RobGz - AK47 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais RobGz - AK47

This is a True Hollywood beat
This is a True Hollywood beat
Ya no hay pretexto', por estar amarrando to' lo' proyecto'
No more excuses, for tying up all the projects
Por el miedo de que me haga rico de lo' bobo' esto'
For fear that I'll get rich from all this stupid stuff
Hagan su' plane', que yo tengo planea'o que me lo mamen
Make your plans, because I've got it planned for you to suck it up
Lo' maquillo con la glock y le' pongo' cinta pa'l certamen
I'll put makeup on them with the Glock and put tape on them for the pageant
Ya no hablen mal de mí, tiren pa'lante
Stop talking bad about me, move on
Que ustede' son niño' que sueñan con ser maleante'
You're just kids who dream of being thugs
Me compre una forty por si alguna va a tocarme
I bought myself a forty in case someone's gonna touch me
Viene a fantasmearme y de una te dejo tira'o
Come and ghost me and I'll leave you lying there
Mucho' que quisieron pisotearme
Many who wanted to trample me
Ahora me lo maman y me vieron superarme
Now they suck it up and saw me overcome
Son to' unos trili, porque yo siempre fui aparte
They're all silly, because I was always apart
Pero se viraron, por eso es que ahora estoy rebela'o
But they turned around, that's why I'm rebellious now
Un AK47, que la compré nueva de calle
An AK47, that I bought new off the street
Ahora está fulete, pa' dártelo' to' en la cara
Now it's loaded, to give it all to you in the face
Y hacerte un boquete, pa' que no mida' fuerza con mi combo 27
And make a hole in you, so you don't measure strength with my combo 27
Vamo' a darte fuerte
We're gonna hit you hard
Un AK47, que la compré nueva de calle
An AK47, that I bought new off the street
Ahora está fulete, pa' dártelo' to' en la cara
Now it's loaded, to give it all to you in the face
Y hacerte un boquete, pa' que no mida' fuerza con mi combo 27
And make a hole in you, so you don't measure strength with my combo 27
Vamo' a darte fuerte
We're gonna hit you hard
No vamo' a dejar feo
We're not gonna leave you ugly
De carro a carro vamo' a formar un tiroteo
From car to car we're gonna form a shootout
Cuando le' mande quedarán pa que vengan al paseo
When I send them, they'll stay for the ride
No bajamo', aseguramo' el chófer primero
We don't get off, we secure the driver first
Sin ningún fantasmeo
Without any ghosting
Le' borramo' la cara y en el velorio no van a poder abrir la caja
We erase their face and at the wake they won't be able to open the box
Tenemo' un "R" colora'o, un arma que no relaja
We have a red "R", a weapon that doesn't relax
Solo lo' usamos con lo' puerco' que tiran la mala
We only use it with the pigs who throw the bad
Y lo' llenamo' de bala'
And we fill them with bullets
Estamo' bien pendiente'
We're on the lookout
Por si acaso nos encontramo' con esta gente
Just in case we run into these people
To's mis hermano' 'tán proba'o, to's son uno' demente'
All my brothers are proven, they're all crazy
Somo' poco', pero' somo' má' que suficiente'
We're few, but we're more than enough
Si hay que mandar caliente
If we have to send heat
Te partimo' la rodilla'
We'll break your knees
Pa' que tengan que recogerte con una camilla
So they have to pick you up with a stretcher
Llama a gente que yo vo'a activar a la pandill
Call your people, I'm gonna activate the gang
Y lo' van a desmantelar si por ahí lo' pillan
And they'll dismantle them if they catch them around
No suelte' la sombrilla
Don't let go of the umbrella
Te mandamo' un aguacero
We'll send you a downpour
Ante' que se mueran lo mío' se mueren primero
Before they die, mine die first
To's mi' hermano' 'tán probao', son to's uno' guerrero'
All my brothers are proven, they're all warriors
Ustede' se van a caer cuando vean el chi'pero
You're gonna fall when you see the spark
No sean peliculero'
Don't be a movie buff
Uh-ui, yo salí a cazarlo' con la full
Uh-ui, I went out to hunt them with the full
Con la glopeta y el "R" Sport, uh-ui
With the glopeta and the "R" Sport, uh-ui
Yo salí a cazarlo' con la full
I went out to hunt them with the full
Con la glopeta y el "R" Sport, uh-ui
With the glopeta and the "R" Sport, uh-ui
Yo salí a cazarlo' con la full
I went out to hunt them with the full
Con la glopeta y el "R" Sport
With the glopeta and the "R" Sport
Un AK47, que la compré nueva de calle
An AK47, that I bought new off the street
Ahora está fulete, pa' dártelo' to' en la cara
Now it's loaded, to give it all to you in the face
Y hacerte un boquete, pa' que no mida' fuerza con mi combo 27
And make a hole in you, so you don't measure strength with my combo 27
Vamo' a darte fuerte
We're gonna hit you hard
Un AK47, que la compré nueva de calle
An AK47, that I bought new off the street
Ahora está fulete, pa' dártelo' to' en la cara
Now it's loaded, to give it all to you in the face
Y hacerte un boquete, pa' que no mida' fuerza con mi combo 27
And make a hole in you, so you don't measure strength with my combo 27
Vamo' a darte fuerte
We're gonna hit you hard
Estamo' bien on fire
We're on fire
Y siempre' andamo' arisca'o, si no' tiran, no fallen
And we're always on edge, if they don't shoot, they fail
La corta suena ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tá
The short one sounds ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tá
Y la vida nadie te la salvará
And nobody will save your life
Aquí no existe el miedo
There's no such thing as fear here
Ustede' roncan mucho pero son uno' pendejo'
You guys snore a lot but you're jerks
Ninguno tira, y cuando tiran es pa'l aire por peliculeo
None of you shoot, and when you do, it's in the air for show
Son uno' cagao', de lejo' lo' leo
You're scared, I can read it from afar
Caminen por la orilla
Walk along the shore
Y no me ronquen de matone' sin tener babilla
And don't snore at me about being tough without having guts
Que ustede' no matan a nadie aunque tomen pastilla'
You guys don't kill anyone even if you take pills
Si yo me bajo les vacío como tre' peinilla'
If I get off, I'll empty you like three combs
Ninguno no me daría
None of you would give me anything
Yo me voy a fuego
I'm going to fire
Porque así crecí, vengo del gueto
Because that's how I grew up, I come from the ghetto
Me importa un carajo', soy un delincuente
I don't give a damn, I'm a criminal
Si salgo a cazar no dejo el 47, siempre va de pasajero
If I go hunting, I don't leave the 47, it always goes as a passenger
Un AK47, que la compré nueva de calle
An AK47, that I bought new off the street
Ahora está fulete, pa' dártelo' to' en la cara
Now it's loaded, to give it all to you in the face
Y hacerte un boquete, pa' que no mida' fuerza con mi combo 27
And make a hole in you, so you don't measure strength with my combo 27
Vamo' a darte fuerte
We're gonna hit you hard
Un AK47, que la compré nueva de calle
An AK47, that I bought new off the street
Ahora está fulete, pa' dártelo' to' en la cara
Now it's loaded, to give it all to you in the face
Y hacerte un boquete, pa' que no mida' fuerza con mi combo 27
And make a hole in you, so you don't measure strength with my combo 27

Writer(s): Robert Lasso Santisteban, Young Hollwood

RobGz - LHNA
date de sortie

1 G5
2 Calle
3 4am
4 AK47
6 Moet
7 Niveles
8 Nadie

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