RHYMESTER - 余計なお世話だバカヤロウ - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction RHYMESTER - 余計なお世話だバカヤロウ

It's None of Your Business, Idiot
有り難いその御意見はキミがくれた宝物 Wow
Your precious advice is a treasure you have given me, Wow
ありがとう でも実際は余計なお世話だバカヤロウ
Thank you, but it is actually none of your business, idiot
ヒトの話は素直に聞くもんだ ジワジワと後から効くもんだ けれど
You should always listen to others' opinions, they may subtly benefit you later, but
80% of them are truly none of your business, idiot
一見して超親切そうに だが実は心底嬉しそうに
At first glance, it may seem like you are being very kind, but deep down you look delighted
Otherwise, you may suddenly turn mysterious and even burst into tears
「アンタのためよコレ分かってんの? わざわざ損な役目買ってんの
"This is for your own good, do you understand? I am doing this at the risk of my own reputation
Unlike those who only say good things, I will scold you for your own benefit!"
...とか言うほど正しかないし 結果自分の話しかしないし
...You may be right, but ultimately you are only talking about yourself
これってまさかなんかの仕返し? 言い返しでもした日にゃ一大事
Is this some kind of retaliation? If you dare to talk back, it will be a big deal
善意からだけになお厄介 ぶっちゃけ的外れなおせっかい
It seems to come from good intentions, but it's really just irrelevant meddling
「オメーもだろ!」って、そりゃそうかもだが それこそ余計なお世話だバカヤロウ!
"You do it too!" Well, maybe I do, but that's none of your business, idiot!
有り難いその御意見はキミがくれた宝物 Wow
Your precious advice is a treasure you have given me, Wow
ありがとう でも実際は余計なお世話だバカヤロウ
Thank you, but it is actually none of your business, idiot
バカヤロウと言やぁ最近の野次馬 妙に偉そうな空気が充満
Speaking of idiots, nowadays it seems that everyone watching the sidelines has become self-righteous
They don't spend a penny, but they pretend to be experts with opinions
見出しだけ見て早「ガッテン!」 勝手にキャンキャン吠えやがって
They just read the headlines and say "I understand!" Then they bark like dogs
And sometimes the original source of information is wrong, it's really infuriating
You can't call it your own opinion if you just copy and paste what someone else said
報われない日々の腹いせ ならどっか他所で 例えば来世
If you are just taking out your frustrations from your miserable life, then do it somewhere else, like in the afterlife
言い換えれば涅槃で待ってろ それが出来なきゃお前は黙ってろ!
In other words, wait for your retribution in nirvana, and if you can't do that, then shut up!
「オマエモナー」って、そりゃそうかもだが それこそ余計なお世話だバカヤロウ!
"You do it too!" Well, maybe I do, but that's none of your business, idiot!
有り難いその御意見はキミがくれた宝物 Wow
Your precious advice is a treasure you have given me, Wow
ありがとう でも実際は余計なお世話だバカヤロウ
Thank you, but it is actually none of your business, idiot
ヒトの話は素直に聞くもんだ ジワジワと後から効くもんだ けれど
You should always listen to others' opinions, they may subtly benefit you later, but
80% of them are truly none of your business, idiot
「バカヤロウ、とか言っちゃってダイジョブすかねー ボクはいいんだけどウエがどうすかねー」
"Idiot, I wonder if it's okay to say that. I don't mind, but what about my wife?"
どうすかねーじゃねぇだろ バカヤロウも言えない世界にしたいかバカヤロウ
What do you mean "what about your wife"? Do you want to live in a world where you can't say the word "idiot"?
And don't go around gossiping about me behind my back, I didn't ask you to
「いや、聞きましたよ~」って半笑い 半年前のネタだよバカヤロウ
"Oh, I heard that~" You're half-smiling, and that was from half a year ago
At least use that machine you're always messing with to check the facts
「サンプラザみた~いw」って新発見みたくはしゃぐことか? とかバカヤロウ
"He looks like Sampratha~" Are you happy to have discovered something new?
「ハゲハゲ~」ってガキかよバカヤロウ 「ハゲ同です!」ウソつけ! バカヤロウ
"Baldy, baldy~" Are you a child? "Me too!" That's a lie!
バカヤロウ対もっとバカヤロウ ならおあいこでいい! もーバカヤロウ!
If it's an idiot versus a bigger idiot, then it's a draw! Idiot!
有り難いその御意見はキミがくれた宝物 Wow
Your precious advice is a treasure you have given me, Wow
ありがとう でも実際は余計なお世話だバカヤロウ
Thank you, but it is actually none of your business, idiot
ヒトが下手に出てれば調子こいて ペラペラと上から物申すぜ
When people are humble, you take advantage and talk down to them
「いるよねー、そういうヤツ」その「そういうヤツ」 自分とは気付かずそう言うヤツ
"There are people like that, aren't there?" Those "people like that" are people who don't realize it's themselves
That's you, idiot!!!
叫べ 余計なお世話だ! (余計なお世話だ!)
Shout it out: None of your business! (None of your business!)
バカヤロウ Come on! (バカヤロウ!)
Idiot, come on! (Idiot!)
もう一丁 大きなお世話だ! (大きなお世話だ!)
One more time: Very much your business! (Very much your business!)
このバカヤロウ Come on! (バカヤロウ!)
This idiot, come on! (Idiot!)
I say おまえだよー You say! (おまえもなー!)
I say: That's you! You say! (You do it too!)
I say おまえだよー You say! (おまえもなー!)
I say: That's you! You say! (You do it too!)
言ったなこのバカヤロウ Come on! (バカヤロウ!)
You said it, this idiot, come on! (Idiot!)
OK じゃあ最後は仲良く声合わそう!
OK, let's join our voices for the last one!
None of your business, idiot!

Writer(s): 宇多丸, Dj Watarai, dj watarai

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