Se ha ido Boby pa' Nueva York, buscando un sitio donde dejar, la miseria que habia en su hogar, y a su mama poder ayudar. Pero en las calles de Nueva York, Boby se dejo arrastrar, hacia el camino de traficar y trafico hasta con su moral. Boby ha vuelto del Norte, con muchas cadenas y un coche grandote, Boby anda por las calles llevandose al mundo, mostrando un revolver, Boby ve el dinero facil, y la vida facil, él quiere mas facil.
Boby has gone to New York, looking for a place where to leave the misery there was in his home, and he can help his mother. But in the streets of New York, Boby let himself get dragged into the path of drug dealing and he even dealt with his morals. Boby has come back from the North, with many chains and a big car, Boby walks through the streets taking over the world, boasting a gun, Boby becomes aware of the easy money and the easy life, he wants something easier.
Un dia el dinero se le acabo, entonces Boby volvio a Nueva York, y de nuevo se puso a buscar la mercancia pa' traficar. Pero el trabajo se complico, Boby tambien se envicio, y para calmar su enfermedad, a sus patrones quiso engañar.
One day the money finished, so Boby went back to New York, and he started again looking for the merchandise to deal with. But the work became more complicated, Boby also got hooked, and to calm his illness, he wanted to deceive his bosses.
Boby perdio su cordura, la mafia lo busca, pa' darle una cura, Boby se encuentra asustado, porque sus amigos, hoy quieren matarlo. Boby le escribe a su madre, él quiere volver, le mande pasaje. Boby, llego al aeropuerto, su madre lo busca, lo trajeron muerto.
Boby lost his sanity, the mob is looking for him, to give him a cure, Boby is scared, because his friends today want to kill him. Boby writes to his mother, he wants to return, she should send him a passage. Boby arrived at the airport, his mother is looking for him, they brought him dead.
Mataron a Boby, mataron a Boby, la mafia nunca perdona, por eso se perdio boby.
They killed Boby, they killed Boby, the mob never forgives, therefore Boby was lost.
Mataron a Boby, mataron a Boby, el dinero se quedo y se fue la vida de Boby.
They killed Boby, they killed Boby, the money stayed and Boby's life was gone.
Mataron a Boby, mataron a Boby, buscando cadenas de oro, tuvieron que tirarse al lodo.
They killed Boby, they killed Boby, looking for gold chains, they had to throw themselves into the mud.
Boby se fue pa' no volver.
Boby left never to return.
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