Romancrew - CHANGE! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Romancrew - CHANGE!

停まるエレベーター 中にはオネエちゃん 探すある部屋
Elevator stops, inside it's a lady, looking for a particular room
そこには俺が待ち構え正座 とても落ち着けない 大当たり期待しどうかなりそう
There I waited on my knees, couldn't calm down, hoping for a jackpot, I'm about to crack
到着のベル すぐドア開ける まさに愕然 大ハズレ
Arrival bell, I open the door, and I'm shocked, it's a total miss
おい神様 ハナコ〇マダみたいなの来ちゃったよ CHANGE!
Oh God, you brought me something like Hanako Mada, CHANGE!
パイオツよし! ツーケーよし! てな体に顔はマエダ〇ツコ
Great tits! Great a**! But her face looks like Maeda Atsuko
奇跡ってこんなとこにあるの 海綿保安隊バスターコール発動
Miracles are in these kind of places, Sea Sponge Security Team, Buster Call activated
キャミや髪からいい匂い しちゃいそうだよ 君に恋
Your camisole and hair smell so good, I'm falling for you
だけど背中に見事な錦鯉 泳いでるってもう泣く泣くCHANGE!
But on your back, there's a beautiful Nishikigoi swimming, I have to CHANGE!
Errr, is your name Erika? Nah, I don't know you
けどどっかで見たことあるような ないような
But I feel like I've seen you somewhere before, or not
まいっか もしかしてあのコンビニで働いてたことってある?ない
Whatever, did you work at that convenience store? No
あーそうか ってかあー、あいつの うわ~ CHANGE!
Oh, I see, so you're, ah, what was her name, ah, CHANGE!
Who's next? Kano Kana? Okay, have a seat here
それなりの手つきで氷割って 酒を注ぐ姿は様にゃなってる
Her skilled hands break the ice, pouring the alcohol, she's acting gracefully
だけどよくあるメイクにトーク 何から何まで誰かにクリソツ
But her make-up and talk are so typical, everything about her is someone else
しかもよくある着信音が会いたい会いたいって Shut the fuck up!CHANGE!
And her ringtone, it's so common, "I want to meet you, I want to meet you", Shut the fuck up! CHANGE!
今の政治ってヤバイんだって テレビが言うからそうなんだって
The current politics are dangerous, the TV says so, so it must be true
あの曲って超ヤバイんだって みんなが言うからそうなんだって
That song is so awesome, everyone says so, so it must be true
ちょっとキミキミ Who are you?それこだわり?それとも呪縛??
Hey you, what are you? Is that obsession or addiction?
Examine the information yourself, or so the TV said! CHANGE!
あ~あ ほんと世の中バカばっか メディアに踊らされるバカばっか
Ah, this world is full of idiots, dancing to the tune of the media
情報は自分で吟味しろ って2ちゃんに書いてたよ CHANGE!
Examine the information yourself, that's what 2channel said, CHANGE!
警察不祥事 教師が不祥事 政治家不祥事のこの世の不条理
Police misconduct, teacher misconduct, politician misconduct, this world is absurd
だけども変にすねずに前進 明日は天気 気持ちをCHANGE!
But don't be silly, move forward, tomorrow is a new day, CHANGE your mood!
And those who say that so easily, I'll CHANGE them with a mean look, CHANGE!
No, I'll CHANGE you, hey, you CHANGE! No, no, no, CHANGE!
停まるエレベーター 中にはオバちゃん 中にはオバちゃん?CHANGE!
Elevator stops, inside it's an auntie, inside it's an auntie? CHANGE!
I don't quite understand the meaning of the word, but she's confident, so CHANGE!
同点の9回裏 二死満塁 サヨナラのチャンスに代打オレ
Tied in the bottom of the ninth inning, bases loaded, pinch hitter me
ドンピシャで芯食ってグランドスラム ただベース踏み忘れてCHANGE!
Hit a grand slam, but forgot to step on the base, CHANGE!
不調のサインはチートイ風 ペンチャン来なくていいのに来る
Signs of a slump: too many Chiitoi, Penchan coming when they're not supposed to
たいてい絶好のリーチ後に振る もう沼は勘弁 席順CHANGE!
Always reach Mahjong after an unbeatable hand, I'm sick of this, CHANGE seats!
おばあちゃん 地デジカは動物園にはいませんよ
Grandma, there are no zoos on digital terrestrial TV
This TV is old, it's time to CHANGE to a new one!
石の上にも3年の精神で初志貫徹 あいててウソCHANGE!
The spirit of three years on a rock, persistence, it's a lie, CHANGE!
春は旅立ちの季節です さぁみなさん朗らかにCHANGE!
Spring is the season for departures, everyone, let's CHANGE with a smile!

Writer(s): エムラスタ, 将絢, Ali-kick

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