Romancrew - ロマンティック Is Dead - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Romancrew - ロマンティック Is Dead

ロマンティック Is Dead
Romantic Is Dead
待ち合わせの時刻にぴったり 来たのに奴は現れないいったい
Time of rendezvous came and went, but he never showed. I wondered what had gotten into him
どうしたってんだ奴は時間に 遅れるなって俺に言ったし
Didn't he tell me punctuality is important? Said, "Don't you dare be late."
思えば先週の電話は 落ち込んだ声におれは変だな
Come to think of it, last week's phone call was odd. He sounded depressed.
なんて思いながら受話器置いて そして今日まだ来ない遅いです
I just thought it was weird and hung up, but he still hasn't shown up today. This is so late.
奴は来なかった 何年ぶりかの再会は果たせなかった
He never came. We were supposed to reunite after all these years.
奴の名はロマンティック 死んだなんて信じれなかった
His name was Romantic. I couldn't believe that he was dead.
ロマンティック is dead dead dead
Romantic is dead dead dead
それはRomanticの歩んだストーリー ヤツの歴史が示すとおり
That is Romantic's life story, his history shows it.
M.U.S.I.CとのFallin¥ Love から始まるよくあるストーリー
His love story with M.U.S.I.C began as it often does with Fallin¥ Love.
Loveはまず 上手くいくもんさ トントトントン拍子でDon¥t Stop
Love often starts out well, things go swimmingly, nothing can stop it.
こなす仕事は全て金になる まるで世界はヤツの為にある
All his work turns to gold; it seems the world revolves around him.
困る事ない衣食住 子供を作りゃヒットする
No worries about food, clothing, or shelter. Even his children become hits.
なんて順風満帆 湯水のごとく浴びるシャンパン
Everything goes like clockwork, he showers in champagne.
幸せそうに笑ってたってさ 浪漫がそこに成り立ってたのさ
He may have seemed happy, but romance was all there was.
I don't know what happened to him after that.
Romantic is where?
Where is Romantic?
ロマンティック is dead dead dead
Romantic is dead dead dead
あぁあぁ、俺も知ってるよそいつ ロ、ロマ、、なんつったっけ? あの※※中
Oh yeah, I know him. What was his name again? What was it... one of the romantics?
ここらじゃ誰もがヤツ見てこう言う「小汚ぇツラ見せるな F※※k you!」
Around here, everybody who sees him says: "Get your dirty face out of our sight. F ※※k you!"
昔は景気良かったらしいけど ここ来た時にはもうその日暮らし
They say he used to be rich, but by the time he got here, he had nothing left.
自分が誰かも分からず ただ人の使い古しで賄う
He didn't even know who he was anymore. He was just a pawn in somebody else's game.
それしか出来ず小銭を稼ぐ 奴が言うには「世界が間違ってる!」
That's all he could do, earn a few pennies. And he'd say, "The world is wrong!"
それを言っちゃおしまいよ やはり生き残りたきゃ媚びないと
That's the end of it. If you want to survive, you have to suck up to people.
とかくよくある大人の事情で 儲かる音楽はどこかの便乗
It's the usual story about adults and their reasons. The music that makes money is just following the trend.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen him around lately.
Sorry, but you've got the wrong guy.
ロマンティック is dead dead dead
Romantic is dead dead dead
And after that day we were supposed to meet, I waited for your call for a long time.
いつまで経ってもかかってこなかった 胸騒ぎおぼえた時から訪ね周った
But it never came. I started to get worried and went looking for you.
The music you created is still alive in this world.
どこ行っちまってんだって、おい! 笑う奴はおれにかかってこい
Where the hell did you go? Hey! If you're laughing at me, come at me!
Eventually, I found your address and went there right away.
部屋は例えりゃ悪徳ピンサロ これで全てが納得いったよ
Your room was like a dirty massage parlor. Now it all made sense.
待ち合わせには来れないさ 死んじまったら来れないさ
You couldn't make it to our meeting, because you were dead.
生ゴミ臭いボロいベッドの上 天国へも飛べないさ
You died in that garbage-smelling, broken bed. You couldn't even go to heaven.
冷たくなった奴の頭の上 でかい文字で壁に落書きが
There was graffiti written on the wall above your cold head.
どこか悲しく だが笑顔こぼれるその落書きは
It was sad, but it made me smile. The graffiti said,
"With Love, Instead of Romance." Are you serious?
ロマンティック is Dead
Romantic is Dead

Writer(s): Curtis Mayfield, . Emurasta, . Shouken, . Ali-kick

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