Richard Müller - Rano - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Richard Müller - Rano

Ráno som sa zobudil
I woke up this morning
A vstal celkom smelo
And bravely arose
Odhodlaný odísť z domu preč
Determined to leave the house for good
A na posteli leží moje telo
And in my bed lies my body
Stuhol som a celkom stratil reč
I froze and completely lost my voice
Ako je však možné, že tam ležím
But how is it possible that I'm lying there
Hádam som sa ešte celkom nezbláznil
Perhaps I haven't completely lost my mind
Životospráva nanič
My lifestyle is terrible
A zlý denný režim
And my daily routine is bad
žeby som to preto neprežil
Could it be that I didn't survive it
Ako je však potom možné
But how is it possible then
že tu takto stojím
That I'm standing here like this
A pozerám na kôpku mňa
And looking at that pile of me
Podísť k sebe sa trochu bojím
I'm a little afraid to approach myself
To nie je dobrý začiatok dňa
This is not a good start to the day
Je tu ešte jedna možnosť okamžite zmiznúť
There is one other option, vanish immediately
Tresknúť dvermi, kašlať na seba
Slam the door, forget about myself
Večer ma čaká návrat
My return awaits me in the evening
Niet sa čomu vyhnúť
There is no escape
Toto mi naozaj netreba
I really don't need this
A tak si tu stojím v kuse niekoľko rokov
And so I have stood here for several years
Nejem, nespím, iba pozerám
I don't eat, I don't sleep, I just watch
Späť ku sebe mi chýba
I miss going back to myself
Len pár krátkych krokov
Just a few short steps
Ten z postele na mňa zazerá
The one in bed is staring at me
Koniec srandy, roky bežia
No more fun, the years are running
Treba dačo spraviť
Something needs to be done
Veď takto sa ďalej nedá žiť
Because you can't go on living like this
Tuším aj toho druhého to prestalo baviť
I think the other one is tired of it too
Obrátil sa a ukázal mi
He turned and showed me
Kašlem na to, ľahnem k nemu
I don't give a damn, I'll lie down next to him
A chytím mu ruku
And I'll hold his hand
Veď ja som on a on je zase ja
After all, I am him and he is me
Otrčíme svetu holé zadky pekne spolu
We'll stick our bare butts out at the world
Zaspíme na večnosť obaja
We'll fall asleep together for eternity

Writer(s): Richard Müller

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