Rey - Alejate De MI - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rey - Alejate De MI

Alejate De MI
Get Away From Me
Y pensar que todo terminó
To think that it's all over
Que el amor se acabo
That love is gone
Entre y yo, llego a su fin.
Between you and me, it's come to an end.
Y sentir que al pensar en ti
And to feel that when I think of you
Solo me haces sufrir
You only make me suffer
Por favor
Aléjate de
Get away from me
Aléjate de
Get away from me
Que difícil es tenerte en mi mente sin
It's so hard to have you in my mind without
Poder darte el amor falso que olvidaste llevarte
Being able to give you the false love you forgot to take with you
Hoy estas en otra parte no creas que voy a rogarte,
Today you're somewhere else, don't think I'm going to beg you,
que se agota tu orgullo igual mis ganas de esperarte.
I know your pride is fading like my desire to wait for you.
Si digo "Ya no te amo" mintiera
If I say "I don't love you anymore" I'd be lying
Pero no soy como mi palabra es sincera
But I'm not like you, my word is sincere
La tormenta de tu adiós hace que en mis ojos
The storm of your goodbye makes it rain in my eyes
Llueva y para ya no recordarte ocupo una memoria nueva.
And to forget you I need a new memory.
Te miré, me miraste
I looked at you, you looked at me
Te enamoré te enamoraste
I made you fall in love, you fell in love
Juraste que de mi lado nunca te ibas a marchar
You swore you'd never leave my side
Pienso que pensaste que fue un juego y jugaste,
I think you thought it was a game and you played,
Pues me dejaste en "Game Over" con ganas de continuar"
Well, you left me in "Game Over" with a desire to continue"
Me dijiste "Nunca te voy a dejar" y mira
You told me "I'm never going to leave you" and look
Ahora el martes de tu ausencia mi sonrisa borra
Now on the Tuesday of your absence, my smile erases
No supiste valorar, okey tranquila
You didn't know how to appreciate, okay, calm down
Que para ocupar tu lugar esta larga la fila.
Because there's a long line to take your place.
Y pensar que todo terminó
To think that it's all over
Que el amor se acabó
That love is gone
Entre y yo, llego a su fin.
Between you and me, it's come to an end.
Y sentir que al pensar en ti
And to feel that when I think of you
Solo me haces sufrir
You only make me suffer
Por favor
Aléjate de
Get away from me
Aléjate de
Get away from me
dijiste "Yolo" osea la vida sigue y yo lo
You said "Yolo" meaning life goes on and I
Que quiero es borrar tu recuerdo que me persigue
Want to erase your memory that haunts me
Yo por mi parte ya tuve suficiente dime
I for my part have had enough, tell me
Quien diablos te dijo que se ama con la mente.
Who the hell told you that you love with your mind.
De nada sirve que te escondas nena,
It's no use hiding from me, girl,
No pienso buscarte y mucho menos darme celos al salir con un cobarde
I'm not going to look for you and even less make myself jealous by going out with a coward
En esta comedia romántica no habrá segunda parte,
In this romantic comedy there will be no sequel,
Por mi vete por un tubo al cabo sabes arrastrarte.
Go to hell, you know how to crawl.
Aléjate de y no me digas que me quieres
Get away from me and don't tell me you love me
Porque por culpa tuya ya no creo en las mujeres
Because because of you I don't believe in women anymore
Y así que ya no esperes que yo sea tu marioneta
So don't expect me to be your puppet
Porque este error no lo borra ni "Control Z"
Because this mistake can't be erased even by "Control Z"
Pero aun te quiero y eso abre mas la yaga
But I still love you and that opens the wound more
Las lagrimas saladas por mis heridas vagan
Salty tears wander through my wounds
Cupido no me flecho solo me enterró una daga,
Cupid didn't shoot me, he just stabbed me with a dagger,
Y ahora te abro mi corazón pero para que te salgas.
And now I open my heart for you to leave.
Y pensar que todo terminó
To think that it's all over
Que el amor se acabo
That love is gone
Entre y yo, llego a su fin.
Between you and me, it's come to an end.
Y sentir que al pensar en ti
And to feel that when I think of you
Solo me haces sufrir
You only make me suffer
Por favor
Aléjate de
Get away from me
Aléjate de
Get away from me
Ya me alejo como se aleja el viento (Lo
I'm already moving away like the wind (I
Siento nena pero yo también tengo dignidad, ¿No?)
Feel you girl, but I have dignity too, don't I?)
Y vas a quedarte sola y lo siento (Aunque no tan
And you're going to be alone and I'm sorry (Even though you're not so
Sola tienes a toda la gente que te metió ideas a tu lado)
Alone, you have all those people who put ideas in your head by your side)
Porque que te arrepientes de lo que has hecho
Because I know you regret what you've done
(Si no te arrepientes, la verdad me tiene sin cuidado)
(If you don't regret it, the truth doesn't care about me)
Pero a ya no me importa nada de eso
But I don't care about any of that anymore
Adiós (Adiós)
Goodbye (Goodbye)

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