Roeth & Grey - New Memory - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Roeth & Grey - New Memory

New Memory
New Memory
قطر الحياة
Life’s train
في كل لفة عقرب ساعه . عمري بيتسرسب يعدي
With every turn of the clock's hand, my age slips away.
الناس والدنيا بتتغير حتي الحديد بيصدي
People and the world are changing, even iron rusts.
وانا الوحيد واقف مكاني ثابت
And I am the only one standing still.
في ناس اختارت سكة صابت ناس تانية اختارت سكه خابت
Some people chose the right path, others chose the wrong one.
احساس قاسي وصعب لما الناس تشوفك فاشل
It's a harsh and difficult feeling when people see you as a failure.
ابوك وامك واخوك واصحابك شايفينك عاطل
Your father, your mother, your brother, and your friends see you as idle.
قوم يابني اسعي وحاول . والله غلبت احاول
Get up, my son, strive and try. I swear I'm tired of trying.
ياما حاولت وقبل الجون مايجي يطلع فاول
I tried so many times, and before the goal is scored, it's a foul.
معنديش مهارة او حتي كوسه وحستي حوسه
I don't have skills or even luck, my life’s a mess.
ودوست بعد اخر البنزين بدوسة
And I pressed the last drop of gasoline with a press.
في كل مقابلة شغلانة يتقالي لف نفسك
In every job interview, I'm told to go screw myself.
بشهادتك مدد بجنب اي حيط وخدلك بوسه
With your degree, spread yourself by any wall and get a kiss.
رجعت فلاش باك حسبت سنين عمري 30 سنه لقيت
I went back in a flashback, I counted the years of my life, 30 years I found.
حسبت تاني وتالت واتخضيت
I counted again and again, and was shocked.
ببص في المرايه كام شعرايه بيضا لقيت
I look in the mirror, how many white hairs I found.
وابويا هوا اللي لسه بيصرف ع البيت
And my father is the one who is still spending on the house.
بتعامل من عيلتي علي اني عاله
My family treats me like a burden.
وحالتي حاله ثقتي بنفسي راحت النجاح بقي استحالة
And my case, my case, my confidence is gone, success has become impossible.
نفسي اهرب من نفسي ومن حالتي ومن عيلتي ومن الدنيا
I want to run away from myself, from my situation, from my family, from the world.
نفسي القي دنيا تانيه اهرب ليها لو حتي ثانيه
I want to find another world to escape to, even for a second.
وفي يوم قالهالي صحبي واللي يدلك ع الطريق
And one day my friend told me, the one who guides you on the way.
ميفيدش الصاحب غير صاحبه اسمع من الصديق
A friend is only useful to his friend, listen to your friend.
قالي في قعدة ضرب حلوه بليل عاملينها
He told me at a hangout, a nice hit at night they're doing.
سالته هاش ضحك قالي بيسه قولتله لممها
I asked him, he laughed, he told me it's easy, I told him, bring it on.
قالي متخفش مش ممكن تدمن من اول شكة
He told me, don't worry, you can't get addicted from the first hit.
اقنعني . بليل فعلا شكيت بيه اول شكه
He convinced me. That night, I actually took my first hit with him.
مفاصلي ساحت وارتاحت وروحي راحت
My joints melted and relaxed, and my soul rested.
بكلم نفسي من جوه وبرغي ومن بره ساكت
I talk to myself from the inside and talk, and from the outside, I'm silent.
همومي شبه تاهت والرؤيه باهت في باهت
My worries seemed lost, and the vision was pale in pale.
كل مشكله كانت عندي في الدنيا ماتت وتاهت
Every problem I had in the world died and wandered.
عدت ساعات في ثانيه لقيت الصحبه قايمه
Hours passed in a second, I found the company standing.
دخلت بيتي وش الفجر عيلتي كانت نايمه
I entered my house at dawn, my family was asleep.
دفنت نفسي تحت البطانيه جسمي متلج
I buried myself under the blanket, my body was freezing.
نمت ف اقل من ثانيه نومه واحد متبنج
I slept in less than a second, the sleep of someone who is numb.
قطر الحياه بيعدي بسرعه
The train of life is passing by quickly.
سنه ف سنه ف سنه
Year after year after year.
وانا زي ما انا لما كان عندي سنه
And I'm the same as I was when I was a year old.
هيا هيا الحياه . هو هو دا انا
This is life. This is me.
زهقت طهقت من الحياه . تقدر تقول مليت
I'm tired of life. You could say I'm fed up.
خلتني كنت رجعت تاني للواقع والعكننه
It made me go back to reality and awkwardness.
عدي النهارردا بطئ كانه كام شهر او سنه
This day is passing by slowly as if it were a month or a year.
نفسي النهار يعدي بسرعه واضرب تاني
I want the day to pass quickly and I hit again.
هرجع ملك زماني بعيد عن العالم
I will be the king of my time, away from the world.
خلوني اضرب معاهم كل يوم وبتعزم
Let me hit with them every day, and I'm being invited.
خلاص دخلت السكه والطريق بيترسم
I've entered the path, and the road is being drawn.
فاجئني صحبي ف يوم قلهالي في وشي خف تعوم
My friend surprised me one day, he told me to my face, swim lightly.
اجيب فلوس منين ليا وليك نضرب كل يوم
Where do I get money for me and you to hit every day?
شخشخ جيبك يا من قعدتنا دي تكون محروم
Shake your pocket, you who are sitting with us, be deprived.
من النهارده مفيش ضرب ببلاش . مفهوم مفهوم
From today, there is no free hitting. Understood, understood.
