Teng tant e chilli frat ca nun c'ha facc a'lle cuntà
I have so much trouble with my brothers
Teng na cosa arint ca se chiamme libertà
I've got something inside called freedom
Ma si nun cagnamm primma nuie niente po' cagnà
But if we don't change first, nothing can change
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Eco d'o mare puort a voce mia luntan addò chi è muort torna a nascere e chi nasce nun cunosc'o male
Echo of the sea bring my voice far away where those who are dead are reborn and those who are born don't know evil
Mille 'ngopp a nu gummon scappano d'a guerra e o'fuoco
Thousands on a rubber dinghy run away from war and fire
Immigrazion, o'scuorn d'e nazion, tuocche'a terra o affuog
Immigration, the shame of the nations, you touch the land or you drown
Nui chi simm? O'nient, stis e'pier e'sta piramide, obbedimm'a l'ordine mondiale
Who are we? Nothing, these stones of this pyramid, we obey the world order
O'stess ca se mangia l'Africa
The same one that eats Africa
Chi vulesse'e ruspe se scord ca l'Italia purtai a'mafia rint'o munno e l'unità accerette o' sud
Who wants bulldozers forgets that Italy brought the mafia to the world and the war united the south
Perciò mo sto'ngazzato e o mare ven'a me parlà
So now I'm stuck and the sea comes to talk to me
Voglio sapè chi c'ha lasciat, int'a stu mument mo addò sta, voglio sapè si esiste'a vita pe'chi è muort tropp ambress e si sta barca torna a riva o mare chiagne'nsiem a ess?
I want to know who left me, in this moment now where is he, I want to know if there's life for those who died too soon and if this boat comes back to shore or the sea cry with him?
Eco d'o mare a tutt 'e guagliun
Echo of the sea to all the boys
Parlen ancor d'ammore e libertà
still talking about love and freedom
Scuordete o male addò e criature
Forget the evil where the kids are
Cu poco e niente o'ssaje se sanne accuntentà
Little, they know how to make do
Nisciun sarà mai innocente over
No one's ever innocent
Fin a quand nu sol omm sarà 'ncatenat
Until one man is in chains
Fin a quand nun sient 'ngopp a faccia toia
Until I feel on my face
O'stesso pacchero che'e rat a nato
The same slap that the police gave
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Chi lotta po' perdere e chi nun lotta ha pers già
Those who fight can lose, and those who don't fight have already lost
Eco d'o mare
Echo of the sea
Eco d'o mare
Echo of the sea
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