to live just breathing.
그런 삶을 원했다면 나는 아마
If I had wanted that kind of life, I probably
삶을 애써 경쟁구도에
would have just thrown myself
내던지고 매일밤 마다날
into fierce competition, and the music
괴롭힌 음악이 뭐가 필요해?
that tormented me every night, what do I need it for?
혈관속엔 암이 흘러
Cancer flows through my veins,
근데도 멈추지 못했어 독한 담배술도
but I still couldn't stop the toxic cigarettes and alcohol.
니가 욕할꺼면 봐봐 혈액수치
If you're going to curse me, take a look at my blood count,
어땠을지 어땠을지
what was it? What was it?
너나 나나 죽자고 살잖아 영원하단 다이아
You and I, let's just die and live. The eternal diamond,
얼마전 깨진다는걸 알았어 이젠 말할께
I found out not too long ago that it can be broken. I'll say it now,
내가어떻게 살든
No matter how I live,
그래 나는 괜찮아 이제 그만 걱정하고
yes, I'm okay now. Stop worrying
죽는날 얼굴이 환한
and on the day I die, I hope my face
웃음이길 바래
is filled with a bright
어제 one night 얘길할때 처럼
smile, like when we were talking about our one night stand yesterday.
그저 웃음이길 바래
I just hope it's a smile.
차버린 그녀를 욕할때 처럼
Like when we were cursing the woman who dumped me.
웃음이길 바래...
I hope it's a smile...

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