Riblja Corba - Crno Beli Svet (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Riblja Corba - Crno Beli Svet (Live)

Crno Beli Svet (Live)
Black and White World (Live)
Gde god nadjes 'ladovinu
Wherever you find 'white people
Tu crnca posadi
Plant some 'black people'
Tu je crnac navikao
'Black people' are used to it
Ne voli da radi
They don't like to work
Ni ja necu da radim
I don't want to work either
Necu ni da pokusavam
I'm not even going to try
Ako me budu terali
If they force me
Ja cu da zabusavam
I'll kiss their asses
Kako god okrenes - okreni, obrni
No matter how you look at it
Crnci i dalje ostaju crni
'Black people' will always be 'black'
Kako god okrenes - hteli, ne hteli
No matter how you look at it - like it or not
Belci i dalje ostaju beli
'White people' will always be 'white'
Kako mogu da radim
How can I work
Kad radnih navika nemam
When I have no work ethic
U 'ladovini se 'ladim
I relax in the 'shade'
Blejim i malo dremam
I roam and snooze a little
Izlezavam se na travi
I roll around in the grass
I hrcem kao hrcak
And I jump around like a hamster
Citao sam cvrcak i mravi
I've read The Ant and the Grasshopper
Ja cu da budem cvrcak
I'm going to be the grasshopper

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