Rocco Hunt - L'occhio del Massone - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Rocco Hunt - L'occhio del Massone

L'occhio del Massone
The Freemason's Eye
Poeta Urban
Urban Poet
Hannà sapè comm vann e cos, vai!
You have to know how things are going, come on!
E sold fann girà u munn
Money makes the world go round
Ma qual'ammor, qual'affett, si nun tien e banconote nun si nisciune
But what love, what affection, if you don't have banknotes, you are nothing
E quand'è bell a dicere ca e sold nun fann a felicità
And how easy it is to say that money doesn't buy happiness
Si e tenesse fuss chiù cuntend senz e m'arrangià
If I had it, I would be more content without having to hustle
Chi e ten fa u padron, president manovran u munn
Those who have it are the masters, presidents who manipulate the world
Simm burattin n'faccj a stu squallor
We are puppets in the face of this ugliness
Amm scopert aereoplan chiù veloc du suon
We discovered airplanes faster than sound
E comm'è ca angor nun s cur u tumor
And how come cancer still hasn't been cured?
Magnamm diossin e bivim plutonio so figgh st storj
We eat dioxin and drink plutonium, that's the way it is
Crescemm cu e scorje e cu e strunzat dicim ind e scol
We grow up with lies and with the bullshit they tell us in school
So ann ca u segret sta indr all'area 51
It's been years since the secret has been in Area 51
Ma qual alien o frat l'incognita simme nuje
But what alien or brother, the unknown is us
Caro politico t cand brutt storje
Dear politician, I’m telling you dirty stories
Ninnill barattat p nu baril e petrolio, mentr
Children traded for a barrel of oil, while
O Pap c profess pace e ammore ro balcon
The Pope professes peace and love from the balcony
Parl do terzo mond e sfoggj po l'anill d'or
Talks about the third world and then shows off his gold ring
Amm vist l'omm scenn'r ngopp a lun
I saw man walk on the moon
Nostradamus ha scritt o futur
Nostradamus wrote the future
Arrivn tiemp assaj scur
Very dark times are coming
Vonn ca ce drogamm, c vonn bell e mut
They want us to drug ourselves, they want us nice and quiet
Vonn e vocc chius pe l'abbus ca ce fann
They want closed mouths for the abuse they inflict on us
In Islam ancor accidn po o nomm Allah
In Islam they still kill in the name of Allah
Kamikaze ca zompn n'ciel cercanne na libertà
Suicide bombers jumping in the sky looking for freedom
Tien a kefia nguoll ma n' sai manc che signific
He has the keffiyeh on his neck but doesn't even know what it means
In Occidente sa ridn, in Medio Oriente s'accidn
In the West they laugh, in the Middle East they die
E a verità, nun a dicene Bibbia e Corano
And the truth, the Bible and the Quran don't tell it
Vec? ca percorrn o territorj african
Old men who roam African territory
Pe l'interess mondial
For global interest
Indr e minier d'or primm ra tratt de nir e primm e l'arriv e Colomb
Inside the gold mines before the slave trade and before Columbus arrived
L'occhio del massone, il demonio, la tentazione
The Freemason's eye, the devil, the temptation
Triangolo, fedeli piangono, cospirazione
Triangle, the faithful cry, conspiracy
Il demonio è nelle chiese, nelle case, nelle scuole
The devil is in the churches, in the houses, in the schools
Meglio vendersi l'anima e dargli quello che vuole
Better to sell your soul and give him what he wants
L'occhio del massone, il demonio, la tentazione
The Freemason's eye, the devil, the temptation
Triangolo, fedeli piangono, cospirazione
Triangle, the faithful cry, conspiracy
Il demonio è nelle chiese, nelle case, nelle scuole
The devil is in the churches, in the houses, in the schools
Meglio vendersi l'anima e dargli quello che vuole
Better to sell your soul and give him what he wants
O creatur in Pakistan, già a duj ann fa o pallon e cuoj
The creator in Pakistan, at the age of two he already makes the leather ball
Fatic a nott e pur u juorn e nun ved a famiglia soje
He works at night and all day and doesn't see his family
Abbracc nu kalashnikov e lasc tutt e bambl
He embraces a Kalashnikov and leaves all the children
A mort dur n'attim e o cor ferm e battit
Death hard in an instant and the heart stops beating
Esist ancor a differenz tra bianc e nir
There is still a difference between black and white
Suldat mpazzut sott o nomm e naziskin
Crazy soldiers in the name of Nazism
Razz arian e razz uman sott o nomm r'Hitler
Aryan race and human race under Hitler's name
Sta sicur n'omm comm a chill soffr pur sott a terr
Rest assured, a man like that also suffers underground
Inquinament accir a gent, o munn o'sap ma n' fa niend
Pollution kills people, the world knows but does nothing
Viv, fatic e muor e non ottien si pretend
You live, work and die and don't get what you expect
A genta mij mor tra diebbit e cambial
My people die between debts and bills
E semb ignorant, schiav e l'ordine mondial
And we always seem ignorant, slaves to the world order
Stu disordin è assaj stran
This disorder is quite strange
Chi ce cordin è nu nfam
Whoever orchestrates it is a bastard
N's n fott ra salut, nuje vnnut comm schiav
They don't give a damn about health, we are treated like slaves
Colombo, jett in America pe stiv
Columbus, thrown in America to stew
Conquistò u terren accidenn tutt e nativ
He conquered the land by killing all the natives
So desaparecidos e wagliun in Argentin
There are desaparecidos and cries in Argentina
Futtevn o sistem e o stat sta gent a sopprim
The system and the state oppressed these people
è zuccr o mar in Brasile accirn wagliun in fil
The sea in Brazil is sweet, cries in line
Mirn, rind e mirin, girn armat pe min
Mines, inside the mines, armed guards for mines
E segret mondial, nascost re Stat
And world secrets, hidden by the states
O sann buon che c'aspett o tren e nu buon accuat
They know very well that the train awaits us and not good water
Simm marionett e a nuje c'avessra difend
We are puppets and they should defend us
Ma vec sul abbus, manganiell e camionett
But you only see abuse, batons and vans
L'occhio del massone, il demonio, la tentazione
The Freemason's eye, the devil, the temptation
Triangolo, fedeli piangono, cospirazione
Triangle, the faithful cry, conspiracy
Il demonio è nelle chiese, nelle case, nelle scuole
The devil is in the churches, in the houses, in the schools
Meglio vendersi l'anima e dargli quello che vuole
Better to sell your soul and give him what he wants
L'occhio del massone, il demonio, la tentazione
The Freemason's eye, the devil, the temptation
Triangolo, fedeli piangono, cospirazione
Triangle, the faithful cry, conspiracy
Il demonio è nelle chiese, nelle case, nelle scuole
The devil is in the churches, in the houses, in the schools
Meglio vendersi l'anima e dargli quello che vuole
Better to sell your soul and give him what he wants

Writer(s): Rocco Pagliarulo, Luciano Serventi

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