Richard Müller - Chelsea hotel - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Richard Müller - Chelsea hotel

Chelsea hotel
Chelsea Hotel
Cítim len ďaleké klaksóny žltých taxíkov
I can only hear the distant honking of yellow taxis
A dáma so závojom si ťahá po chodbe psíkov
And a lady with a veil is walking her dogs down the hallway
Tak ďaleko od všetkého čo jasný smer
So far away from everything that has a clear direction
Kde všetky šípky mieria na sever
Where all the arrows point north
V tej izbe 432 chýba iba 1.0 a štart!
In that room 432 there's only 1.0 and start!
Veď toto mesto je predurčené na hazard
Because this city is destined for gambling
V hoteli čo napísal toľko strán do dejín
In a hotel that has written so many pages into history
A mnohí veľkí sa tu tíško podeli
And many great ones have quietly shared here
Pred oknom schody smiešne nalepené na domy
Outside the window are stairs stuck on the houses in a funny way
Posteľ smutná milenka mi srdce nezlomí
The sad mistress bed won't break my heart
Len hudba mojich krokov po lesklých parketách
Only the music of my steps on the shiny parquet
A vlastná tvár v zrkadle Áno stále
And my own face in the mirror Yes still the same
Tu Mr. Miller ten dobrý imidž môjho rodu
Here Mr. Miller with that good image of my family
Šesť rokov písal slová ktoré večne pôjdu
Six years he wrote words that will always live on
A Hendrixovi struny lačne krvavili prsty
And Hendrix's strings eagerly bled his fingers
A Dylan Thomas zrazu prestal si byť istý
And Dylan Thomas suddenly wasn't sure of anything
Ten chlapík spláchol život čistou whiskou
That guy flushed his life down with pure whiskey
Sem nasťahovať sa som si riskol
I risked moving in here
Tak strašne podobať sa chcem všetkým
I so badly want to look like them
A ešte stále neviem pred kým
And I still don't know who
Pred kým s tých mnohých hlasno zrážam päty
Who of the many I loudly clink glasses with
A kto najviac z nich mi je svätý
And who of them is the holiest to me
Nože môj všetko ti dám čo kedy chcel si
Come on my darling I'll give you everything you've ever wanted
Na dvadsiatej tretej v hoteli Chelsea!
On the twenty-third in the Chelsea Hotel!
Tu je ten chrám kde vždy opití jeli
Here is the temple where they always rode drunk
Tvoji agenti strážni anjeli
Your agents guardian angels
Bez krídel a s nemou otázkou v dychu
Without wings and with a silent question on their breath
Strácali bezostyšne panenskú pýchu
They shamelessly lost their virgin pride
Neholili tvár a roky nečistili zuby
They didn't shave their faces and didn't clean their teeth for years
Bolo im jedno kto kedy koho prečo ľúbi
They didn't care who, when, who or why anyone loved
A ty si bez pardónu striedal zimy letá
And you changed winters to summers without asking for forgiveness
A neomylne snímal všetky hriechy sveta
And infallibly photographed all the sins of the world
Si ďaleko a vysoko tam hore
You are far away and high up there
Tu liečili sa duše notoricky choré
Here they treated souls that were notoriously ill
Ako rád by som sa medzi ne votrel
How I would love to force myself between them
Na zemi tam dole at the Chelsea Hotel!
Down on earth at the Chelsea Hotel!

Writer(s): Jaroslav Filip, Richard Müller

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