Riccardo Muti feat. Wiener Philharmoniker - New Year Address - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Riccardo Muti feat. Wiener Philharmoniker - New Year Address

New Year Address
New Year Address
都合よく映されてた錯覚 意味を失った言葉と自覚
Conveniently reflected illusion Words that have lost their meaning and self-awareness
ぽっかり空いたこの穴は二度と 返してと泣き迷った路頭
This gaping hole will never be filled again I strayed and cried on the streets begging for it to be returned
もういらないからいると邪魔だから 言いはしないけど聞こえてる
I don't need it anymore and it's in the way You don't say it but I can hear it
この気持ちが理解できますか もう嫌だ
Can you understand how I feel No more
ずっとずっと続けばいいな 進む先の甘い幻想
I always wished it would continue The sweet illusion of what lies ahead
ガラス越しの微かな光 絡まって溶ける吐息
A faint light through the glass Tangled and melting breath
深い深い眠りに落ちた 腕の中で描き続けた
I fell into a deep, deep sleep I kept drawing in your arms
これが最初で最後の夢 無くなった私の場所だって
This was my first and last dream My place is gone
信じてたんだ本気で疑うなんて嫌で 離れていくような気がしたんだだけど
I believed it wholeheartedly I hated doubting it I felt like I was drifting away but
初めから全部嘘近付いてなんかない こんなに舞い上がって馬鹿みたい
It was all a lie from the beginning You never came close I was so caught up in the moment that I felt like an idiot
愛してたそう伝えたのは 釣り上げるためのエサですか
I told you I loved you Was that just bait to reel me in?
玩具(おもちゃ)箱の中詰められて 飽きたら捨てられるんですか
Am I just a plaything in your toy box To be thrown away when you're bored?
フェイント表は特別待遇 ひっくり返せば利己主義態度
Feigned displays of special treatment Turn the tables and it's all about you
代わりはいくらでもいたんだって 気付かれた人形は即退場
You said there were plenty of others like me You cast aside the doll once you realized
並べられるもの比べられるもの 少し味見してすぐバイバイ
Displayed side by side and compared Just a quick taste and then goodbye
この気持ちが理解できますか さようなら
Can you understand how I feel Farewell?
逃げられずについた傷跡 涙なんてもう出てこないや
I couldn't escape the scars Tears won't come anymore
綺麗な誘いですら全て 汚して見てしまうんだどうして
Even beautiful invitations are tainted I see everything through suspicious eyes
扱いやすかっただけ何でも思い通り こんなにもなるまで転がされた私
It was because I was easy to manipulate Everything went your way I was played until I was like this
繰り返しの一粒消耗品扱い こんなに踊らされて馬鹿みたい
A disposable commodity repeatedly used I danced to your tune like an idiot
愛してるそう伝えたのは 飼い慣らすためのエサですか
I told you I loved you Was that just bait to tame me?
散々遊んだその後は 捨てることすら忘れるんですか
You played with me until you were satisfied And then you forgot all about me
そんな軽いフレーズなんだね 便利な道具だったんだね
Such a meaningless phrase It was just a convenient tool
どんなに後悔したって もう元には戻らない
No matter how much you regret it It will never be the same
愛してたそう伝えたのは 釣り上げるためのエサでした
I told you I loved you It was just bait to reel me in
中身なんかどうでもよくて 新しいものが欲しかっただけ
You didn't care about what was inside You just wanted something new
愛してるそう伝えたのは 飼い慣らすためのエサでした
I told you I loved you It was bait to tame me
あなたにとっては遊びでも 私は一生背負い続ける
It was just a game to you But I will carry it with me for the rest of my life
都合よく映されてた錯覚 意味を失った言葉と自覚
Conveniently reflected illusion Words that have lost their meaning and self-awareness
ぽっかり空いたこの穴は二度と 返してと泣き迷った路頭
This gaping hole will never be filled again I strayed and cried on the streets begging for it to be returned
もういらないからいると邪魔だから 言いはしないけど聞こえてる
I don't need it anymore and it's in the way You don't say it but I can hear it
この気持ちが理解できますか もう嫌だ
Can you understand how I feel No more
フェイント表は特別待遇 ひっくり返せば利己主義態度
Feigned displays of special treatment Turn the tables and it's all about you
代わりはいくらでもいたんだって 気付かれた人形は即退場
You said there were plenty of others like me You cast aside the doll once you realized
並べられるもの比べられるもの 少し味見してすぐバイバイ
Displayed side by side and compared Just a quick taste and then goodbye
この気持ちが理解できますか さようなら
Can you understand how I feel Farewell?

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