Riblja Corba - Volim i ja vas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Riblja Corba - Volim i ja vas

Volim i ja vas
I Love You Too
Ustao sam ujutro
I woke up this morning
S glavom nateklom
With a swollen head
I zakacio malim noznim
And stubbed my little tiny
Prstom o stol
Toe on the table
Spotaknuo se o
Tripped over
Tvoje papuce
Your slippers
U padu odkinuo zastor
In the fall knocked over the curtain
I glavom puko u radijator
And hit my head on the radiator
Htio sam ti baciti
I wanted to throw
Vazu u glavu
A vase at your head
Kad si se probudila
When you woke up
I poslala me k vragu
And sent me to hell
Al sam u agoniji bola
But in the agony of pain
Stenjao ispod stola
I groaned under the table
U grcu se previjao
I writhed in pain
Kad mi je sinulo
When it dawned on me
Ne volim te
I don't love you
Nit sam te ikad volio
And I never did
Na tvoje omiljeno
To your favorite
Pitanje evo ti odgovor
Question, here is your answer
Bio sam mlad
I was young
It totalno zagorio
And totally horny
Tako je valjda
That's probably
Sve to krenulo
How it all started
Od samoce i dobrog sexa
From loneliness and great sex
Nastala je nasa veza
Our relationship was born
Pocetni zar je bio zavidan
The initial spark was enviable
Da nisam svakog dana
If I hadn't discovered
Otkrio jos mana
More flaws every day
Sad si u mojim ocima
Now in my eyes
Samo jos greska u nogama
You're just another mistake on my feet
Sto se smijes ko hijena
Why are you laughing like a hyena?
To me toliko ne smeta
That doesn't bother me as much
Koliko neke druge navike
As some of your other habits
Nit sto vrece od tampona
Nor that the bags of tampons
Bacas stalno sa balkona
You keep throwing off the balcony
Samo jedno ipak ne razumijem
There's just one thing I don't understand
Nije mi jasno
It's not clear to me
Sto ne zatvaras zubnu pastu
Why don't you close the toothpaste?

Writer(s): Riblja čorba

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