RHYMESTER - B-BOYイズム - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RHYMESTER - B-BOYイズム

B-BOY Izumu
決して譲れないぜ この美学 ナニモノにも媚びず 己を磨く
Never give it up, this aesthetic. I don't flatter anyone, I polish myself.
素晴しき ロクデナシたちだけに 届く轟く ベースの果てに
It's only the wonderful scoundrels, it reaches the thunderous end of the bass.
見た 揺るぎない 俺の美学 ナニモノにも媚びず 己を磨く
Look at it! My unwavering aesthetic, I don't flatter anyone, I polish myself.
素晴しき ロクデナシたちだけに 届く 轟く ベースの如く
It's only the wonderful scoundrels, it reaches the roar of the bass.
俺の名前は b-boy 神の申し子 よく聴きな 道行くトーシロ yo
My name is b-boy, a child of God, listen well, pedestrians, yo.
そこの b-boy wanna be boy 君だ 聞こえたら 即答しろ
Hey, b-boy wannabe boy, you, if you hear it, answer now.
畑違い 人間違いってか? わかったから黙ってな
Different fields, wrong person? I understand, be quiet.
目クソ鼻クソのカテゴライズ 耳クソの価値もない
Worthless as shit, snot, or earwax.
だから語り明かそう 赤子同然の若僧
So let's talk about it, you youngsters who are like babies.
はぐらかそうとか 茶化そうとせずに
Don't try to dodge or make fun of it.
さあ 寄ってきな 丸出しの志 語るセミナー 開講
Come on, come closer, show your bare will, a seminar will be held.
それじゃ 相棒 b-boy "B" を定義してみな
Now, my partner, define the "B" in b-boy.
決して譲れないぜ この美学
Never give it up, this aesthetic.
I don't flatter anyone, I polish myself.
決して譲れないぜ この美学 ナニモノにも媚びず 己を磨く
Never give it up, this aesthetic. I don't flatter anyone, I polish myself.
素晴しき ロクデナシたちだけに 届く轟く ベースの果てに
It's only the wonderful scoundrels, it reaches the thunderous end of the bass.
見た 揺るぎない 俺の美学 ナニモノにも媚びず 己を磨く
Look at it! My unwavering aesthetic, I don't flatter anyone, I polish myself.
素晴しき ロクデナシたちだけに 届く 轟く ベースの如く yeah
It's only the wonderful scoundrels, it reaches the roar of the bass. Yeah.
Ooh たまる
Ooh, it's great.
数はともかく 心は少数派 俺たちだけに聴こえる 特殊な電波
The number doesn't matter, our hearts are a minority, a special wave that only we can hear.
よく見ときな 最後にはどちらの勝ちか アマノジャクたちの価値観
Watch closely, which side will win in the end, the values of the contrarians.
なにせ 行く手はエラク遠距離 足跡からも学ぶぜ謙虚に
After all, the road ahead is very long, let's learn from the footprints with humility.
あえて時には手も汚そう 愛なき時代のさなかにようこそ
Sometimes we'll even get our hands dirty, welcome to the heartless era.
何度でも言うぞ 俺の名前は黄色い b-boy
I'll say it again and again, my name is the yellow b-boy.
ハンパなく ナンバーワン yeah
Unbelievably, number one, yeah.
手前ミソ売りつける商人 毎週末の金土の
A salesman selling his own stuff, on every weekend, Friday and Saturday.
Always in the background of TV dramas.
For the comrades I couldn't find.
Kick the verse 歌詞 蹴っとばす
Kick the verse, kick the lyrics.
まるでストレスとばす ジェットバス
Like a jet bath that blows away stress.
冬をしのげ そのたくましさ見習え はだしのゲン
Survive the winter, learn from his strength, Barefoot Gen.
Walking in the pouring rain without an umbrella.
見ろよこの晴れやかな顔 欲得 超えたヤセガマン yeah
Look at this bright face, beyond greed, yeah.
That's what we're after.
'Cause I'm the man 渋滞続く ハイウェイ
'Cause I'm the man, the highway is jammed,
尻目に マイウェイ
My way.
Let's go, don't sleep.
決して譲れないぜ この美学 ナニモノにも媚びず 己を磨く
Never give it up, this aesthetic. I don't flatter anyone, I polish myself.
素晴しき ロクデナシたちだけに 届く轟く ベースの果てに
It's only the wonderful scoundrels, it reaches the thunderous end of the bass.
見た 揺るぎない 俺の美学 ナニモノにも媚びず 己を磨く
Look at it! My unwavering aesthetic, I don't flatter anyone, I polish myself.
素晴しき ロクデナシたちだけに 届く 轟く ベースの如く
It's only the wonderful scoundrels, it reaches the roar of the bass.
いかにも 俺が b-boy のなかの b-boy ただの b-boy
Of course, I'm the b-boy in the b-boy, just a b-boy.
Being proud of being myself.
ただ それだけ 命懸けで守る イビツに ひずむ俺イズムの
Just that, I'll protect it with my life, my distorted b-boy ism.
I realize the distortion as myself.
奴らのカラー分かつ このプリズム 奴らに共通なこのリズム
This prism that separates their colors, this rhythm that they have in common.
A delicate touch drawn with all my heart.
My requiem to the glorious geniuses.
または 決して屈せざる奴らの国歌
Or, their national anthem, who never give up.
We were born and raised in different countries,
Swear your allegiance under this flag.
ドロに まみれつつ生きてく
Living in the mud,
技術と知恵 身につけ約束の土地へ
Gaining skills and knowledge, to the promised land.

Writer(s): 佐々木 士郎, 山本 仁, 佐々木 士郎, 山本 仁

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