Richard Müller - Studna - traduction des paroles en anglais

Studna - Richard Müllertraduction en anglais

The Well
Nahol sa nad starú studňu
I lean over the old well
Padá dole
It falls down
Klesá ku dnu
It sinks to the bottom
Klesá ku dnu dolu hlavou
It sinks to the bottom, head down
A tvári sa nechápavo
And looks puzzled
Je to celkom pekná studňa
It's quite a nice well
Cesta ku dnu nie je nudná
The journey to the bottom isn't boring
Minúta v tom valci vody
A minute in that water cylinder
Zdá sa ako 10 hodín
Seems like 10 hours
Klesá ku dnu vidí skaly
It sinks to the bottom, it sees rocks
V ktorých studňu vykopali
In which the well was dug
Naposledy ľudské oči
The last time human eyes
Boli v studni pred storočím
Were in the well was a century ago
Posledné zásoby vzduchu
The last of the air supply
čo vdýchol hore na suchu
That he inhaled up on dry land
Míňajú sa pomalinky
Is running out slowly
Niet vzduchu na bublinky
There's no more air for bubbles
Nadýchne sa vody chladnej
He inhales the cold water
Onedlho bude na dne
He'll be at the bottom soon
Všade voda samá voda
Everywhere, nothing but water
Bez boja sa vode oddá
He surrenders to the water without a fight
Klesá ako zo železa
He sinks like iron
Voda v studni čistá, svieža
The water in the well, pure, fresh
Radosť umrieť v takej studni
It's a pleasure to die in such a well
A počkať v nej na deň súdny
And wait in it for the day of judgment
Klesá ku dnu celkom kľudne
He sinks to the bottom quite calmly
Na dne vidí ducha studne
At the bottom he sees the spirit of the well
Duch studne mu prívetivo
The spirit of the well, in a friendly manner
A priateľsky vezme život
And takes his life in a friendly way

Writer(s): Ivan Tásler, Vlado Krausz

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