Roger Mas - La Lluna - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Roger Mas - La Lluna

La Lluna
The Moon
Pare del dia, el Sol dansa amb la Lluna,
Father of the day, the Sun dances with the Moon,
Que era allavors esplèndida com ell;
Who was then as splendid as he;
Sa cara, un temps, com ara no era bruna;
Her face, for a time, was not brown as it is now;
Sos ulls guspirejaven,
Her eyes sparkled,
I era de raigs de l'alba son cabell.
And her hair was of dawn's rays.
Parlaven de son garbo les estrelles.
The stars spoke of her grace.
Los meteors retreien sa rossor,
The meteors blushed,
I, com esbart de cèliques abelles,
And, like a swarm of celestial bees,
Los astres festejaven
The stars feasted
De son jardí l'enlluernanta flor.
On the dazzling flower of her garden.
Al sentir-se lloar de tan hermosa,
Hearing herself praised for being so beautiful,
Esbalaïda deixà caure el vel
She carelessly let her veil fall
Amb què fóra llavors poncella closa,
With which she was then a closed bud,
I un crit de meravella
And a cry of wonder
Féu ressonar la cúpula del cel.
Made the dome of the sky resound.
Lo Sol s'engeloseix, tira a sa cara
The Sun is jealous, he throws at her face
De ses antigues cendres un grapat,
A handful of his ancient ashes,
Que enterboleix sos ulls i l'emmascara:
Which cloud her eyes and mask her:
Astre es quedà la Lluna,
The Moon remained a star,
Mes sense llum, com un carbó apagat.
But without light, like a dying ember.
Des de llavors, com una flor d'obaga,
Since then, like a flower in the shade,
Rodant per les tenebres de la nit,
Rolling through the darkness of the night,
Sempre la Lluna pàl·lida s'amaga
The pale Moon always hides
De l'astre hermós del dia,
From the beautiful star of the day,
Si el troba pels camins de l'infinit.
If she finds him on the paths of infinity.

Writer(s): Roger Mas Sole

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