RHYMESTER - ザ・サウナ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RHYMESTER - ザ・サウナ

The Sauna
飛び散る汗 男の汗 遠慮はここじゃ不要 とことん出せ
Sweat is flying, men's sweat, no modesty here, let it all out
同じ釜で蒸された門下生同士の絆 こいつはモノホンだぜェ~
Bonds between students steamed in the same cauldron, this is the real deal
言ってみりゃオトナのガマン大会 だがクセになるのさ たまんないくらい
You could say it's an adult's endurance contest, but it's so addictive, it's unbearable
ボウヤも仲間入りしたかないかい? タオル片手にまたブラッと徘徊
Boy, don't you want to join us too? Just hang out with a towel in hand
なんと涼しき哉(かな) 涼しき哉(かな) 痩せ我慢こそ漢(オトコ)の生き様
How cool it is, how cool it is, forbearance is a man's way of life
ひな壇にひしめく肌、肌、肌 炊き上げてくれさらにさらにHarder
Skin, skin, skin crowded on the steps, heat it up even more, even harder
数寄者共と青二才 産まれたままの姿にタオル一枚
Aesthetes and greenhorns, in their natural state, with only a towel
That tea room that revives wabi-sabi in the present (now) is...
空気すらネチョッとウェット 止めどなく滴るスウェット
Even the air is moist, sweat dripping endlessly
日々のストレスをリセット したきゃLet's go そこはオレたちの桃源郷
If you want to reset your daily stress, Let's go, it's our paradise
Come on, sing it
サウナの規則に逆らうな サウナの磁力に逆らうな
Don't break the sauna rules, don't defy the sauna's gravity
サウナの記憶に逆らうな サウナの魅力に逆らうな
Don't fight the sauna's memory, don't resist the sauna's charm
「お先にどうぞ」「そちらこそどうぞ」 摂氏90度 灼熱のWar Zone
"After you", "No, after you", 90 degrees Celsius, scorching War Zone
もはや健康とか不健康のレベルを超えた戦闘in the銭湯
It's a battle in the bathhouse that goes beyond the level of health or unhealthiness
主はおそらく最上段の人物 ピクリともしないぜ もしや即身仏?
The master is probably the one on the highest step, not moving a muscle, is he a living Buddha?
こりゃたまらねえ とてもかなわねえ もうチキンと呼ばれてもかまわねえ
This is unbearable, I can't take it anymore, I don't care if I'm called a chicken
I give up!
苦行のはずが気持ちEのはなぜ? 顔馴染みとしかめ面付き合わせ
Why is it that it's supposed to be an ascetic practice, but it feels so good? I make faces with my acquaintances
無言の勝負中さ ヒマにまかせ 朦朧としつつ思うんだ 「しあわせ!」
I'm in the middle of a silent battle, dazed and thinking, "I'm so happy!"
スウィーツな皆さん曰く「チョー汗くせー」 だがバカ言うな これこそがSEXY
Sweet people say "You're so sweaty", but that's nonsense, this is what's sexy
ZEN思わせる先駆性 誇るその場所は...
A pioneering spirit reminiscent of ZEN, that place is...
空気すらネチョッとウェット 止めどなく滴るスウェット
Even the air is moist, sweat dripping endlessly
日々のストレスをリセット したきゃLet's go そこはオレたちの桃源郷
If you want to reset your daily stress, Let's go, it's our paradise
Come on, sing it
サウナの規則に逆らうな サウナの磁力に逆らうな
Don't break the sauna rules, don't defy the sauna's gravity
サウナの記憶に逆らうな サウナの魅力に逆らうな
Don't fight the sauna's memory, don't resist the sauna's charm
"Saunas and toilets should be spacious!" my father's nagging voice tells me
本場北欧男児 すら一目置かす俺ら日本男児
Even native Nordic men respect us Japanese men
我慢し過ぎは大惨事 互いの安否気遣いオーライ万事
Holding on too long can lead to disaster, so make sure everyone's okay
Touched by the kindness, that world where "tears of the heart" flow is...
空気すらネチョッとウェット 止めどなく滴るスウェット
Even the air is moist, sweat dripping endlessly
日々のストレスをリセット したきゃLet's go そこはオレたちの桃源郷
If you want to reset your daily stress, Let's go, it's our paradise
Come on, sing it
サウナの規則に逆らうな サウナの磁力に逆らうな
Don't break the sauna rules, don't defy the sauna's gravity
サウナの記憶に逆らうな サウナの魅力に逆らうな
Don't fight the sauna's memory, don't resist the sauna's charm

Writer(s): Mr. Drunk

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