Rhymer - Old X Man - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rhymer - Old X Man

Old X Man
Old X Man
Səsim gəlir bağdan (No!)
My voice comes from the garden (No!)
Səsim gəlir buna əmin ol
My voice comes, be sure of it, girl
Adı qoyun azrapi globala çıxarmağ
Calling themselves Azrapi, going global
Ama əsil üzünüz fashion olmağ ya bro
But their true face is fashion, bro
Bro perfect live
Bro, perfect live
Biriniz bugs bunny no name right
One of you is Bugs Bunny, no name, right?
Okay, var 7 canım AH
Okay, I have 7 lives, AH
Həyatım davam edir davamı slayt
My life goes on, the sequel is a slide
Dostum ətrafım tayfa zordu ya
Man, my surroundings, the crew, it was tough
Dostun qardaşın paykavoydu
Your friend, your brother, was a show-off
Məndən istədiyin vibe olsun ya
Whatever vibe you want from me
Sadə rhyme beat hoqqa buydu
Simple rhyme, beat, hookah, that's it
To-to-to tonla rhyme bu
To-to-to tons of rhyme, this is
Bilirlər bu işi onlar ayıb
They know this job, it's a shame
Bu killer money wow mənəm o
This killer money, wow, it's me
Bro ama deyil onlar aid
Bro, but they don't belong
Old x-x-x man-man
Old x-x-x man-man
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Əlimiz qolmuz qan-qan
Our hands and arms are blood-blood
Bizi görəndə ah qaç run
When they see us, ah, run, run
Old x-x-x man-man
Old x-x-x man-man
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Əlimiz qolmuz qan-qan
Our hands and arms are blood-blood
Bizi görəndə ah qaç run
When they see us, ah, run, run
Qacıb mərd olur
Runs and becomes brave
Əsil gang olur
Becomes a real gang
Bəli Fərq budur
Yes, that's the difference
Çəkmirəm mən hər poxu
I don't take every crap
Belimdə glock ama əlimdə qan qan
Glock on my waist, but blood-blood on my hands
Sakit şəhərim içində run run
Run, run in my quiet city
Ola biləcəy durum hər şey bir anda
Anything can happen in an instant
Ona görə durmağ olmur vallah
That's why I can't stop, I swear
Non stop (Bu)
Non-stop (This)
Olmur belənci rockstar (Yo)
You don't become a rockstar like this (Yo)
Ghetto ətrafın bəlirli ama
The ghetto surroundings are clear, but
Ətrafım bəlli all star (Bu)
My surroundings are clear, all-star (This)
Gəlirəm arxalardan
I'm coming from behind
40 quldur mən eli baba
40 thieves, I'm Ali Baba
Üzündə-üzündə balaclava
Balaclava on my face
Olanların hamsı deyil banda
Not all of them are in a gang
Old x-x-x man-man
Old x-x-x man-man
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Əlimiz qolmuz qan-qan
Our hands and arms are blood-blood
Bizi görəndə ah qaç run
When they see us, ah, run, run
Old x-x-x man-man
Old x-x-x man-man
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Oo Always vibe-vibe
Əlimiz qolmuz qan-qan
Our hands and arms are blood-blood
Bizi görəndə ah qaç run
When they see us, ah, run, run

Writer(s): Rhymer Valiyev

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