Veg tanta mascher e poc perzon, al giorno d'oggi esser se stess è 'a cchiu grand re mission
I see so many masks and so few people, nowadays being yourself is the greatest mission
Parit tt quant fotocopie, parit tt quant ugual, stat senz nu caratter e sit succub e l'at
You all seem like photocopies, you all seem the same, without any character and you are slaves to others
Mo tt quant con l'hip hop, manager e produzion, oramai cont l'apparenz, chist è 'o senz e sti person
Now everyone is into hip hop, managers and production, now with appearance, this is the sense and these people
Rong vit a na passion senza form e distinzion, chest è pop hardcor, miett a part e convinzion
I give life to a passion without form or distinction, this is hardcore pop, set aside the convictions
E pisciazziell a part e copp purtropp nun vann a tiemp, cchiu tatuagg ca rim, e 'o talent nun serv a nient
And regrettably parties and couples don't go to church on time, more tattoos than rhymes, and talent is useless
Sciem ca passn e radij, ca chell pompn o rap, sientt Africa Bambat e po ratt fuoc rind 'o club
I choose to ignore the radios that promote rap, I listen to Africa Bambataa and then I set fire to the club
Chest è music e disag, trasmett o suon e st'arragg, song a voc re wagliun, lor o sann pcché o facc
This is music and discomfort, it transmits the sound and this anger, it's the voice of the kids, they know why I do it
'A rivincit e l'Hip Hop, Rocco Hunt p Tonin, stai real ind o juoc, fa l'omm primm e fa e rim
The revenge of Hip Hop, Rocco Hunt feat. from Tonin, stay real in the game, be a man first and then write rhymes
Stirp nov ind a l'iPod, cchiu Old School e sient mo', a gent nost o sap buon, e sti muccus s'accusn o flow
New roots in the iPod, more Old School and listen now, our people know it well, and these mucus plugs complain about the flow
'O slang re scantinat nu pass pe radij, o frat nu pass osservat, e scagnat a merd po ciucculat
The slang of the basement is playing on the radio, my brother is an observer, and he shits on chocolate
Ra zon oriental fin a Marianell, vui sit e figl re stell, nui e figl re saittell
From the eastern area to Marianell, you are the children of the stars, we are the children of the sidewalks
Chi m ra' nguoll ind e comment aret o computer nun c va a ascì che agg sfunnat già ra minorenn
Whoever provokes me in the comments behind the computer will fall because I have already blown out the fuse as a minor
Tu guardm ind e video, tu camp cu st'ammirj, a vita mi è na sfid e sta pazziell ormai è fatic
You look at me in the video, you live with this admiration, life is a challenge for me and this madness is tiring now
Papà l'aspett o post fiss, ij fiss o post e blocc, poet e sti palazz, a voc e st'anem sporc
Dad is waiting in the fixed place, I am fixed in the place of the block, the poet of these buildings, the voice of this dirty soul
A tante cose non credo più
I don't believe in many things anymore
E tante altre non le do' più
And I don't give many others anymore
Come l'affetto, e il rispetto
Like affection and respect
Lo ammetto
I admit it
Ogni nfamità ca m fai già me l'aspett Com aropp nu collaud t nu fuj cu l'Audi, e guardie stann ngul, ormai s so ngullat
Every rascality you do to me I already expect it Because after a collaud you flee in an Audi, and the guards are nearby, they have already swallowed it
Vang a spiega' che e a fa magnà e criatur, biberon, ciucc, pannulin e nun c'a fai cchiu a sntì pibì e popù
They come to explain that to feed the children, baby bottles, pacifiers, diapers and you can no longer hear pee and poop
E pcciò staj abbasc a l'edificio e circ e t fa ricc, e si c rai o dentifric sicc chill s'o pipp pur
And so you stay downstairs in the building and look for someone to make you rich, and if you give them toothpaste, they'll snort it
Ma ricitm vuje quala person nun vuless nu burzon e Louis V. chin e fasul
But let me ask you, what person wouldn't want a Louis V. purse filled with beans
E a partì a lugl, a fa sul
2 bigliett e fitt na vettur e vir comm t dviert
And starting in July, just to get a tan, they rent a car and see how you have fun
Invec e ber Latt Bern scadut, si diventat sgarrup, t'arratt finisc ind a na travers vattut cu tre nfamun ca culpiscn a turn
Instead of drinking expired Latt Bern, you become a tough guy, you end up in a side street beaten up by three thugs who hit you in turns
A cavia ra caccia notturn, ca (??), t'accoppn, t'arrobbn, ngopp e barcun
They hunt you down at night, they kill you, they rob you, on the balconies
Perdn o mallupp p fujì re robocop e (??)
They lose the bundle to escape the Robocop and (??)
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