RHYMESTER feat. キエるマキュウ - ドサンピンブルース - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RHYMESTER feat. キエるマキュウ - ドサンピンブルース

Dosanpin Blues
▲In the uneasy peace, a samurai slumbering, his stipend not high.
In other words, a dosanpin, a proud scampin.
Wearing a kimono and carrying two swords, he walks along the大山街道with a toothpick in his mouth.
茶屋の娘にウィンク■ ただしそれ以上はナッシングよ(笑)
He winks at the teahouse girl, but that's as far as it goes (laughs).
Shibuya, the top of Konno 坂, the way to Dogenzaka,
不意に背後に鵜の目鷹の目(うのめたかのめ)。 無礼であろう? 名を名乗れ。
Suddenly, behind him, he hears eagle eyes and hawk eyes. How rude! State your name.
拙者生まれは横浜イカレた... そう、そのDであるが、主(ぬし)、宜(よろ)しいか?
I was born in Yokohama... Yes, that D, but is that okay, sir?
無用の剣は鞘に収めよ。 若人よ、腕を上げよ。
Put away your useless sword. Young man, raise your arms.
◆You Wanna よっぱらう Fresh くせになりそうです
◆Do you want to get drunk? It's becoming a habit.
気持ちE まるでSEX 拙者自分勝手です (レディーファーストです)
It feels good, like SEX. I'm selfish (ladies first).
◇銭は無いけど誇りはある 叩けば多少は悪事も出る
◇I have no money, but I have pride. If you hit me, I'll do something bad.
サンピン、サンピン って 喧嘩も出来ねぇクズが言うな
SAMPIN, SAMPIN. Don't say that, you worthless trash who can't even fight.
西早稲田で決闘 今宵 千人切り いや 十八人切り
A duel in Nishi-Waseda tonight. I'll kill a thousand men, no, eighteen.
武庸 通称 安兵衛 やじろべぇ 右に左に 人生 アッカンベェ
Takeo, also known as Yasubee, steps to the right and the left, sticking out his tongue at life.
サンピン以下ノ刺客 息子と共にレイドバック
The assassin is below SAMPIN. He's laid back with his son.
Bの美はブレ無き武士の美 ふんどし締める 日本の美
The beauty of B is the unwavering beauty of a samurai. The beauty of Japan is tightening a loincloth.
武士は食わねど高楊枝 ならば 馬鹿とはさみは 発情期
If a samurai doesn't eat, he'll have a toothpick. If a fool has scissors, he's in heat.
決してゆずれないぜ この美学 腹は減ってもあそこを磨く
I'll never give up this aesthetic. I'll polish there even if I'm hungry.
◆You Wanna よっぱらう Fresh くせになりそうです
◆Do you want to get drunk? It's becoming a habit.
気持ちE まるでSEX 拙者自分勝手です (レディーファーストです)
It feels good, like SEX. I'm selfish (ladies first).
△泰平の眠りを覚ます上喜撰(蒸気船) たった四杯で夜も眠れず
△The steamship that awakens the sleeping peace, just four cups and I can't sleep at night.
おぬし佐幕派? もしくは倒幕派? 揺れる島国ふたつに決裂
Are you pro-shogunate? Or anti-shogunate? The divided island nation is torn in two.
誰もが浮き足立つこの時代 「事あらばどこでも馳せ参じたい!」
Everyone is excited about this era. "I want to rush to help you anywhere!"
I want to recite poetry, ignoring the hot-blooded country samurai.
散々威張り散らしてきた武士 だが今の世ではただの穀潰し
The samurai who have been strutting around so much are now just a drain on society.
または小役人 崖っぷちの食い扶持 役にも立たん腕っぷし
Or petty officials, clinging to the edge of a livelihood, their arms useless.
振り上げた その拳は誰のため? いっそ落ちてしまえ肥溜め
Who are you raising your fists for? Fall into the cesspool.
I'm looking for a place to die for three ryo and one bu. I'm still in the red-light district tonight.
◆You Wanna よっぱらう Fresh くせになりそうです
◆Do you want to get drunk? It's becoming a habit.
気持ちE まるでSEX 拙者自分勝手です (レディーファーストです)
It feels good, like SEX. I'm selfish (ladies first).
▲...腰の飾りは鈍(なまく)ら抜かぬが華よ。 卑怯と申すならエイ、侭(まま)よ。
▲...The ornament on my waist is a dull blade that is never drawn. If you call me a coward, well, fine.
刀背打(みねう)ちである、自愛なされよ。 若人よ、面(おもて)をあげよ。
It's a blow with the back of the sword. Be kind to yourself. Young man, raise your face.
◇→Maki The Magic
◇→Maki The Magic

Writer(s): Shiro Sasaki (pka Utamaru), Daisuke Sakama (pka Mummy-d), Shigeki Maki (pka Maki The Magic), Chifuyu Tsuboi (pka Illicit Tsuboi), Takashi Hiraguri (pka Cq)

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