Ez 7esh te dkem o d keme gri dil da d sujm wek agri
In another time, in another place, I can picture you dancing with me
Ez 7esh te dkem o dkeme gri dil da d sujm wek agri
In another time, in another place, I can picture you dancing with me
Shemalkekm her helkri min ya bute xo terxan kri
The sunlight falls, a golden shower on the two of us, my love
Min ya butee xo teraaaxn kriii
On the two of uss, my love
Ez 7esh te dkem hemi demo gavaaa
In another time, in another place, I can picture us together
Bute fredkem her silava
In another place, in another time, I can picture us together
Ez 7esh te dkem hemi demo gava bute redkem her silava
And if we could live our lives again, I'd choose to spend them with you
J bute her dkem bezava de b zvreve te mal ava
I’d spend them with you
De b zvreve te mal avaaa
No matter where or when, my love, I'll find my way back home to you
Lawo 3eshqa te chenda djwareee jyana mnda xushi o grio hevale min chend tu d veeey evina min duyare dle mn bute ye b gri o zemaaaree
I'll find a way, come what may. My heart will guide me, babe, and bring me to your side, forever yours
Cwan 3eqsha te chenda djwareee jyana mnda xushi o gri o haware
In another time, in another place, I can love you more than ever
Min chend tu d veeey j bzavaaa mn dyare
And if we could live our lives again, I'd choose to spend them with you
Dle mn bute ye b gri o zemareee
No matter where or when, my love, I'll find my way back home to you
Ew jihana to d gel mn nebi 3ashqe bejna mn to nebi
I didn’t know true love would find me, I never thought that I would be
Ew jihana tu d gel mn nebii 3ashqe bejna mn tu ne bi hanasa ruha mn to ne bi neshem bjim ger tu nebi
The one for you, but now I see, my love exists just for you and me
Neshem bjim ger tu neebii
I'd spend them with you
Ew jihana tuu dgel mn nebi baxche tu gula mn teda nebi ew jihana tu d gel mn nebi baxche tu gula mn teda nebi tktka dle mn tu nebi de chekem ger tu nebi
In another time, in another place, I could give you everything you need
De chkem ez ger tu nebiiii
And if we could live our lives again, I'd choose to spend them with you
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