روهت وتاني يوم في معاد الضرب جسمي اتكهرب
Rohyth, and the next day, at the time of the hit, my body was electrified.
كرابيك في ظهري ومنخيري سايله وبتسرب
Cramps in my back, and my nostrils are runny and leaking.
عاوز اضرب ومنين اجيب فلوس منين اجيب فلوس
I want to hit, where do I get money, where do I get money?
بدات استلف من كل اللي اعرفه وادوس
I started borrowing from everyone I know, and I'm pushing.
وحتي اخواتي خدت منهم ياما فلوس دروس
And even my siblings, I took a lot of their tuition money.
كله كرهني وبيهرب مني لاني بتاع فلوس
Everyone hates me and runs away from me because I'm a money person.
خمسين جنيه في خمسين في ميه في ميه
50 pounds in 50 in 100 in 100.
بسرق يوماتي فلوس من البيت وكله شك فيا
I steal money from the house every day, and everyone suspects me.
نزلت بعت كل حاجه جاتلي في يوم هديه
I went down and sold everything I got as a gift one day.
خلصت فلوس لحد في يوم ماجاتلي فكره هيه
I ran out of money until one day I got an idea, it is.
هيا . دهب امي وموبايل اختي ولاب توب اخويا
It is. My mother's gold, my sister's mobile phone, and my brother's laptop.
سرقتهم نزلت اهرب من البيت وقفني ابويا
I stole them, went down to run away from the house, my father stopped me.
حاول يمنعني مسكني من ايدي جامد زقيته
He tried to stop me, held my hand tightly, pushed him.
اتخبط في الحيط وبصلي ازاي ابنه واذيته
He hit the wall and looked at me, how his son hurt him.
خد مني كل حاجه وتربس الباب غضب
He took everything from me and locked the door angrily.
ساعتها طلبت اغرب حاجه ممكن تطلب
At that time, I asked for the strangest thing you could ask for.
عاوز فلوس حالا يا اما هرتكب جريمه
I want money now, or I will commit a crime.
اتهمني بالجنون واداني كام شتيمه
He accused me of insanity and gave me some insults.
ببان كل الاوض بتتفتح عيلتي بتتفرج
All the doors of the rooms are opened, my family is watching.
لسه بيستوعبوا يمكن دا جد يمكن بنهرج
They are still realizing, maybe this is serious, maybe we are joking.
سحبت بنت اختي 3 سنين ناحيه شباك
I pulled my niece, 3 years old, towards the window.
هاتوا الفلوس لارميها فجاه زاد الارتباك
Bring the money, I'll throw her, suddenly the confusion increased.
امي بكت بحرقة قدامي . فقت لثواني
My mother cried bitterly in front of me. She died for a few seconds.
رمتلي فلوس وبصوت عالي . مشوفش وشك تاني
She threw money at me and in a loud voice. I don't want to see your face again.
امشي ملكش ام يا ابغض من شيطاني
Walk away, you don't belong to me, you are more hated than Satan.
خدت الفلوس وجريت عارف مش راجع بيتي تاني
I took the money and ran, knowing I wouldn't be back home again.
قطر الحياه بيعدي بسرعه
The train of life is passing by quickly.
سنه ف سنه ف سنه
Year after year after year.
وانا زي ما انا لما كان عندي سنه
And I'm the same as I was when I was a year old.
هيا هيا الحياه . هو هو دا انا
This is life. This is me.
زهقت طهقت من الحياه . تقدر تقول مليت
I'm tired of life. You could say I'm fed up.
خسرت كل اهلي وصحابي بقيت وحيد
I lost all my family and friends, I became alone.
ومنين هجيب فلوس لازم القي طريق جديد
And where will I get money from? I have to find a new way.
فجاه افتكرت جار من سني ساكن لوحده طول عمره
Suddenly I remembered a neighbor my age who had lived alone his whole life.
ابوه في اعاره بره مصر وشهري فلوس يبعتله
His father is on assignment abroad, and he sends him money every month.
شديته زي ما اتشديت انا لنفس الطريق
I pulled him like I was pulled to the same path.
لقيت مصدر فلوس جددي وبيته لقيت صديق
I found a new source of money, and in his house I found a friend.
نضرب سوي بفلوسه وفي بيته ملناش ظهور
We hit together with his money, and in his house we have no appearance.
شقا سنين ابوه خلص كله في اربع شهور
The misery of his father's years ended in four months.
وفي ليله بنضرب جاتله مكالمه مصدقهاش
And one night, while we were hitting, he got a call he couldn't believe.
ابوه عرف ان ابنه بيسرقه اتنقل انعاش
His father learned that his son was stealing from him, he was transferred to the hospital.
كل عصب في جسمي اتوتر . زودت الجرعه اكتر
Every nerve in my body was tense. I increased the dose more.
الجرعه المعتاده خلاص مبقتش تأثر
The usual dose is no longer effective.
شريط حياتي بيتعرض قدامي لخبر فاخبر
The tape of my life is being shown in front of me, piece by piece.
ضربت سنجه في عروقي زودته اكتر واكتر
I hit a vein in my arm, increased it more and more.
نفسي افني واخلص من الدنيا زي الميه اتبخر
I want to disappear and be done with the world, like water evaporating.
كمان زودت سنه جسمي كله اتلون اصفر
I also increased it for a year, my whole body turned yellow.
صحبي اتفزع قام واتسرع مالك اصفر
My friend panicked, got up and hurried, what's wrong, you're yellow?

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