Roberto Alagna feat. Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Bertrand De Billy - L'Africaine: Pays merveilleux - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Roberto Alagna feat. Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden & Bertrand De Billy - L'Africaine: Pays merveilleux

L'Africaine: Pays merveilleux
L'Africaine: Pays merveilleux
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Hai ca vrei cam multe
Hi baby you want plenty
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Roberto te fute de te rupe
Roberto f*ck you break you
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Hai ca vrei cam multe
Hi baby you want plenty
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Roberto Te fute de te rupe
Roberto f*ck you break you
Yo ba caine
Yo bitch
Si cainii se besina!
And dogs kiss!
Porno cu manguste!
Mongoose porn!
Dumniezo cu mila
God have mercy
Gulai caca-te si hai
Gulai shit yourself and come
Porno cu babe
Babe porn
Roberto e pe rai
Roberto is in heaven
Vacuta milckcka
Milky cow
Roberto este olimpic
Roberto is an Olympian
Nu stiu ce sa zic, Ma complic
I don't know what to say, I'm complicated
Faceam sex pe-ntunecat si-am bagat pula-n cacat
We had sex in the dark and I put my dick in your shit
Si borcaniele ie om
And jars of piss are human
Yahoo . com
Yahoo . com
Nu refuza un viol ca nu e frumos
Don't refuse a rape because it's not nice
De te prind, te dau la caini
If I catch you, I'll give you to the dogs
Nu e viata dupa moarte
There is no life after death
Da bine mo'
Good job man
Nu se poate.
Oh no way.
Si daca sug pula ce?
And if I suck dick what?
Sug pula
Suck my dick
De ce?
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Hai ca vrei cam multe
Hi baby you want plenty
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Roberto te fute de te rupe
Roberto f*ck you break you
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Hai ca vrei cam multe
Hi baby you want plenty
Para dis dis dis
Paradis dis dis dis
Roberto te fute de te rupe
Roberto f*ck you break you
Roberto pe felie, aci am terminat
Roberto on a slice, that's the end
Cica scade TVA-u
VAT is going down
Am patit
I suffered
M-am pisat
I pissed
Scriu pe foaie, manc samantac/ dau cu bota, nu te plac
I write on paper, eat sunflower seeds/ kick with my boot, I don't like you
Spune cal
Say horse
Rap eu nu stiu sa fac!
I don't know how to rap!
Nu plange caine
Don't cry dog
E ziua in care
It's the day when
Marilizati legajuana
Legalize marijuana
Pula mea e mare
My cock is big
Thank Obama
Thank Obama
Sunt un mic pescarus
I'm a little seagull
Io am venit sa citesc comentariile
I came to read the comments
Esti un culdus
You're a fool
Mergeam ca nebunu'
I was driving like a madman
I don't care what you will say
I don't care what you will say
Radiez cereale de ponei
I radiate pony cereal
Da sa sugi pula nu vrei?
Do you want to suck my dick?
Nu imi place fizica
I don't like physics
Ma dor labiile
My labia hurt
Pisicile e bidoane
Cats are drums
Roberto nu da Roberto ia si face
Roberto doesn't give, Roberto takes and makes

Writer(s): giacomo meyerbeer

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