RHYMESTER - POP LIFE - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RHYMESTER - POP LIFE

Down in the downtown district, the white transmitter tower extends like a bamboo shoot
It’s painting a brighter picture of the future than the red one, or so it's said
The “hopeful past ” that the adults talk about…when was that, anyway?
ま、そりゃそうと出かけよう オレたちの今日はこれからさ It's not over
Well, let's get going. Our day is about to begin. It's not over
At a common time and a common place, let's meet up with the same old crowd
Do you remember 不便なスカイペイジャー? 手にはスマートな携帯電話
Do you remember the days of the inconvenient Skypager? Now we have smart cell phones
これはカンだが確かな実感だ おまえのドヤ顔見て感じたんだ
It may be just a hunch, but your smug face tells me
オレたちの人生 かなりイケてんぜ 「あの頃」以上にPopに弾けてんぜ No?
That our lives are pretty radical. We're enjoying the pop life even more than "back then," right?
雲一つないSunny days 続いたかと思えばまたRainy days
It was sunny day after sunny day until the rainy days returned
キミの気分のようなEveryday 繰り返すオレたちの弾ける人生
Our lives, as lively as your mood, bounce along with these everyday ups and downs
雲一つないSunny days 気が滅入るような灰色のRainy days
It was sunny day after sunny day until the depressing gray rainy days returned
どっちでもないこのEverydayこそ素晴らしい 弾ける人生
These everyday moments that are neither one nor the other—they're amazing. Life is full of bounce
万事快調ったぁ言い難いDays 互いの主義主張同士が今日も対決
It’s hard to say that everything's going swell. Our beliefs and convictions confront each other even today
話し合いさえすれば解決ってわけでもない こいつは根が深いケース
It’s not like we can just talk things out and find a solution. This is a deep-rooted issue
要はとにかくムシが好かねぇ 何かって言やぁすぐにムシ返すタネ
Basically, you just get on my nerves. Every time you say something, I just talk back
アイツと違って粘着じゃねぇ! と自分じゃエバってんのに ぶり返す邪念
“I'm not being stubborn like he is!” You strut around like a peacock, but the evil thoughts keep coming back
あるいは立場を交換すると ヤツにさえかすかに共感する
Or maybe if we switched places, I'd feel a little sympathy for you
どころかヘタすりゃ共通項ばっか だったりして ちょいとこいつは困った
Or even more than a little. We might even have a lot in common. This is rough
こちらから見りゃサイテーな人 だがあんなんでも誰かの大切な人
From my point of view, you're the worst kind of person, but even someone like you is precious to somebody
ならいいんじゃん? と思えた不思議 風向きだって変わるさそのうちに
So it's okay, right? That's what I thought. The wind will change direction soon enough
雲一つないSunny days 続いたかと思えばまたRainy days
It was sunny day after sunny day until the rainy days returned
キミの気分のようなEveryday 繰り返すオレたちの弾ける人生
Our lives, as lively as your mood, bounce along with these everyday ups and downs
雲一つないSunny days 気が滅入るような灰色のRainy days
It was sunny day after sunny day until the depressing gray rainy days returned
どっちでもないこのEverydayこそ素晴らしい 弾ける人生
These everyday moments that are neither one nor the other—they're amazing. Life is full of bounce
ああ、思えば遠くへ来たもんだ よくもまあベシャり続けたもんだ
Oh, we've come a long way, haven't we? We've chatted up a storm
あの時分の自分たちの気分 込めたナンバー聴きながら思うんだ
As I listen to the music we were feeling back then, I think to myself
あの頃にはあの頃の悩みが その頃には心の暗闇が
Back then we had our troubles. Our hearts were heavy back then
ってことはオマエもそうか こりゃ失礼 オレの不明 どうか見逃してくれ
Which must mean that you also...excuse me. My lack of awareness. Please forgive me
だけどMy man, My friend, My dear 思い出せばあの頃もオレらは笑ってた
But my man, my friend, my dear, when I think back, we were laughing even then
クダラなすぎて とうに忘れた マジクダラねえギャグとばしあってた
We were cracking such stupid jokes that I'd completely forgotten about them. They were so stupid
ってことは今もその螺旋の最中? ってことは今のうちにしとかなきゃ
So does that mean we're still in the middle of that cycle? That means we need to do something about it now
Even the days that seem to be just okay should be a rehearsal for a tomorrow that will surpass them!
雲一つないSunny days 続いたかと思えばまたRainy days
It was sunny day after sunny day until the rainy days returned
キミの気分のようなEveryday 繰り返すオレたちの弾ける人生
Our lives, as lively as your mood, bounce along with these everyday ups and downs
雲一つないSunny days 気が滅入るような灰色のRainy days
It was sunny day after sunny day until the depressing gray rainy days returned
どっちでもないこのEverydayこそ素晴らしい 弾ける人生
These everyday moments that are neither one nor the other—they're amazing. Life is full of bounce

Writer(s): 宇多丸, Dj Watarai, dj watarai

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